Dutch are genetic faggots

Attached: TommyIdol.jpg (200x300, 14.12K)

>Le 91.5% nation

Attached: Dutchmen are Urbanites.png (1272x342, 67.69K)

thank you for proving my point

We are the tallest people on Earth and have contributed to civilization. Please show us your country flag.

take a guess

>thank you for proving my point
Terrible those urban centeres of learning, science and art.....

>take a guess
Wut, cant say, I guess that makes you a loser doesnt it, whats the matter Dutchmen raped your mother?

you are also the most pro-LGBT and feminist people on Earth and have contributed to cuckoldization of the first world countries, did you forget about that?

If you simply can't take a guess, that's you loser here, lad. By the way, Dutchwomen are known for loving nigger cocks, I bet some nigga raped your mother (and probably father too)

Are you the same assblasted rustard?

Urban centers of faggotry, AIDs, and Prostitution

Attached: Wyoming.jpg (640x426, 73.65K)

>you are also the most pro-LGBT and feminist people on Earth and have contributed to cuckoldization of the first world countries, did you forget about that?
Lets now look at reality, the Dutch have been on the forefront of the push to the right since the 80's, first with the part of Janmaat, then with Fortuyn, then with Wilders and now with Baudet, everyone of them introducing a new chapter in the development of the political right in Europe.

So go ahead, disprove what I have just said.

No, I'm from Catalonia

>If you simply can't take a guess, that's you loser here, lad. By the way, Dutchwomen are known for loving nigger cocks, I bet some nigga raped your mother (and probably father too)
I know for certain, you are a mud...

>Urban centers of faggotry, AIDs, and Prostitution
Then why do small Christian town have to much drug abuse in them?

Nobody is denying your past. We're saying you've lost the plot somewhere along the line and became urbanite faggots. Not to mention that native Dutchmen are lest than 50% in 2/3 of your largest cities.

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Ok, rustard. Your women are the biggest sluts, your income is $200 a month

"Lets now look at reality, the Dutch have been on the forefront of the push to the right since the 80's"
This is why your country was the second (after Denmark) in Europe which allowed gay civil unions?


Ok Chaim

dutchcucks smoke too much pot

Attached: 1m0cual4dgg21.png (961x981, 737.39K)

>Terrible those urban centeres of learning, science and fart.....

Attached: pornhub-netherlands-top-relative-searches.jpg (1000x693, 99.04K)

dutchcucks will defend pic related

Attached: dutchcuck.jpg (1200x702, 297.86K)

>I know for certain, you are a mud...
I know for certain, you are a faggot, or a Dutch, which is the same though

talking about that dutch user who admitted to going down on prostitutes?

They don't you're thinking of manufacturing towns which are mid-small sized CITIES that may now have a village population due to people leaving.

Lands that have never been urban are still swaging.

And you just demonstrated your urban mindset. Let's say every populated place on earth was a hellhole. At least I can flee to the mountains, desert/canyons, forest, etc. You have nowhere to run. There is no hiding in the Netherlands. You must de-urbanize.

Attached: Appalachia morning.jpg (800x600, 122.72K)

Are you that angry at me because you are too tired of sucking Spanish cocks?

At least my flag is not Dutch

Man those urban centers... sure are great!

>southern european cope thread

theres been so many of these, al because we stopped your EU gibs? mediterraneans are pathetic

>Nobody is denying your past. We're saying you've lost the plot somewhere along the line and became urbanite faggots. Not to mention that native Dutchmen are lest than 50% in 2/3 of your largest cities.
Then why are the Dutch at the forefront of the political right for the last 40 decades?

>This is why your country was the second (after Denmark) in Europe which allowed gay civil unions?
I am talking about the political right, not Christianity.

>I know for certain, you are a faggot, or a Dutch, which is the same though
Weird, so being rightwing makes you a faggot?

Poor little dutch boy....

Attached: Arizona.jpg (4011x2866, 955.44K)

You are the bottom of the barrel by any imaginable measurements. Even your women don’t want to fuck you

>There is no hiding in the Netherlands.
Thats because hiding is for sissies and faggots.

Jokes aside, right-wing Europeans are not that different from left-wing American Democrats

posting all of these pictures of american nature, yet you live with Jamal in the ghetto. So typical of the american to fetishize the things he cant have

And your mother is a whore. Who cares? This board is about politics, sir.

