Roughly 49%. Almost 1 in every 2 women you see everywhere, even little girls, either have already killed at least 1 of their babies or will do so in the span of their lifetime. Think about that.
Connor Nelson
post yfw shitting on the crown still happens even in 2020
Official Statement from the President of the United States:
My fellow Americans, during these trying times of the scourge of the corona virus it is imperative that people remember that they should stop caring so much about breast size. This is something that all Americans know in their hearts is the right thing to do.
Why were WE paying for THEIR security in the first place??? They're not even part of the political system of Britain. I can see why we would give security for a foreign diplomat or something.
Mason Lee
>Black leaders supported it at the time They are talking about the crackdown on black crime in the 90s lol
Sebastian Reed
So what did Mike Pence do to earn a reputation of "anti-gay"
Ethan Russell
If Boris saw Russia today, he will do a 180 flip. Jews have ruined nations and they ruined another one.
i think it was mainly his support of "religious freedom" laws as governor of indiana. like supporting bakeries not making cakes for gay weddings and stuff like that.
Brody Martinez
> how to JUST your bloodline and name in one easy step Should have gone with a queen-picked thot
Wyatt Gonzalez
Nigger you already got btfo with this response in the other thread
Like thirty years ago he gave a small donation to someone connected to someone connected to someone connected to someone who in the 1950s was one of those people who thought electrocution could "cure homosexuality".
Robert Martinez
Pretty much all of Harry’s exes are better looking than the mutt he married.
Hunter Baker
All these governors seem to be shitting themselves that they actually have to do something now
>in 1960 the population of white america was 160 million >in 1960 the population of black nigeria was 40 million someone was making this abortion argument last thread and others say the two are unrelated. I'm going to chime in and add that nigeria has very strict abortion laws, and there are MORE abortions in nigeria than in the united states! ONLY WHITES FOLLOW LAW MAKE ABORTION ILLEGAL NIGGERS WILL STILL DO IT
oh i want to hear more about cumos spaghetti that was so bad no one at the meatballs and sausage i think he said?
Josiah Robinson
>failed royalists thinking their blood gives them power in America >when it couldn't even give them power in an actual dominion of the British Crown USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA
Two of the villains from the first Guyver movie. He's got one hell of a look, doesn't he?
Jeremiah Phillips
AND more sheboons of childbearing age will die while getting back alley abortions from Dr Pedrito Soares, while shoving a coathanger up their vag, or while jumping down flights of stairs. It's a win/win
Daniel Anderson
This. Being pro family doesnt make one negatively anti-homosexual person. It just means you think people are better served by traditional family values. Being opposed to the gay agenda and being mindlessly concerned about sodomy among males or generally are different.
Its the same formula the left uses to disparage anyone. If you dont actively encourage your daughter to date blacks, youre a racist. If you dont agree with the ethics of everything Israeli government does, you're anti semite, etc.
You guys do know Trump's numbers will only go down right? More people dead, media upping their blame. Just look at twitter
Anthony Hall
I'm just saying that if people are concerned about trade with China because of the wet markets then that concern can be spread to India. I just want embargos with both countries.
That movie about Gosnell was exceptionally fair. I was expecting a lot of pro-life propaganda and villanizing Gosnell. Instead, it showed how tiny slips in ones ethics could lead an otherwise normal, friendly and even kind man to do monstrous things and actually think he was doing good. Gosnell was not proud of his clinics shortcomings. He just didnt think it was abnormal for an inner city clinic to be so under equipped. Ultimately, he saw it as a medical procedure and didnt morally judge his patients. He was as indifferent to the controversy as they were. To him it was just a job and he honestly thought he was doing them a favor.
Thats what was most striking about the movie, is how utterly normal Gosnell was in every other respect. He was just a tired old doctor doing what he thought the era expected of him.