Sexless men 2: electric boogaloo

Sexless men 2: electric boogaloo
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The key problem of incels is that they don't really want sex. In fact they're mostly sexually satisfied with jerking off, and the main problem that makes them butthurt is the pressure of society and low status.
I mean, come on, if you really have sex drive, there's no way you'd stay a virgin in your twenties. You can save up and pay a prostitute, you can try hooking up with the most disgusting slag in your local bar, or even deal with a single mother for a while to have access to her pussy.
But instead of doing any of that, incels keep jerking off in their homes. It's not that they're complete coomers, but their sex drive is either low and can be easily satisfied by fap, or deformed and now they desire not to have sex with a woman per se, but to look at her pictures.
Why do so many men suddenly don't want to have sex anymore?
Obviously, higher estrogen in environment is pretty obvious and was discussed a lot.
What's less obvious is extreme socializing influence in media. From a certain point of time (I'm not sure, but I think it around 80's), most children started getting their experience on human interactions from watching movies, playing videogames, and reading books, not from their own interactions. And modern media is extremely destructive for a healthy man-woman dynamic.
I'll focus on content for boys and men here, but girl-focused media is another huge can of worms.

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So, what do we have here?
* A lot of male protags are single well in their thirties, and they're not womanizers - and if they are, they're mostly ridiculed by the writers
* These single male protags don't even try to engage in relationships with women around them
* If they do end up with a girl, it's handled so half-assedly by the writers that it feels forced and unnatural
* If somehow the protag is married, his marriage is most likely extremely dysfunctional, or he's already divorced
* Dysfunctional families in general are much more common than functional in media
* And if the media for men is somehow focused on building a relationship - the protag usually has to do some feats to please the woman
In short: most men in movies, vidya etc are either sexless (as in don't have a biological sex) or ridiculed and punished for their sexuality. And if you grow being force fed this bullshit, it's no surprise your sexuality is non-existant.

Have you noticed anything else that factors in this problem?

videogames are a big factor
I can just drift away for 12 hours per day if I want doing absolutely fucking nothing, my dopamine receptors be fried yo

Generally, I don't think sexlessness is a problem at all. I've had sex, but I don't really miss it despite high libido.

It would be good if we could discourage sex in general, and encourage high birth rates only among the genetically gifted.

The way I see it, obedient is likeminded. If she isn't obedient then she doesn't see things the way I do.

If you want sex just get a whore.

Men can't start good families anymore due to population control programs, incels are just popcon'd surplus males. It's that simple.

Is there any research on this? I see wannabe biohackers throwing the word "dopamine" around a lot but there's a lot of confusion among the public how does it actually work

>if you really have sex drive, there's no way you'd stay a virgin in your twenties
I beg to differ. Some things are just still sacred for some people even in this accursed present, and that should be left at that, not stigmatized like a freak.

Shut up nigger. I'll give my life for the fucking cause so stop trying to take away what little sanity I have left by tempting me with vaginakikes.
if ur such a hotshot why dont u take care of all the reproducing huh?

What are other population control techniques? Looks like nobody debated my description of media programming.
Also there's the whole ordeal with marriage laws.
Anything else?


it's the same rush you get chasing women
you just don't remember it anymore because you don't remember what you felt when you first started playing vidya

The technocrats are fools; bastards, forgeiners and single men destablize societies. Disenfranchised men have to be brought into society else they will replace it with their own or leave it altogether, they need to have a stake in the future.

>All mens fault
>Men are pathetic
Whatever. All day every day incel incel incel. I get it--if I don't have sex I'm worthless, what more do you want--me as food or a doorway perhaps? You cunts will never be happy.

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Dopamine has an inverse relation to prolactin... low dopamine means high prolactin. High prolactin means high estrogen levels and low testosterone levels.

That is far from true IRL. It's difficult to be incel if you go partying a lot, do drugs, and partake in other degenerate activities.

Gynocentric take

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Killyourself simp faggot

dude, hypergamy is literally everywhere. This isn't even speculation--like every dating website overwhelmingly proves this very point.

Hypergamy is literally the norm--do you even pay attentionto the behavior of wemon in packs? it's like a contest: they pick a guy and they all hunt him like a pack of jealous wolves.

The solution is Sex bots.

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Marriage laws, family courts, LGTBBQ, work/school rules, STDs, propgranda, infanticide and chemicals in the water are the big ones.

Always remember, money's primary purpose is to control the population's energy.

Killing yourself over a woman is the ultimate cuck.

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Ok, point me to the exact phrase in the op post where I blame men. I'm waiting.

Holy shit, half of the retards here can't read and get triggered by keywords.

>>bite the bullet
'spin' two or three (looks-scale) '2's or '3's
play the game. Self improve. Upgrade or get "your turn" with occasional 4,5,6s ...
pussy is there, you just need to date down


>dating sites

Almost irrelevant.

As evidence to the contrary, I have literally worked as a model and I haven't fucked that much. I have hyper-NT acquaintances who have 2 new girls every week despite looking like garbage.

Women typically choose men based on what kind of lifestyle you can provide them. Most men do not live a lifestyle women want, thanks mostly to hollywood fanasties and adverts about lifestyles.

Men should engage in social hobbies, learn to handle a drink and hold a conversation. All incels do is psych themselves out of pussy. I want to punch them in the face. Just put your dick in a puss. It’s actually that simple.

