The government relies on communities to perform the ham radio tests. Communities are no longer performing the tests. They're trying to keep you from being able to legally prep. How the fuck do we get our ham license during this "pandemic"?
Ham radio tests postponed
Just Dont Lmao
License are unconstitutional.
FCC certified tester needs to watch you.
Ham Planet
I'm an Extra class, VEC, ARES, RACES, MARS and FEMA DMAT licensed ham.
>get radio like OP pic
>broadcast as you please without a license
who gonna come find you? You think they're cruising around in FCC tracking vans right now?
why the fuck didnt you get it earlier retard?
If you're broadcasting on MURS frequencies they won't do shit, but don't step on the toes of some ham autist or they might file a report. Literally asked our local ham lord about it and they said no tests going on now.
Tests are gay, I'm not looking to study for a couple of days to pass some bullshit qualifications amongst a bunch of fag nerds.
/comfy/ right now playing with some ft8
its Actually written in the laws that during an “emergency” you don’t need a license. That’s a subjective rule, they are talking about like your boat is sinking or your car is on fire or some short term immediate emergency like that
Very cool user, how much dick do you suck?
Spoken like a chad.
Not a lot lately, the whole social distancing thing.
>trying to prep once the happening is upon you
oh you stupid fucking faggot, I bet you think you'll be able to 'bug out' just in the nick of time, too
You basically need to be in imminent danger of death. If you've been lost in the woods for a few days but still have water that isn't good enough for example.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was going to explode from the gas in my ass but farting a wet one at the mic let me know that I wasn't about to die of corona-diarrhea. Sorry for the wet mic, hams, but I'm feeling much better now, emergency over.
Technician class pleb here
>muh constitution
Imagine you are the Muttican Founding Fathers centuries ago. Imagine you write adocument taht purposefully includes a law to keep your population armed so they may rise up against tyranny.
Imagine th shame you feel as said population is turned into happily bootlicking paypigs that would never ever dream about turning their weapons on Massa, only against each other.
lmao, not being prepped at this point. You'd have to be a fucking retard. Hope you have enough STANAG mags loaded for the looters, user.
Just use my old call sign KB7AXH
>living in an area with niggers who loot
so you didn't prep after all, moving away from the negrified and spic-rich areas is step 1 of prepping
your op post was that you wanted to take it and are now butthurt because you waited too long. dont worry you can take the test before youre 18 though.
>Just use my old call sign KB7AXH
not found
over 30 tho. Not butthurt, just concerned that our rights have been trampled and now we can't legally transmit on the porky pig frequencies.
sorry youre retarded
they're still doing them here. I have to wait till the 14th though. going to get tech lic so I can shittalk with boomers about rigs and get in on the nets on my 146.820 repeater
Find an Amateur Radio License Exam in Your Area
My mother did say I was "special"
USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam
Would you say your rights are being trampled because you're not able to transmit legally on ambulance dispatch? or fire? we let the police and other people have allocated radio channels so they can have clear communications so they can do the job we pay them for. has the FCC gone too far in raping our rights? yes, but letting the police have some channels is not a big deal.
Probably going to cancel. My club isn't even considering holding another VE until July at the earliest.
I have noticed a huge uptick of callsigns I have never heard before on my local repeaters. Lots of "XX0XXX, with an equipment test, does anyone copy?" on the repeaters since we went into lock down.
How did you get this nonsense from that post? Be honest. You've been upset and were waiting for an opportunity to seethe but you picked a poor one.
well something like 70% of techs never transmit, and since they have nothing else to do.
What about all the frequencies those niggers aren't using? I have no problem with the police and amberlamps having some frequencies. They're digital anyway. I just want to know that I can talk shit to boomers without being fined half a million dollars by the faggot government who can't even do a quarantine properly.
The FCC search page is down so you can't even find unused call signs to hijack any more.
idk i sent an email off with no response maybe I'll call. idk of hams are checking email, fuckers all have diabetes and prob can't turn on their 2003 emachine
we have a decent allocation. You'd be surprised how much of it is in use. I agree with you though, hams should be able to discern if they are interfering by transmitting.
All the emergency services in my area are still on analog, and i can hear a lot of it. and yeah fuck the government. the bootlicker hams are a giant minority most hams hate niggers and cops and feds
this site seems to be working.
Fuck the state! Just get the HAM radio and roll the dice! I’ve had one since I was a kid and have never had a “license” for it!
Han is fucking gay anyhow. All I hear are boomers talking about how the government should do more to keep people in their houses. Technician class here. Fuck hams.
I love that every ham site looks like it was written back in 1999 with notepad
>Legally prep.
Amazing; like who gives a fuck if it is an actual situation in which you really need to use these things?
Thanks, user. These gatekeeping ham faggots can suck each other off, I'll just repeat their callsign back to them.
ok glownigger, I'd rather follow the law as I'm not a nigger
Anyone else in the greater Los Angeles area interested in starting a far right low power FM station?
No, you just larp about muh constitution while professing your undying love and loyalty for the people who use it as toilet paper for decades
Nigs wouldn't know how to use a radio anyway.
B+ license here.
Shut the fuck up, Hans.
lol based
I am tired of low power FM being dominated by communists.
I'd love to see a nigger tx on a 2m duplex NIGGA WACHU MEAN OFFSET DAT NIGGAS A RAPPER
do it and record I need a laugh
That sucks.
I got my extra in February in anticipation of this though because I am smart.
Tests can be administered via video feed. I know, it was question on the test I just took.
Based and wittyhambanterpilled.
I love the infamous L.A. 435 repeater.
I got one as well for europe but no idea how to program one of them, been busy with other things. All of the options in the menu I can easily google but I feel like to need to actually study this.
I've looked into this. You have to be very low power, but in LA you'd still reach a few thousand people at least.
You aren't going to make it, user.
>FCC tracking vans
You literally don't need a license, I have a ham radio and no license.
ham memes are a thing?
I'm an unlicensed American, bootlicker
462.725 has quite a bit of traffic in the Pasadena area.
If you don't dick around on the repeaters and just simplex with your buddies while LARPing for the Civil War, no one really cares.
Why do I need to take some gay ass test about circuits to push a fucking button on my $20 radio?
Find your local boomer ham and raid their house