Can we cool it with the Anti Chinese racism? Is it really fair to blame 1 billion people. As white Male I stand with the Chinese.
Enough with the China hate
When this is over I want to see 300% tariffs on all Chinese goods for the rest of history
That's fair. China is a huge place and the people on the east and west sides are as different as Scots and Italians.
Let's just say that all the Chinese in government and positions of power are subhuman trash, plus any that you encounter in your online games
>as a white male
Faggot confirmed. Sage
>shocking newz twitter is flooded by shills
Oh look its another MAGA fag LARP thread
China is under the control of the Communist party of China.
If the CPC had the power, They would put all of us in concentration camps and harvest our organs.
Fuck the CCP. It's not worth defending and frankly there should be more hate towards it
>Can we cool it with the Anti Chinese racism?
chinese aren't a race because bugs aren't human and therefore aren't a race
Fuck you. Nuke China.
China MUST pay reparations for the coronavirus bioweapon atrocity in the following amount:
a) 3000 USD to every private citizen outside of China
b) 1 million USD per citizen to every nation state outside of china
To be paid for a period of 80 years until January 1st 2100 AD.
I doubt the speech is racism or hatespeech. It is probably people calling out China on their lies and bullshit
Fuck you. China must be charged with crimes against humanity.
I have it too,
the nasty buggeroo,
the lack of breath is terrifying,
it feels a lot like dying.
It's only the flu?
Said who?
Be prepared,
get your lung volume squared.
You are not afraid?
after all Corona gets you laid.
Don't be a fool,
soon you won't even smell your stool.
Chink chonk malady will strike as designed,
like a bioweapon and clintons hitman combined,
it will start with ill chills,
and best case end with large medical bills.
Inbetween life is like hell,
on that evil slant eyed ccp spell,
wuhan virus is no joke,
and if survived you're likely broke.
My dear fren I hope you get well soon,
or don't get this bug of smelly chinese baboon,
be save user whereever you are,
and let's nuke the chinese with bombs like the tsar.
Only 900%? I expected more from you Yas Forums.
No. China must be taught a lesson. The news of the coronavirus was known to us and Singapore since July/August from investment arm of China and they hid it until January.
>how did hitler get into power
but on the other hand, chink are super incompetent fighters who got rekt by nearly everyone, so it doesnt matter
>Can we cool it with the Anti Chinese racism?
based as fuck
WTF I love gutter oil, dogs skinned alive, plastic rice, overwhelming pollution, widespread extinction of land and sea life, bio-weapons, and dear leader now!
You fool, the chinese will never stand with a memeflag
Valid and factual criticism is hate speech, goyim. Neva forget!
Fuck you faggot cunt. Fuck chinks. Glass china.
fuck China
Trusting these assholes take on what qualifies as hate speech is very Jewish of you.
>hate speech
I fucking hate americans
>Can we cool it with the Anti Chinese racism?
No. Chinksects skin and boil cats and dogs alive and they seem fundamentally incapable of building a working escalator.
>Chinks lie about a pandemic
>Chinks intentionally spread the disease
>Chink negligence infects the whole world
>Chinks intentionally sell defective medial equipment to those in need
>people hate Chinks
Fuck those slant eye gooks
Fuck China and virus is not real
gee i wonder why
> muh dik
> muh reparations
> muh gibs
This COVID19 is turning people into actual niggers. Next China will put Americans on slave ships lol
I'm glad to have contributed to that number
China has caused this, what they did, how they lied and tried to cover it and now all of a sudden come up with these super pro active ultra lock down processes for people GOING IN TO CHINA...Yet didn't even attempt to lock down people moving around from December onwards, is nothing short of a crime against humanity. The hate speech is well deserved!
>only 900%
Fuck china.
>China causes the shutdown of the world and kills everyone's grandparents.
Please, don't say anything mean about china.
Estonian glownigger
>>how did hitler get into power
so we def should charge them reparations.
I find it so fucking hilarious that a bunch of neets manage to beat cointelpro techniques by shareblue, commies, trannies etc. Imagine how fucking powerful we are.
A bunch of retarded autistic virgins managed to topple organizations that are thousands of years old. Jesus was right about the meek inheriting the earth. Lmao what the fuck is this reality.
Let the Cancerous Coronavirus Party die. Fuck them. China has 5k years of history, right? They should have no problem finding a new, less absolutely evil government.
more like "enough with the chinese state"
Bullshit, cliched statement.
Language, religion, cuisine, history...vastly different between Scotland and Italy especially in comparison to China.
>Expecting anything from China to not be total shit
all you have to do is show a few gifs to normies of them beating dogs to death and wa-la
What the rest of the world should start doing is requiring everyone who travels from China to quarantine for a few weeks as a precautionary measure. Since the Chinese govt literally tried to hide the outbreak from the world, we need to take extra precautions for the future.
fuck off commie
death to china
A better one once Beijing is glassed.
>t. chink
it's either that or all the other UN nations coming together and embargoing China for good
total ban on all goods, services and people coming in or out of china, to be enforced by US navy, NATO allies and even Russia sinking any attempts by chinkoid ships to break the blockade
no link meme flag sage motherfucker
>>>>>>>hate speech
Also funny thing is that all it took was actual freedom of speech. Lmao.
