You did this Yas Forums.
You are the virus.
You did this Yas Forums.
You are the virus.
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how's the weather over there Jerry?
The only virus present in you is Chinkity.
Asians literally don't car that people are dying. All that matters is that we continue to kiss their asses in the West
>going in the sun to make his eyes as light as possible
every time
too bad they never adress racism non chinks are facing in china.
Nuke china
Glad to know my racism is highly contagious
stop eating bats and dogs. chinks are subhuman
Yas Forums is just mad because shitaly and spain have been exposed as the 3rd world shitholes that they truly are, barely sustained by tourism (not for long lol)
Asian people are just superior to med shitskins
hmm nah chinese subhumans are just creating problems for everyone once again
As Chinese people celebrate some fleeting moment where their authoritarian government makes itself look good on paper.
I've never seen the yellow man so scared. They've been exposed for what they always were. Amoral insectoids with no purpose but to support their hive. I think the ABCs are truly terrified as this turns out another century of humiliation.
>You are the virus.
Chinese chink virus
Get over it you rice nigger
The only people crying racism are those caught stealing resources from others. This includes whites who cry racism.
>the only virus is racism
So that face mask is to protect against racism?
each time whites have chimped out, it has resulted in nearly complete eradication of targets.
the times are coming.
we should nuke china to provent future global pandemics that will kill billions. prove me wrong.
wwoah intimidating with those shoebox wide shoulders
Based Japan
Fuck you chinks
>so many pushups
>so many situps
>so much juice
Doesn't matter, will never be white. Seethe more faggot.
what race is that
Chink nigger faggot, die.
Honestly this. It was supposed to be 'the asian century" - but the economic beacon of japan got globalised away and now companies just jump from one slave plantation to the next. Japanese hate the Koreans and the Chinese hate the Japs. Its a cluster fuck and the probable 50K dead paid the price in order to prop up china's flagging self-esteem.
Gonna teach you fags some quick maths.
One, this fucker is wearing make up. Pores are natural, not fucking smooth like this cunt. He has foundation on.
Two, he's using filters to make himself look better. Lol. It's a fucking Happa using shit to improve his own looks. Check it out, you'll see.
Three, contacts or filter for eyes.
Four, half torso pic to hide his gut and other shit.
TL;DR gay boi using myspace angles, make up and filters lol fucking bugs
Huumo lace
>half his country is either black, brown or mixed
lmao at you
gypsy scum, we are going to buy your miserable shithole and there's nothing you can do about it
cough in his face then
ok coofer
That's a fucking sleeping mask.
Still no comment from the Asian community why so many have been caught on video purposely spreading the disease. There’s at least ten times more evidence of that than Asians being the victims of discrimination. At least blame the chicoms.
I mean, there’s the actual virus also. Check mate atheists.
>you fucking gypsy die already
so which one is it chink. are you against racism or are you racist? or are you just plain stupid?
Why the fuck do those rice niggers can't just shut the fuck up when it's their fault? Don't they feel ashamed at all? Fuck, this can never be fixed.
I'm so sorry guys, although I'm not a chink or have ever eaten bat soup, but as I'm of the Mongoloid race, I'm partly responsible for this.
Fucking chink, shrimp dicked subhumans deserve to be nuked
Chinks are a virus
Yas Forums is a board of peace
On the one hand, fuckable. On the other hand, attention whore, which subtracts literally all points.
You couldn't even contain the Arabs, the Turks, the Mongols and the Huns. Your race's only claim to fame is during the 18th-19th century when whites rose in the world stage after the Religious Reformation swept the west and took on reforms which propelled you into the World Stage with Christian biblical values. And even then, two centuries later you're on the decline again as you let your inner degeneracy took hold and discarded the West's Protestant Christian Foundations and embraced once again niggerly nihilism, materialism, sexual deviancy and greed. Only in your dreams will whitey "wipe out" the lesser races.
>>so many pushups
>>so many situps
>>so much juice
is that a teamfourstar reference?
What the non-white races in the modern day fail to grasp is America functions as a gigantic hurtbox. They don't understand the essential decency of the white man's culture. The non-anglos were bullied into submission during the early part of the 20th century and it did wonders for them. Look at the Irish, were treated like niggers until they learned how to integrate and behave themselves, when that occured the bullying mostly stopped with the occasional good humor jab here and there.
Jews never understood this and reeeeee'd the fuck out when they'd get, I dunno, excluded from some country club or whatever dumb shit they thought was anti-semitic. As their financial grip tightened and they became the dominant cultural power this behavior was pushed to all the non-white races.
We used to be able to integrate and assimilate people from all over the globe, now everyone is pissed at each other because schlomo is fucking up his first time in power.
>Yellow Fever
>Didn't originate in China
still better than insects like your kind i guess
and i'm pretty sure erasing you chinks could be a common denominator
Huns are white, arabs? they got rolled over what are you saying, same with turks. Mongols? you mean only civilization which gave world zero progress and was only about raiding? remember chinks build a wall becasue of them.
>there is no virus
>it's just racism
who knew racism destroys your lungs and slowly kills off the elderly
oh im going to Study in gelmany yea good univelsety.
Japan is the only fully civilised Country in east asia thats a fact.
this one is better
noh mükoloog, mis seened need on?
Hapa cringe
fuck chinks
>You are the virus.
Yes. Take us in. Your mind is our playground.
No one feels pity for Chinsects. You're wasting your time Hans.
Who is Ray Cism?