Unemployment pays a minimum of $600/week now

>Unemployment pays a minimum of $600/week now

>As an essential retail worker I work full time assisting the public for minimum wage which pays $600/week

>I risk getting the virus every day for half the amount of money as people who are getting paid to sit on their ass at home

Am I the only one who thinks this is seriously fucked?

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I meant to say minimum wage full time job pays $300/week.

Half the pay as Unemployment with 100 times the risk. This is fucked.

you wageslaves are so fucking stupid. i am literally collecting unemployment and disability right now while living with my richfag parents.

Should have got a real job then

Actually 900$ a week to sit on my ass

I'm too paranoid to work while collecting disability. The govt checks every fucking hour you work and shit

It's a moral hazard. All my employees want to laid off now, although they make much more than that

Literal niggers can figure out how to lose their jobs in such a way as to collect unemployment, if it bothers you that much contact a jewish NGO for instructions.

Haha... retard.


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I could start acting like a total nigger to everyone at my job and get myself laid off....but I don’t know..my parents raised me to believe that’s wrong, that a man should do good work to benefit society and earn his living and not be a leech off the nanny states tit.

No, in fact, I just started a thread about it, and it got completely deleted by mods, not just archived.

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>go to psychologist
>claim your schizophrenic
>claim your workplace is triggering schizophrenic episodes
>go on unemployment
I honestly do have schizophrenia, I stopped taking Prozac (schizo pills) since I was a kid
My workplace makes me paranoid, I’ve really been considering to pull the mental health card & go on disability.

oh user, you need to get fired...
>instead of firing you they just put you on schedule one day a week
>haha user you are still on payroll and cant get unemployment...
>employer doesn't provide PPE
>quit because of dangerous job at no pay
>HAHA user no unemployment for you

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You know what you need to do

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Just stop going to work bro. What's the worst thing that can happen? Society collapses?

>file unemployment and complaint with labor department
>you were abused,bullied, and abused at your job and you tried everything but they wouldn't make accomodations

enjoy your checks, bonus points for hiring a disability lawyer who you only pay if you win and go after them.

This is called a constructive termination, is illegal in the US, and will qualify you for unemployment benefits.

>get a big red stamp in your medical file
>get banned from owning guns
>get involuntary committed to a psych institution for doing something ‘irrational’ (like telling the truth about conspiracies etc)
>get banned from having a pilots license
>get banned from having certain jobs, police, military, national security etc.

No thanks.

problem with welfare is unless you don't already have a job, you're more secure in the long run by keeping your job as there's a hoard of hungry hungry pajeets that would want your job and the welfare payments are only that amount until this blows over


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What a fucking little cuck boi

So what price is your dignity?

I could make fun of you to your face but you wouldn't do shit about it because your spirit is like an impotent and shrunken penis

oh wow they are doing this to someone I know im going to call them about this

>>get banned from owning guns
You are only banned if you have been INVOLUNTARILY committed to a mental institution, you can seek help and even be hospitalized and still own guns.

>get banned from having certain jobs, police, military, national security etc.
Why the fuck would you want to work for the ZOG machine anyway? Fuck police, fuck the military, and especially fuck federal agents. Their heads roll alongside the bankers, corporate oligarchs, Jews, etc.

get fired pleb

It's usually dumbass nigger and spic managers who do this to low-skill positions, it isn't generally pursued because if you get your hours cut putting Reebok's on the shelf you can usually find another similarly shitty job in about 15 minutes.

this should really puss you off. ima neet and I make 52k a year between the va and ssdi

> I stopped taking Prozac (schizo pills) since I was a kid

Prozac isn't schizo pills, its SSRI (antidepressants, anti-anxiety) that they pass out to kids when they don't know what to do with them.

It probably permanently damaged your ability to handle serotonin at the synapse, as if a sociopathic child psychiatrist has any idea what the fuck serotonin even does; there are hundreds or thousands of functions of serotonin depending on the receptor makeup and tissue type ranging from sleep, happiness, sadness, hunger, orgasm, anxiety, anger, delirium, euphoria

Giving manmade designer drugs to developing brains should be punishable by a felony

Sorry to hear it
Don't go back

>ZOG machine
Almost every corporation you work for has a gear/cog in the zog machine, govt jobs are lucrative as fuck, atleast in AUS it is anyway. You get put on a pension payment after x amount of years in service

What's dignified about paying into a system that hates you and wants to destroy you?

Just say you've got a temperature and have to self isolate .

You aren't alone, OP. I'm an "essential" factory worker (every factory here found some loophole to get themselves essential even though they aren't).

I make 18$ an hour, people that got laid off are making 26$ an hour and get to sit at home safe with their families while I bust ass at a factory and risk exposure working with 100+ people every day, and bringing it home to my wife and baby. This is utter bullshit and I'll never vote for the democrats again because of it.

