Why are protestants so antisemitic?

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Uhh because they were based?

Virgin self loathing

Because muslims hate jews


Man calvin is just luther with a moustache absolute madman.

If prots are antisemitic, why are almost all prot churches worshipping Israel?

>implying protestants and catholics didn't murder each other en masse for centuries

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Protestants then:

Protestants now:
>women, LGBT and atheist clergy
>gay marriage
>islamic prayer space in church

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All Christians were anti Semitic up
Until turn of the last century

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They got psychoped big time.

Why do you make an assumption without concrete evidence?

they understood our god is lucifer.

It's not even a protestant thing, is a christian thing. Accept it, your religion has failed, it's time to move on

England was Protestant and had Jewish masters with a Jewish prime minister the random.politcal flingings based on feelings then reeled back to the base of the religion is natural you'll always be more cucked to Jews with a Jew religion than without .

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Mudslimes actually respect Jesus more than most "Christians"

that our god is lucifer or that they understood that ?


near the very end, the jew harold roensthal admits it

Jews worship Yahweh or Elohim the same god of Christians in the old testament, the feelings of illiterate Christians who know next to nothing of.the.religion doesn't mean that the educated spiritual Jews educated in true Judaism(Christianity) were anything but allies and students to Jews

>it's time to move on
You sound like some kind of left-wing bitch.

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w-what? everytime im on pol i see slavshits or mutts saying how germany ruined (((christianity))) because they went protestant

He is not an authority on Judaism

no, we don't.

he's they most honest jew you'll ever hear.

and Muslims didn't?

I say what Hitler would have said. Desert kike religions should not be allowed in a white Nation

sweet sweet words
DOTR when?

modern protestants are literally jew dick suckers

who cares about a bunch of idiots from years ago

Honesty or not he has no evidence proving his claims.

Cromwell, who was a (((puritan))) let them back in.



I don't really care if you believe it or not.

we forgot our god and accepted the fallen angel


Jews worship themselves
Christianity is the only true faith.

Hitler talks about god in Mein Kampf all the time, commie rat

Because after luther asked the KIKES to HELP HIM on his struggle against the Church in Germany,the kikes refused to help him and then he speared out on them.
But the (((pr*testant))) will never tell you this part of history.

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How does this prove Christianity?
Jews worship Yahweh.

Of course we did. You guys in islam don't also purge your heretics?

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>hates jews
>worship a jew
Make up your minds christcucks!

Wrong. No Catholic or Orthodox Church has women or fag priests(the closeted ones are "advised" to step down from priesthood at least).
Also no islamic prayer bullshit.


All a Jew has to do to get people to remain bound to Christianity is insult Christianity and oppose it.

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If you don't have internal beliefs and reasoning for opposing something then somrone you go against can just lead you to their desire.

For the average nordicist cringe lord on pol/ you're also a desert kike even if you're a fedora atheist.

They aren't, that's the problem. Luther was a philosemite in his early days, it was only after he autisticly taught himself Hebrew and studied Jewish texts during his twilight years that he began to despise them.

If you study all the symbology in judaism you come to the conclusion that jews worship Saturn/baal/moloch/satan whatever you want to call this entity.

Are you jew or palestinian?

would you happen to be evengelical?

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The greater the hatred for Christianity Jews give it the more I celebrate, apploud and smile.

Yahwee was equaled to Saturn and God Baal by the Romans. The reason being that all three Gods were considered pity and demanded human sacrifices (Saturn ate his own sons to prevent them from usurping his throne, Baal demanded child sacrifices and Yahwee probably did something similair. Saturn and Satan sounds very similair but what do I know.

based and SOLAS pilled

>Jews worship Yahweh or Elohim
if jews worship something there is a six gorrilion percent chance that that something is a malevolent entity

i have for the longest time believed luther was possessed by satan. have you read his table talks?? “I’m like a ripe stool and the world’s like a gigantic anus, and we’re about to let go of each other.” nigga was messing around with butthole demons.

this old debunked trash
go away, sven

Hellenic gods banned human sacrifice as barbaric and one of the treatise of Hellenics with Baal worshipers is for them.to ban child sacrifice.

Yes or Jahbulon (Yahwee=Baal=Osiris=Saturn)

>t. desert kike from moorspain

>if jews worship something there is a six gorrilion percent chance that that something is a malevolent entity
Christians worship a malevolent entity?
Have you read the old testament?

Prejudices are built on real life experiences

maybe hes a top level jew convert. i think when they convert to Christ they're pretty solid converts.