Says the loser, who still cannot get an independence from a shithole country known as Spain

Nah, I just hate you rustards. Watching your country collapsing along with ruble and oil

> right-wing Europeans are not that different from left-wing American Democrats
yes i remember AOC calling for a racewar

fucking moron

>Jokes aside, right-wing Europeans are not that different from left-wing American Democrats
Why? Do you even have an argument or do you just say random things?

You don't hate rustards, you are just an angry retard from Shitolonia who swears too much even for a someone who is from Shitolonia

>electoral politics
Total urban mindset to imagine electoral politics matter anymore.

>Thats because hiding is for sissies and faggots.
And what are you doing LOL??? Nice cope though. I guess poor little dutch boys need the cope.

I don't live in a city buddy. The last person to live in a city in my extended family was my grandfather on my mom's side who spent some years in Pittsburgh.

Attached: arches_utah_feature.jpg (2048x1365, 305.58K)

Goed verhaal, lekker kort ook.

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>fucking moron
I'm not from the Niggerlands, so you are wrong here, honey

From West Michigan. Can confirm. Dutch are def faggots

Is this literal mixed race guy who you're talking about? Poor little dutch boys...

Attached: Geert_Wilders_op_Prinsjesdag_2014_(cropped).jpg (1240x2111, 608.08K)

Catalonia a memeflag you dumb nigger

>Total urban mindset to imagine electoral politics matter anymore.
Lets, nope, nothing to do with what I said.

>And what are you doing LOL??? Nice cope though. I guess poor little dutch boys need the cope.
I am an activist. Certainly not hiding, like scared americans.

We dutch also dont have guns, thats for americans who are afraid cops or antifa will beat them.

My bathroom probably has more cultural and historical relevance than your capital city tranny


>muh flag
I just like the flag you stupid pathetic slavnigger

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I wrote "Shitolonia", not "Catalonia", you dumb murican

lol no, fuck democratic politics.
Im talking about actual right wingers fighting daily against the jew in holland, not that your Mutt brain can comprehend that there is a difference between politicians and people's opinion

Atleast Wilders would actually close the borders if he got elected in the usa, unlike your president....

Right, but we all know what your real flag is

Youre also the place where people go to get stoned and fuck prostitutes

Hey.... Why didn’t you greentext that?

You sure has something for Russia. Did Russians rape you in your ass and made you a faggot?

Are you enjoining 8 more years of pootin, you little slavnigger?

>My bathroom probably has more cultural and historical relevance than your capital city tranny
Thats because you Italians turned Rome into one giant lavatory......

Their entire country is the size of Maryland, what do you expect? Most rural areas are devoted to farming.

I would enjoy if I lived there, Shitolonist

So where is this radical movement? A few nazis marching ain't gonna cut it buddy. Especially when 2/3 of your major cities is minority Dutch.

Ever hear of guerrilla tactics buddy? Maybe they don't cover that in Durtch school. It's one of the advantages of having a vast wilderness to escape to. If it weren't for the Cuban jungles Castro would have lost.

You're an activist calling for political change but your government you're against has a monopoly on arms and you celebrate this. Some activist. Perhaps by activist you mean you activate faggotry? Poor little Dutch boys...

>Youre also the place where people go to get stoned and fuck prostitutes
Nope, that would be Amsterdam, the butthole of the Netherlands.

more like the size of Vermont, but your point is right. De-urbanizing is impossible in such a small country

>modern colleges
>learning, science and art
Yeah putting your period blood in a jar is really high class and we should subsidize it...

Oh yeah these right wingers sticking it to the Jew in the most degenerate nation on earth. Say, they must be doing a really swell job. Poor little dutch boys...

But he didn't get in little Dutch boy... your Indonesian Christ figure lost!

Lololo, time to drop the flag, little slavnigger subhuman

I love being Dutch..

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don't act like a faggot just because you were retarded, just accept your lack of knowledge and move on, euroshit

Awww a little American negro-Jew mix wants to defend urbaanization. Go and live in the Netherlands with your mutt brothers you urbanite sympathizer.

