
What are your thoughts on DMT, I think it’s a very powerful drug that should be only be used if you are in the best place in your life or falling off to get yourself resituated, I took DMT and it showed me some truths I weren’t ready to receive.

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Is this going to be our daily 1 post OP psychedelic shill thread?


lel, have a bump, druggie

i'm a DMT being what's usually called as machine elves currently incarnating on earth in this body here

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>showed me some truths I weren’t ready to receive.
Like what?
I took LSD a dozen or so times and I've been told "we're all part of one greater consciousness experiencing itself subjectively" and that everything that will happen is already written, we're just in the process of going there.

I tried DMT, didn't break through. Still have some on me. Was honestly too scared to try it again because everything started to get "weird". Friend recommended me ayahuasca pills.

It's cool, but I hate when people go off on the "when you die your brain releases DMT" theory, without any proof.

I think DMT should be legal and we should replace the false religion of christianity with DMT-taking

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Does DMT have anything to say about Project Zyphr or Jews in general?

>showed me some truths I weren’t ready to receive.
Like what?