They could have AT LEAST voted in some hazard pay or something so that I was making the same as people sitting at home on their asses doing nothing, bit as usual workers are getting fucked.

I love wagie tears

our system is completely fucked. A couple years ago I was a neet and qualified for state provided medical insurance. I got a job, lost that, they rejected paying my medical stuff, now I have medical bills. What's stopping me from sitting on my ass for dem gibmedats? If I go back to being neet, I'd get medical insurance and neetbucks. How tf is it fair my wageslaving is worse than neetbucks?

The government promoting parasites in the system.

what is this about maxed out benefits being able to re-file?

i exhausted my benefits about 4months ago but i am still "unemployed" . will i now be able to apply for benefits again?

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What they start deleting people need to pay attention to.


>Almost every corporation you work for
What makes you think I work? I was lucky enough to be born into generational wealth, so I never have to wagecuck or participate in this corrupt civilization beyond handing over taxes.

Good goy

shut the fuck up, listen up JACK, I heard lindsey gram on Hannity, which I do take with a grain of salt, they said that people are going to make more money on this stimulus plus unemployment then they would working, so now we have an incentive to not work, It is a bad set up to make people turn into welfare niggers and not work, on the other hand its good to see normal working people and not useless work-less niggers actually getting some tax money for once, this whole concept is especially true in non city areas, where minimum wage is lower and they make less money overall, Lindsey Gram of south Carolina said his stats average income is around 50k a year but this combination of unemployment and Trump bucks stimulus will cause them to make 100k, thats great to see some wealth transfer to the rural white working class instead o city niggers, and white welfare losers but still its a bad incentive which can hurt the working economy if people dont want to go back to work

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This plan is full of bullshit! Most of the wagies taking advantage of this situation were working for restaurants making minimum wage. They couldn't even dream of making $600+ a week. They dont deserve shit!

[Citation needed]

How many different ways can you say the same thing?

I think I'm going to try and just fuck up as much as possible at work so they fire me. I'll make way more on unemployment.

holy shit you think prozac is a legit SSRI? maybe it is but it's not a typical one its just fluoride, yes look up, it just dulls your mind so you stop thinking and stop being sad about shit, its just fucking fluoride haahahah

I see you get the damage and bullshit it is, I meant my reply for the others, I guess

>This is utter bullshit and I'll never vote for the democrats again

Aren't the republicans running America right now? If I'm wrong, apologies but I thought they were. No troll.

>full time @ minimum wage pays $600 a week
nigger what the fuck where do you live

That was a typo I corrected in 2nd post

It’s closer to $300/week

>make $600 a week
>get furloughed
>state pays me $360 a week in unemployment
>fed is now going to pay me $600 on top of that
>50% more money to sit on my ass at home

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Trump should make this right and give a hazard pay to all essential service workers.

>my parents groomed me to be a cuck
wow man you should be forever grateful to them. please be nice to them

The Republican version of the bill only included the 1200$ check for workers. The Democrats rejected this and added a bunch of unrelated shit and added the part that gave jobless people more money than workers, and refused to pass it without this shit. They probably would have got rid of the 1200$ too if they could.

I feel you. My dad is a truck driver so he's essential and yet he gets no support whatsoever. still has to pay bunch of taxes, loans, etc. and gets the same wage even though he's driving through bat flu infested areas and basically taking a huge risk just so bumfucks that sit at home and collect trumpbux can eat food. It's not fucking fair.

Or they should just go to their bosses and ask for it.

Thanks for the explanation.

Demand a raise or stay home.

>This is utter bullshit and I'll never vote for the democrats again because of it.

You're either a nigger, a traitor, or a retard, or some combination thereof, and thus deserve it.

I hope you give your baby corona.

You are fucking wrong you goddamned foreigner why the fuck do you people deign to comment on things you have no idea about

I call bullshit. That's like 32k a year, who in the us is getting that off the government? Nobody would work if the

White privilege

You can't just "stay home", you only get the unemployment if you get laid off. Also, the bosses at most jobs will just laugh if you ask for such a huge raise. They will just tell you to quit then you'll get nothing. You don;t get unemployment if you quit.

To be clear, I didn't vote Democrat before. Guess I should have left out "again" when I meant "ever".

That’s the new Coronavirus unemployment bill for you. Unemployment pays $600/week minimum.

I was asking a question and other user kindly explained how the bill passed with amendments from the democrats. I think we should all try to be nicer to each other during this time. I wish you a pleasant evening.

Just started getting my cindybux, honestly comfy as fuck. Don't think I'm gonna get a job once this is over, just take my gibs and spend my days hiking and fishing.

just do your work slave

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