> Mortality rate 0.79% (mostly shitskins)

> 1 in a million have Corona
> Mortality rate 2.79% (Mostly tourists)

> Mortality of barely 2%
> Barely any cases


United States
> 135k cases and growing
> People are dying like flies

> Close to 100k cases
> Mortality rate of 10%!

Attached: ArnoBrekerDiePartei.jpg (1747x1183, 1.97M)

What I find peculiar is that you omitted the death toll in our swamp German country though

I suspect it's mostly immigrants dying here, but i have no conclusive evidence.


Dutchy over here is in the 90% range

good thing dutchcucks arent aryan

Attached: dutchcuck.jpg (1200x702, 297.86K)


You have 20% immigrants and your country is very small so infections easily spread among them. The average Dutch-cuck is safe

we wuz aryanz n shit man I swear to god man my muthafucken family man I was the ancestors of europe man y-you tellin me dat all that gypsies ain’t brown look at they skin man they brown man like look man we trynna gonna to space n shiet with Vimanas n shit man all these white people look man I aint saying main all these white people be ruining our lives man lu lu lu look mayne my grandma she part Persian man so king Al-Xander man that’s my great great great great grandpa man you tellin me Thor wasn’t brown? all these history books are lyin to you, Shiet sheit shirt man Thor wasn’t white he was brown, the germanics were ruled by brown people. Shiet man i tell u what all these Indian people in India go back to Europe god knows what they gonna be.

Dutch people are generally quite degenerate desu, racemixing is rampant here and the youth only listens to Arab/Morrocan/Negro music and talks a broken down version of Dutch.

Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands all have more coronavirus deaths per capita than the US.

So Iran's 18% mortality rate finally proves that they are shitskins and not aryan?

Attached: 1568839475761.jpg (3790x2201, 1000.19K)

Denmark and Sweden is fairly comparable to the US. Netherlands is escalating due to frequent race-mixing

Attached: 20% of Dutch racemix.png (842x941, 926.24K)

We deserve all of this

I hate reading that, dutch as a language seems to be kinda cutesy in a fun way. At least listening to it as an English speaker.

I love the Dutch, very desirable people. Went to Amsterdam in October 2018 and despite the masses of shitskins, niggers and mutts it was still wholly evident that the native nordic Dutch population were still highly eugenically successful (the ones who didn't miscegenate with goblin orcs I mean). Many good phenotypes were observed.

Attached: 1583776634386.jpg (296x296, 11.63K)

>i suspect

Germany was prepared. Other European countries were not. Thats it.

Shit thread. I know you are a fag. I don't suspect it. I know.

Everybody I know had a bit of coughing and a strange tickling in the lung. The deaths are happening in nursing homes.

We are completely pozzed, literally half of the children under 5 is of ethnic heritage and the funny thing is that after 2 generations the children are marked as "Ethnically Dutch" or "Autochtoon" which means that we don't have reliable stats on the amount of non-whites here...


Iran got hit hard

People in Amsterdam are generally 1-2 points better than looking than the rest of the Netherlands for some reason (big cities attracts beauty?). In the East and (deep) South the people look pretty subhuman desu.

Based. I am mostly British and some German descent anyways. American Anglo Saxon master race. We shall be spared too.

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Only the upper class is and even there it’s not more than 60 percent. Most people there have little actual aryan heritage.

I don't know about coronavirus, but I agree that Germans are basically Indians at this point

Nobody in the Netherlands knows what OkCupid is.

Nice try, you street shitting Australoid. You abos will never be Aryans, not even after spending thousands on skin bleaching cream, like all your celebrities do.

Just because you live in Europe, doesn't make you Aryan you street shitting pajeet

Attached: canucks.png (1120x1156, 962.58K)

The word itself is written in Sanskrit, if we look at the it etymological Indians ARE aryan. I am not talking about the connotations proposed by Hitler or White Nationalists when they speak about "Aryans", esp Americans seem to have a degenerate view on race and use their own labels for "white".

There are like max 10 Indian people in the Netherlands. I have literally never seen one IRL here.

thank god for my racist ancestors here in mutt land.


You just proved you're Indian. Fuck off pajeet

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Nope, they are not. Aryans left India long ago and moved to Russia and some European country

Attached: 8647EF33-3864-433D-804F-22F360AE1914.jpg (819x1024, 187.81K)

>He doesn't believe in the Aryan invasion

They were until the islamic invasions.

The Aryans built India, and then fucked off, leaving all the ugly, subhuman abos behind. There isn't a single modern day Indian, that is related to the ancient Aryans. Not even in the North (those are just inbred Pakis).

>swamp German

>european "men"


If this was made by Israel, then no way would it target whites nordic lot. Because alot of jews mixed with white nobility. So that's that out the window.

what in the fuck is a guadeloupe

Then how would you explain israel which has mortality rate of 0.35%, even lower than germany?

Do you know how big of an anomaly that would be?

So they put time, energy and money to create massive civilizations and then just went away? And those centuries that they were there, not a single one mixed or settled down?

Take your meds schizo

>mixed or settled down
So they threw away their genes mixing with subhumans? Okay, I'll tell you what, if you want to take pride in the fact, that maybe thousands of years ago, one of your ancestors may have actually been human, then I won't take that away from you. So congratulations, I guess, you might be 1% human. Only a few more generations of race mixing to go, and you may actually learn to shit in the toilet, like the rest of us.

I am not Indian whether you believe it or not but it literally doesn't make sense

> Whites go NA -> Racemix with Blacks/Natives and settle
> Whites go Americas -> Racemix with Natives and settle
> Whites go Australia -> Some racemix with Abo's and settle
etc etc

But for some reason this didn't happen in India?

Exactly. White men deserve death. They are mentally and physically weak. And they turned their back on ancient wisdom like Hermeticism and Hinduism.

All the "immune" countries you list don't report numbers on purpose....................


Iran has a big problem and they’re pure-blood Aryan

>United States
>> 135k cases and growing
>> People are dying like flies

OP is third world educated and it is showing. Don't they teach basic mathematics in the Netherlands?

BTW: The mortality rate in the US is less than 2%, so it is even less than those shithole Scandinavian countries.

Pick one


Attached: eopk32ekrwr132.png (577x452, 51.28K)

Well, if you a nation of incel hermits, it is kinda hard to spread any sort of virus isn't it?

Based and redpilled, Hail Tengri and death to all roundeyes

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USA is eagerly reporting cases while shitskin countries are just not testing and not reporting and pretending that they somehow avoided the pandemic

*sniff* *sniff* This thread rinks of mongoloid mutt.

wasn't there just a bunch of empty hospitals and clinic shown somewhere on here earlier? meh OP being a faggot must have missed those.

imaging thinking that Indians are aryans and not British or Italians

OP doesn't understand the difference between reported cases and death rate. OP needs to go back to school apparently.

Kek based

agreed user.. the cases are much higher then the deaths.. this is a cold it is confirmed. would have been better (more entertaining for me) if we had gotten to see them trying to jump into the waves of corona chan..(and got repeatedly infected to clean the world of their disgusting genes) But alas.. we are still stuck with useless math incapable faggots like OP

Nice proxy nigger.

If anything, the higher number of cases are just showing that we are doing our job and testing more people. Honestly, I feel terrible for Italy and Spain.

Spain and Italy are aging populations. This only effects the extremely senior with any reliable rate. which is precisely why i am upset there's not trebuchets..