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yeah, china is 146% lying and only a fool would trust any statistics coming out of a commie shithole

what is


Attached: 1568692940752.png (785x1000, 306.06K)

>u dont need masks bro

Attached: 1585420909311.jpg (680x397, 42.08K)

it's 40x what that chart shows...

They got infected 45 days earlier you dunce

Its almost like china is the actual global superpower and the west has been lulled into a state of complacency and degeneracy.

Anyone who doesn't think the chinks are lying through their fucking teeth is an idiot.

Hey CHYNA ur full of shit u know that?

True. They’re also the only one that actually treated it halfway seriously, though. If a real SHTF virus happens, what are going to do, kindly ask quarantined people to stay home, or go fucking actually make them?

those 20+ mil deaths in chine where not corona related

Attached: fddddfd.png (709x694, 57.55K)

We shouldnt even publish their graph anymore just put “CHINA?” In bold on the graphic

Maybe china is playing coy and its true they werent corona - they got death squad’d

I agree; their should be an asterisk indicating if the numbers are coming from commie chinks.

But the line has to be remove too or at least heavily transparent, because normie brains are wired to believe what is seen, asterisk isnt enough

>please stay home Mr. and Ms. coofer

> but also you can still go grocery shopping.

a quarantine means you don't fucking go anywhere. its all a charade there are no quarantines in the west.

Exactly. I don't trust Asians. The only almost trust worth squints are South Koreans and the Japanese.

Ok I’ll take that

>yeah, china is 146% lying and only a fool would trust any statistics coming out of a commie shithole

Agree 100%. At times like this it is important to remember that the only 'nazi death camps' were found in Soviet controlled territory.


Attached: file.png (793x608, 175.94K)


never trust commie statistics regarding death toll

more like a difference in how testing is applied.

Good thinking; unless the GloboHomo is intentionally up to some ChuckleFuckery, which is likely, but taking the Chinese at their word seems very stupid to me.

I talk like a politician and I'm proud of it.

How do you solve the food issue in a 3 month lockdown?

Fucking Based

Well put!

Never trust a chink.

We have known this was going to get this bad since January. Every opportunity to stockpile, go to foodbanks, use whatever your country has for assistance and even people in poverty could have secured 3 months of food with 2 months notice. I feel fucking bad for people that didn't believe it or did nothing, simply because they can't now

The chinese death toll is in the millions


Fingers crossed it grows exponentially from here; especially in China.

The same is happening in Japan and South Korea, are they lying too?

These are quite insane numbers... Even if half of them are 1 sub seasonal workers... Sauce?

LMAO this the fakest shit I ever seen



Attached: Soros Doesn't Want to Be Watched.png (572x609, 410.31K)

small brain

India is more of a risk to us than China.
India is lying while shipping the white-replacer
Nuke India
Drive out the street shitter plague rats

worst case scenario, the national guard has to go door to door passing our MRE's to people who need it.

Of course they're lying. They lied in January when they said there was no human-to-human transmission, because they wanted the rest of the world to get it too. They lied to keep the rest of the world complacent while they bought up all the masks. They're still lying.

A Call for Identity Cards
by Catherine McBride
9 min read

Police urge public wanting to search for missing boy to obey lockdown
Posted On 29 Mar 2020 at 6:17 pm
By : Frank le Duc
Comment: 0

It's even worse when you realize how much the US is lying


White people cant handle a flu with their incompetent government therefore all governments are incompentnent and/or must be lying

Your low iq is really showing, white boi

+72 Million Americans just happend to disappear

Attached: 22-percent-dead.png (625x490, 93K)

How did China? I've read chinese chills pretending that the grorious communist party was sending food to their appartments. Is this believable or did they all stock months of food in their small appartments in Wuhan?

k chang
credit pooints awarded

and think the numbers were downplayed even

I mean, when has the CCP ever lied?
Seriously though, young generations of Chinese have no idea the Tiananmen Square massacre happened

... or they lost their jobs or didn't need that phone while quarantined because they had another line.

>And suddenly all the unhealthy people disappeared one day
As comrade Stalin has taught us: No people = no problem.

>>please stay home Mr. and Ms. coofer
>> but also you can still go grocery shopping.
>a quarantine means you don't fucking go anywhere. its all a charade there are no quarantines in the west.
At first China had grocery stores open...then it didn't.

Attached: wuhan groceries.webm (640x360, 2.24M)

South korea??? Fuck no mang. Japan only

As a chinese currently living in China I will give you my personal account of what happened

- routine hourly disinfection of the entire building complexes’ elevator buttons, door handles, door mats, plastic seals used wherever applicable
- temperature checks by guards for everyone coming in and out of apartment complex
- designated gov officials who sit there all day getting you to register an online map database thing where they track your location and whether you have been in contact with infected individuals/areas
- masks and hand sanitizers sold out within days of this virus thing
- literally no one outside but because I’m a foreigner new to China, I had to buy my groceries at the local supermarket like a pleb most of the locals get their shit delivered to a special crate outside their homes where the government official opens and handles their packages before they’re allowed to be taken away
- non residents not allowed inside the apartment complex
And finally
Entire lockdown of the whole country for 2 months, we MIGHT be heading back to work starting April

Keep barking. China did the best for containing this disease.

So now Soros is a champion of freedom and the enemy of Orwellian controls? It is to laugh.


dont make your bait so obvious nigger

We are comming for you pasta user

Oops read the original question wrong

However when I went to the supermarket most things remain stocked, I think the free food delivery thing only happened in Wuhan.

Chine is ruled by the jewish spirit of materialism

cope you cyborg faggot

Ok retard keep thinking anything which doesn’t align with ur narrow minded worldview is bait

How do u even live with such a small brain

They made sure everyone had masks

People in the west are still claiming masks don’t work to reduce respiratory inhalation

china lies, there were atleast 30k dead

>worst case scenario, the national guard has to go door to door passing our MRE's to people who need it.
At least one guy will be happy...

Attached: steve1989.png (980x808, 1.79M)

>It's even worse when you realize how much the US is lying


seethe more chinknigger
ccp never tells the truth
even when things are going "well" they lie about their economy
the world has to establish its own indepedent index for china since their own reporting is always better than reality
imagine being so low iq you trust your commie government that doesn't give a rat's ass about you

>looks the other way while your economy crashes, short sellers make 100s of billions, and CEOs demand bailouts

Masks don’t work goy

>+72 Million Americans just happend to disappear
72/330 ≈ 0.218
That would be 21.8% of the US population; or one in five.

Kill yourself