The next phase of demonic normalization will be the support and even admiration of all female sex workers. Whether she is your girlfriend, wife, sister, daughter, etc. You will be ostracized and socially punished for speaking or acting out against it. What are the ramifications of such a society? It seems anyone unwilling to give such power to women could soon be severely limiting their sexual options.
The normalization of ethots
Other urls found in this thread:
>The next phase of demonic normalization will be the support and even admiration of all female sex workers.
>You will be ostracized and socially punished for speaking or acting out against it.
>What are the ramifications of such a society?
Faggots like you will continue whining on Yas Forums
>It seems anyone unwilling to give such power to women could soon be severely limiting their sexual options.
Then it doesn't matter since you're already an incel.
then quit paying for it you fucking simps
Shut the fuck up nigger kike
you mean like it already is in europe?
I sure hope you don't watch porn, user.
Wouldn't want to contribute to the "demonic normalization" of female sex workers.
So what? Normies should be bullycided.
He took the bald cuck pill
Why does female sexuality make incels so ass-blasted.
Incels really are worse than niggers.
not listening
have sex
You will never be a real Woman.
You will never be a real woman.
Tranny discord raid detected.
nigga idubbbz knows she doesn't sell nudes
she gets money for having a second Instagram
this memefag in the video keeps gaining weight. isn't this incel a jannie?
Nobody outside the internet would think a girlfriend doing softcore porn is acceptable.
You act like some YouTube faggot represents the average normie.
It's cheating, plain and simple. Even the whorish women I know have zero respect for prostitutes.
Btw stop calling prostitutes 'sex workers' it's cringe.
I'm a normal dude, you stupid faggot incel.
Normal dudes don't hate women.
Normal dudes don't reeeeeeee when girls act sexy.
In fact, normal dudes like it when girls are sexy.
Normal dudes don't spend all their time worrying about sex workers.
imagine the smell
You fat retards have zero understanding of Europe.
It's not a country it's a collection of countries. All very different from each other.
Nobody gives a shit about softcore porn, you gay faggot.
This isn't the 1950s anymore, moron.
cope tranny
>t. Tranny faggot with AIDs.
Celeb boxing match its you vs idubbbz
meh, shes a 6 or 7 out of 10.
I wouldn't pay to see her naked, but if someone else wants to, I don't give a fuck.
Why do you give a fuck??????
Why does it make you reeee so bad????
Why does it trigger you so much?????
>youtuber dates e-thot who sells nudes online
>many e-thots like britney venti get jealous and ree and their orbiters follow
I don't get why anyone gives a shit about this. If she was fucking other guys it would be weird but if she is just selling nudes and the like what is the issue? I mean would you have an issue dating a playboy model?
OP is the guy in the video. What an attention whore. Perhaps we should really be critical of your own e-thotesque behavior.
OP you have the deepest of throats and the widest of rectums. Truly a faggot built for BBC
inb4 mutt's law
This and checked.
Posting nudes of yourself online for thousands to see is not normal.
If you think women accept this shit you obviously have never been around women.
The men would probably like it (unless they are dating the E whore) the women would be the first people shaming whores (even the ones that act whorish themselves).
>This isn't the 1950s anymore, moron.
What year is it then, a current one?
>simping this hard
that's not the issue. The issue is whether or not you should have respect for a man who dates a woman who is the online equivalent of a literal prostitute. The answer is no
>sex workers.
Sex isn't work.
I think they were emotionally invested in the false notion that the guy was their cool edgy older brother on the internet.
>I mean would you have an issue dating a playboy model?
Imagine actually thinking that. Westcucks are reaching new low.
He's already punched himself out.
I guess I'll just be kicking his corpse.
You have zero understanding of the USA, it is a country but also a collection of states, many which are regionally different from one another.
Your hubris to think being a potatofaminenigger actually matters is astounding. KYS
that's a 4/10 tops
Stfu roasty.
it is work because you don't get to choose who you fuck and how
If women can make a living look pretty, then I can make a living spitting buzzwords.
Imagine accepting a whore gf and paying for her boob job but still letting her go for some small C cups. If you're at least going to be a helpless coomer at least make her go full huge tits, big ass, lips etc and have fun. He's being cucked by a 3/10.
The only thing whores deserve is a stone to the dome
Get your jewish word magic tf outta here simp.
Based piggy
>equivalent of a literal prostitute
Is she fucking other dudes?
If the answer is no, then you are full of shit.
There is nothing wrong doing softcore and solo stuff.
Just sit back and enjoy the show.
Quit being butt-hurt about it.
Answer that question
Why do you even bother to make threads about it, you worthless faggot?
It's not that important and its not your life!!!!!
If you don't want your girlfriend doing that, then you can tell her that.
But none of you faggots actually have girlfriends. Thats the problem here.
America is one big shopping mall.
Don't pretend it's anything different.
Why wouldn’t you just take a screenshot
>Sex is work if you fuck ugly people.
Wew lad.
Why women places are so disgusting? Like 90% of time they are 10x time worse than average dude apartment. Random trash, clothes and used napkins everywhere.
>Is she fucking other dudes?
Give it time. She'll be getting gang banged before 2021.
imagine having to spend that much less money on your gf because her army of simps is footing the bill, and you're still the one fucking her. yeah total cuck move
How the fuck do you get that helpless over a girl like this? Even without his fame or money he's better looking than her.
Yeah, I would because she's vain and uses her sexuality on other men. It's gross.
No ass, terrible face, not thin, terrible bobs. 3/10
>t. Simp
Pay for the pussy must get normalized
nobody cares, it is just a time immemorial pasttime for men to make fun of men who are cuckolds
idupz is a cuck lmao
Ireland is a collection of drunk, closeted, faggot alcoholics, who beat their wives for not having the correct male genitalia; the genitals that the men truly desire because that is what their priests introduced to them as children.
Don't pretend it's anything different.
Who gives a shit, its not your girlfriend you dumb faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you care so much about what other guy's girlfriends do.
Its not your life. It's not your problem.
Have any of you dumb incels even had a girlfriend before?
I still don't get why you get so triggered by this shit.
Most women bring in money without selling their bodies. Even then money isn't the only thing which has value, your body, privacy and relationship are much higher value. Most people wouldn't accept any sum for sex. So he (well she) gets more money which makes his life with her easier by devaluing her grossly. What's the point? What's the money for then?
>reading comprehension
anyway it's clear to me the reason you can't imagine what I'm getting at is because you yourself know fuck all about working at all
simps say this is a 7
how long has idubbz been sporting this pedo style? guy seriously looks like a predator. i thought it was part of a bit when i first opened the video. i was waiting for the punchline to come. but it didn't.
Maybe she knows some dirty secrets and he's afraid she will talk?
Or maybe he is just a typical cuck that gets off knowing his gf is sending cunt pics to other men.
most women have disgusting homes and sexual perversions
Normal womyn just hate competition. Cheaper competition
This roastie is mad because she will never look like picture related
What’s it like having a tiny little scope of literally everything?