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Absolutely based.

Bongs eternally BTFO

Serves Harry right for cucking out.

Based, fuck that beta Harry and his alpha goblina golddigger. QE2 is probably ashamed of him.

Greatest Time line Redcoats btfo


good stuff

Based would have been refuse them entrance altogether.

Nah, we hate the ginger bastard and his nigger bitch, this fills us with joy

UK can't stop getting blown the fuck out by the US.


Well no shit. Does anyone actually think we would or should have paid for it? Why the fuck does Orange Cheeto have to virtue signal?

>I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen
Not based and not American.

This is a victory for the UK. This punts the storyline in the acrimonious split direction (she can't use him for status) and Harry to return to the UK and become a pillar of the royal family with a blonde british girl.

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Countdown till Meghan chests on the former Prince now that he has lost all the stairs that drew her to him in the first place


Why the fuck would we pay for the security of some jerkoff royal from another country? I went to school with some prince from some shithole, he got treated like he was nobody just like I’m sure fat boy Kim from Korea did when he was in school out of North Korea

Haha. Serves him right for cucking out and abandoning his family.

Why is Harry such a simp lads? He could have his pick of the most beautiful British girls and he chose to throw everything away for some used up old mutt roastie hag.

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Princess Meghan of America is the one true queen.
Britishes will bow before her and beg for mercy.

I've hated Trump for three years but he is literally fucking BASED the last few weeks

everybody wins

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>some dumb comment about some dumb cunt and a cuck

it's in the constitution. the US goverment can't recognize titles of nibility

I was hoping for an American Heir eventually but not like this. Never like this.

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>it's in the constitution. the US goverment can't recognize titles of nibility
Nah actually in the war of 1812 the kikes removed that amendment.

The true 13th amendment has been hidden.

fucking based

What did he mean by this?

Went to see if it was real

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>psychotic attack
lmao that more describes the actions of harry and meg vs. the crown

>He could have his pick of the most beautiful British girls
Someone post pics of 10/10 bong women for this gypsy so he'll understand.

Why are sjw faggots such drama queens? Everything with them is hysterical over-reactions as a matter of principle. Do they really think this shit attracts people to their side, or is just for the already converted?

They must pay.

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Is this a troll?

>Bongs eternally BTFO
Nah mate
Absolutely delighted
Bout time Hewitts lad struck out on his own

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Go trump Fuck that jew nig abomination and her ginger cuck !!

How does twitter work its always setup

Famous guy (someone might care about)
Some noone fags shitty opinion

No its an Israeli

She's going to run for president when the DNC goes to a brokered convention. Think about it. And she will win - then through marriage, the US belongs, again, to the Britain. She marks off all the boxes for DNC voting.

You've never loved a woman everyone told you was complete poison before, and even knew yourself, but didn't care?

Love is a hell of a drug

You use keywords like these gooklets

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I can't believe it ever crossed their minds Canada or America would pay for their private security? Holy shit how entitled can you be to just assume you can move to a country and their taxpayers will cover your bodyguard costs for you. This is a whole new level of being out of touch, even for royalty. Monarchy was a mistake.

So what does a royal.....do?

Will they run out of money? If so , will I expect Harry to work at the local subway making my sandwiches?

>click literal who's reply to a famous person's tweet
>shows their reply and what they replied to

what else were you expecting? if you look at the original tweet it shows a huge list of replies beneath it. also that "noone fag" is someone that twitter deemed lefty enough to get a blue checkmark, which is a topic of discussion on it's own

You do realise he's not royal don't you?
And that he's the by-blow from Diana slutting around with James Hewitt?

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>Hurrr we're the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
>Moves to Canada
>Moves to LA
>Abandons Sussex, fuck those flyover tards we're goin Hollywood
>Still wants to be called by royal titles

You have to reside in the us for a minimum number of years ro be eligible to run. Its like 7 yrs for congress im sure its more for prez.

I don't understand what the point of this is. Obviously they have to pay for it themselves? Just like any other celebrity pays his own security?

I thought the reason canada paid for their security at all was due to commonwealth memes and that was it

Reminder that THIS is a 10/10 in bongland.

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based, to fuck with the both of em

they're a big royal ambassador whatever the fuck in their mind, so the host country should have to accommodate them

harry and meghan are just pulling a big Quebec by wanting to be separate but retain all the benefits they always had.

he lived his entire life that way, everything always paid for and taken care of, it probably never even occurred to him how much he'd have to fend for himself if he cut ties with the royal family

Lol why are canadians so retarded?

See this He's not royal, he's a Calvary officers bastard ,
It's an open secret in bong land
His mum had an affair with James Hewiit. Harry was born - spitting fucking image

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>Bonged and basepilled

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like we give a shit

yes when they cut ties we stopped paying for their security, so they decided to move to LA but now Trump isn't paying either

>they're a big royal ambassador whatever the fuck in their mind
Are they though? Did they ever demand something like that? Pretty sure when they left the crown they lost that status, and they know it.

Fucking based!

Silence, traitor.
Meghan was the mistake. Prince Harry had every right to have his security paid for abroad, while he was a serving senior Royal, just as we protect foreign Royalty/Leadership when they come to the United Kingdom.
I don't think he's quite realised how much Meghan has taken from him. Dirty cow.


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Canada wasn't ritzy enough for princess Meghan

Good riddance bitch!

He looks more like Charles by the day.
I don't believe the Hewitt story, even if Diana was a slut.

Bluechecks are going even more insaner

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