>social hobbies

That's cucked, just go to bars/clubs.

Why do you care so much?

You’re an idiot. If I want to be in a band or play cards I will do that. Your whole problem is simply being woman adjacent and not full of negative energy. The rest is nature.

>The key problem of incels
Incel literally means involuntary celebate--eg CANT get sex.. who's fucking fault would it be?

It's literally IMPLIED by that word.

Men cant get laid because most chicks are chacing the same dudes--the same rich chads.

If a guy cant get laid its because he's poor and/or ugly. I'm thinking you just don't know what you're talking about if you think a womans opinion matters for anything. They just react to males--they have no autonomy. Mostly group think.

>dating sites are a proof of something IRL
what a retard

I don't care for intimacy and i don't like spending money on other people. Women can go fuck themselves.

Nah, nothing natural about dating etc. . It literally never happened before in our evolutionary history, that's why most guys are bad at it.

Dating sites are irrelevant in promoting hyper gamy? you're delusional.

Most guys like this aren’t interested in anything.
Most of them don’t even like women or talking to them. They have an extremely negative view of themselves and the world. They think that nobody has suffered except them, and it’s boring for women. You would be amazed by what you can get by simply getting on with your life, and looking past the idea of bagging a 10 on a fucking dating site. There’s a whole other world out there. My friend was volunteering helping animals and reforestation and met his wife there. I met my gf going to bands. Most of my gfs have been the ‘nice girl who loves music’ archetype. Life is good. I am not a chad, more a Brad.

Do people who make these threads think we’re mad at women? I’m sure not. I just don’t care about them.

There is to much of a risk dating a western woman at the moment and there isn’t a good enough payoff, that’s it. Why would I date a girl who I have to be emotionally closed off to, who could take our kids and half my assets whenever they feel like it, and has emotional and bonding issues from her high body count?

And mind you I don’t blame women. Every aspect of society is basically telling them to go out and party through the years they should be building a family. It would be a hard thing to avoid falling in the numerous pitfalls a woman can until it’s to late and they hit the wall.

Sure it did it just took different forms
Courting, being introduced, ballrooms etc

Only ratchet 2-6/10 girls use them anyway. Beautiful girls don't need them at all, and they barely give a fuck about your looks.

What are families?
What is 'your ex-wife dragging you through divorce court'?
What is 'your cunt ex-wife gaining full costudy of your children and raising them to spite you'?

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Casual sex is boring and heartbreaking, alcohol isn't even a fun drug. Dive bars are disgusting and are the dating apps for boomers.

Most incels are just prudes that read into data too much, when in reality you just need one good loyal woman.

The cause of Inceldom is feminism and hookup apps. Feminism hyper-inflated women's ego and dating apps made them picky to the point where even ugly ones will aim to go for 8/10 and up.

>dating sites promote hypergamy??

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I think he meant that dating sites are not a reflection/indicator of reality but a smoke screen.

Lol, nah, 99.9% of our evolutionary history = you either took her by force or bought her.

Incels don't exist, they are just volcels that are too cheap and lazy to buy a whore, and/or too proud to get a slampig or, worse, a single mom.

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Have you read past the first sentence before getting butthurt? I've listed several ways how you can get laid if you're poor and ugly if you really want to get laid and nothing more. Saving 100 bucks for an escort is not difficult even if you're piss poor.

Go back

literally go outside and have sex
its not even remotely difficult

>Dating sites
You're irrelevant.

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I'm mad at the technocrats who created this mess. No one can start strong families anymore, even Chads-- and it's intented.

The game was honked from the start.

>involuntary celebate
your retarded if you actually believe that incels are real. they are just as real as mx. non-binary. eg. not real.
>caring about what women think.
They don't think. They are purely emotional beings. if you want to satisfy a woman or get a girlfriend, just play to their emotions.

reported for looks shaming
ugly doesn't exist.. female '4's, '5's can pull simp'7's and take side D from random horny Chad and Tyrone

>met online
>dating sites

Not the same. It's mostly insta/snap etc. .

Not true, even jerking off lost its fun, I just feel frustrated I'm impregnating a screen afterwards, I've stopped it altogether and come to accept I'll die a virgin. I'll die a virgin, who would want me? Socially inept 29 yo fucker who never had a job in his life and lives with his parents? No diploma, no skills? I still had hope a few years ago, but now that I'm nearing 30, shit's hitting really hard, reality is hitting really really hard, I just wonder how did this happen, and I can't find answers.


I spent years as a performer hanging out with model tier acrobats and ballet dancers.

Many of them certainly did ride the cock carousel even though they were giving it away because of insecurity and a fatherless home.

I don't know about gemany but in the US it is much much more common than you seem to be exposed to.

Who said anything about that? Why does going out and watching a band give you alcoholism? Most incels are just hyper autists afraid of experiencing external stimuli they can’t control and that’s what renders them poor dating material. They think life is an endless crying, shitting, sleeping and gaming cycle. Why should anyone care about someone like that? People are self selecting to be genetic dead ends. I could have listed a hundred other activities and you’d have shot them down.

As for western women, it’s best to find the most sensible one you can and not so much pick ideological fights as just be honest about what you believe. If you’re hitting tour targets in other areas of the relationship even someone as fickle or easily lead as a woman is going to see a contrast with the sad thots she still knows.