>shape of country even looks like a merchant

Id love to see your butthole some day

I will do it when Russians, whom you hate so much, stop raping you in your anus. Which will probably never happen, lmao

Go back in your shitty gheto, nigger

>You should do pointless acts of violence that will get you arrested, instaid of slowly working for political change.
You want a radical movement, because you do not have the intelligence or the stamina to spend any great amount of time in politics.

Also, if you are so much better then me, then you go into the woods.... no wait, you wont....

>dude we're tall

okay. and? being tall isn't enough just as being white isn't enough. you sound like a nigger pretending you have a big dick and that's your contribution.

>Thats because you Italians turned Rome into one giant lavatory......
Yes, and millions of tourists visits it each year, people are more willing to visit a giant roman shithole rather than your country, how does it feel cuckboy?

Attached: terme-di-caracalla-1280x640.jpg (1280x640, 196.71K)

>Yeah putting your period blood in a jar is really high class and we should subsidize it...
Yeah man, all those universities teaching engineering and medicine are all so stupid,...

>little Dutch boy
Are you a homosexual, because you talk like one, I feel like hiding my asshole, when I see you talk.

>Id love to see your butthole some day
Typical, a fag.

I don't want to dm you on your homeland of r*ddit, queer

The coffee is running.
It will not get sportier today.

>being white isn't enough.
You are right, lets destroy the White racial world by creating superior 190 IQ mudmen!

No I'm not saying anything about violence. I'm saying your movement must be ineffective because your country is going down the tubes faster than urbanite America lol. Was that to hard for your urban dutch brain to understand? Imagine if Brugghen or Rembrandt saw your country today...

I do live in the mountains buddy didn't you see? Poor little Dutch boys have dyslexia I guess...

Because they are either kike or a kike lover. They protect jews and Israel in every single thread, and don't care that their politicans are hardcore zionists.

>Yes, and millions of tourists visits it each year, people are more willing to visit a giant roman shithole rather than your country, how does it feel cuckboy?
Uhm, I wish tourists would stop visiting my country, but they dont.....

Reddit is a place for faggots like you

>Are you a homosexual, because you talk like one, I feel like hiding my asshole, when I see you talk.


>take a guess

Scandinavians: "MUHHH GENEEEES DOOOOOD!!!!!"

Meanwhile they can't win a fist-fight against a 5 foot sandnigger manlet.

No I'm calling you that because that's how your "men" act

Attached: Dutch Gay Street Fashion.jpg (900x676, 572.08K)

Slavniggers are busy being raped by central asian Muslims. Hell you are even a product of that proccess

>because your country is going down the tubes faster than urbanite America lol.
That makes sense, because America is much further along the tracks towards becoming Mexico....

>No I'm not saying anything about violence.
Of course not. You are too much of a coward for that. I mean, you are all about hiding right.

>Poor little Dutch


Do they come only to smoke weed and fuck your women?

>No I'm calling you that because that's how your "men" act
Wow, I dont think your experiences in the Amsterdam gay scene count.....

>Are you a homosexual, because you talk like one, I feel like hiding my asshole, when I see you talk.

Ben je homoseksueel? Je praat als een. Ik heb zin om mijn kontgat te verbergen als je praat.

Don't mind me. I'm just learning Dutch.

>S E L F R E P O R T E D
Yes, I would literally be one of the tallest if I where in a room with mud americans, mud italians, mud catalonians and whatever muds is in this thread.

Weird flex but ok

Pot and the kettle eh?

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All memeflag faggots are jews.

Well, if slavs were raped by asian Muslism, I'm fucking scared to find out what the kind of atrocity has raped your mother to give a birth to such a fucking monstrosity like you

Haha hats off to you ;)

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>muh tourists
We're actively trying to reduce tourism because tourists are annoying and tourism only creates shitty jobs.

All Canadians are faggots

>Do they come only to smoke weed and fuck your women?
Yes, they dont come to fuck Italian woman, because who wants a fat brown little cunt with smelly feet and a loud mouth.

>Ben je homoseksueel? Je praat als een. Ik heb zin om mijn kontgat te verbergen als je praat.
Ben je soms een nicht? Je praat namelijk als eentje. Echt, als ik jouw hoor praten, dan wil ik gelijk m'n handen voor m'n anus stoppen.

This would be better Dutch.