>A report from L1ght, a company that specializes in measuring online toxicity, suggests there has been a 900% growth in hate speech towards China and Chinese people on Twitter.
>a company that specializes in measuring online toxicity
I wonder what intricate technology they use to conduct the measurment.
I dont think the japanese killed enough chinese.
too bad the chinese can't access twitter, so those people are just shouting at clouds, I wish they could see it and it made them boycott western shit
It's not racism.
It's legitimate criticism of chinese handling of the corona virus.
great digits
sega genesis
Yes! Taiwan number 1!
>Hate speech
If this term had a meaning, so would the headline.
It's not the state that's breeding the next supervirus in cages of bats standing on cages of ferrets. It's the common Chink who needs to pay for this.
Move there.
Also how does such company keep afloat? Who wants to buy such info? Imagine being a company focusing in how many pictures of pigeons get uploaded on the internet per week. What the fuck. I know it's soros and other kike companies like google and fb that need it but fuck me...
Sink the chinks
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 NOT MUH TIBETINO 六四天安門事件 MY HECKING CIA STUDENTERINOS 天安門大屠殺 NOO MY PRECIOUS COUP USEFUL IDIOTINOS 反右派鬥爭 NOT MY RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADINOS 大躍進政策 MY CHINESE PUPPERINOS 文化大革命 STOP BEING PROLETIRINOS 人權 MUH HUMAN RIGHTINOS CIARINOS 民運 DEMOCRATINOS 自由 FREEDOMINOS 獨立 INDEPENDINOS 多黨制 MULTI PARTINOOO NOOO 台灣 臺灣 TAIWANINOS 中華民國 REPUBLICERINO CHININO 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 TIBETINO 達賴喇嘛 DALAI LAMAMINOO 法輪功 NOT MUH SWASTIKA SECTERINOS 新疆維吾爾自治區 MYY HECKING MUSLIMINOS NOOO 諾貝爾和平獎 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE OBAMA 劉暁波 HO LEE FOOK 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 WINNIE MAN BAD PRAISE ORANGE MAN OK 劉曉波动态网自由门
China is a country, not a race. Chinese Virus is not racist, Han Sanitizer is. See the difference?
You aren't allowed to discriminate against people based on nationality in the US, but you can discriminate based on member of the communist party. You can even cite the communist control act.
All Chinese nationals are members of the CCP.
>As white Male
>plus any that you encounter in your online games
they ALL cheat, it's kind of crazy
Bantz against Slantz?
Oy vey, anuddah shoah
White Australian here.
My friend of Asian ethnicity has found racism has increased.
>hate speech
anything that isn't
is hate speech
Not enough
>Han Sanitizer
This will be a ww3 meme
Why twitter shuts down any anti-islamic or anti-semitic posts but lets anti-china and antiasian hate be?
Its almost as if they have some kind of agenda
Glass chinks when?
This chink virus bullshit is their fucking fault, we need to wipe these fucking soulless bugs off the face of this god forsaken planet.
>but muh racism
>but muh feelz
idgaf, you faggots can neck yourselves
Thats what he said you moron
Why is China allowed to be racist and xenophobic and we get crucified for the most pedantic semantics? Hell why does China get away with bio-terrorism and the US has to apologize to the whole world for using the wrong fender pronoun?
gee i wonder why?
what could china have done recently to make most of the world hate their guts?
There's nothing wrong with the Chinese government. Or the Chinese people. It's just a different place. And it's their problem anyway. Their government kicks ass; too authoritarian for my taste, given a choice, but whatever. There's been a steady ramping up of anti-China propaganda over the last year or so from all quarters. It's a thoroughly mainstream thing in the deepest sense.
How much of a percentage increase?
When this is over i don't want there to be any chinks left to produce goods. They contribute NOTHING good to the world and actively destroy it. I hope all of those fucking insects die.
>Rice war now
I now feel a smile coming on
Mostly blacks from the CIA.
nice bait here is your (You)
Those are rookie numbers.
Cookies are for closers.
Nah, fuck China. Fuck chinks. Fuck animal abusing bat eating subhumans who torture and spread disease again and again. Fuck the Chinese. Hope this leads to WW3 with every country vs China and you're wiped off the planet. You're subhuman. You have no emphathy. You don't even have thoughts. You're just soulless robots destroying the world and causing every form of wildlife to go extinct.
Why did the chinese man cross the road?
Because that's the direction the out of control truck was going when it hit him
Why did the chinese man get caught in an explosion?
Because the truck that ran him over exploded
China should be sterilised from orbit, its the only way to be sure...
Western media is cucked by China
Should have let the Japs have a free hand in china.
History is a cruel judge.
Dirty shit-eating psychopats
>There's nothing wrong with the Chinese government. Or the Chinese people.
Except there is Everything wrong with the Chinese government, and Everything wrong with Chinese “people”
>that post
>that meme flag
You're a fucking leaf, aren't you?
Shill fuck off
disapointingly low.
Agreed, if they want to be part of the international economy I need to get their shit straight dirty fuckers
9001% increase tomorrow
I like chinese people but literally death to communism wherever it rears it head
I hope china becomes so badly destabilized that the people revolt, and China can be chill.
Everyone needs to read this. This is the truth about chinks.
"...and that's a good thing"
Let's get that up to 1000%