The illegal/undocumented immigration the US has is a perfect storm to spread Corona. Millions of people who you don't know where they are, where they came from and if they are infected with Corvid-19.
The entire US homeless population should be culled. Once you start testing them all for Corona(among other diseases/viruses) you will understand why. Think of how many public places they go around to.
All Sanctuary Cities need to be quarantined, Donald Trump had years to get rid of the Sanctuary Cities but didn't. California and LA is just as bad as NYC right now, and that will be seen in a few weeks. NYC needs to be cut off from the mainland completely to slow the spread or else the entire East Coast will be infected from Maine to Florida. Boston and Miami could be the next NYC because of where NYC people are fleeing to around the country. Look at the FEMA regions.
The FBI,CIA and NSA all need to step up to the plate to help stop Corona in the US. So many talented people, incredible research/investigation skills and unlimited data/information access.
FBI could work with FEMA, local governments and local emergency services on the local/regional level to see where the spreading is to help them work around it or contain it.
CIA could be using it's legendary autism to invent new testing devices/gadgets and looking for body language others miss.
NSA could be tracking and projecting the spread, gathering information on how the hot zones began and who might have been around the spreaders and/or are the spreaders.
Even NASA(the ones who figured out HOW TO BREATH IN FUCKING SPACE) should help out by developing better hazmat suits and respirators/ventilators.
>complaining about filtering from the manchild that got so butthurt at eva he filtered him and had to resort to using the catalog to find the next thread whenever eva baked
reminder to redpill normies by posting videos of them burning doggos alive
make sure to point out how they do it right on the street and no bystanders do anything, this is common practice in China. They are soulless insects devoid of anything that resembles humanity
>talking about US abortion rates >h-here are stats from germany!!!! when pro-lifers are comparing us to a white country with only a handful of negroes, you know they ran out of arguments
so, its ok to promote abortion because america has a few black people? but when we look at countries that DID NOT have black people and some of them aborting even higher shares of their people than the united states it becomes clear that it is not worth promoting abortion in the united states if the consequences are the other countries following our example prove. me. wrong.
The point is that two things are causing the problem: welfare and immigration. Abortion solves neither of those nor the main problem of nonwhite population growth, and since it also kills hundreds of thousands of white babies a year, it can barely be counted as a "wash". So why tolerate an evil and immoral policy which enables roasties and doesn't solve any problems at all?
>all phones are generally shit as fuck >chink phones too but at least not astronomically high priced compared to specs FUCK THIS SHIT i just want a new phone
>dude let white countries murder one out of every seven babies because america has NIGGERS! >also lets not stop those white countries from giving aid to africa and multiplying niggers more than any abortion advocate estimator could dream of
Jonathan Jones
Thanks Frank. How much do I need to dig
Josiah Brown
imma start a thread in a while, need a good generic hashtag tho to spam these vids with so they cant ban that hashtag without banning other useful shit
seriously this is primetime to turn emotional women and suburban moms lurking FB and twitter with dog vids, that will turn them into nazis real quick regarding chinks
COME ON, its been a while since we (as in Yas Forums did some op)
How does anyone have a phone this busted? I work in a factory and have only cracked 1 phone in six years, and even then just had it replaced
Robert King
>it becomes clear that it is not worth promoting abortion in the united states if the consequences are the other countries following our example nigger, you are legitimately brain dead, euros have an entirely different culture and mindset, and overall, quite center-left, they are not following our example on abortion, they set their own
lauding a policy that is bad for america, under the pretense that those other countries must follow america's example in their policies, is the peak of stupidity and a premise flawed to its very core
How hard would it be for China or Russia to sneak a Cobalt Nuke into the US via our southern border? They could have a bunch of them sitting in major cities as we speak and essentially checkmate us before any war started
>>also lets not stop those white countries from giving aid to africa and multiplying niggers more than any abortion advocate estimator could dream of seeing as how I or even nobody in the last thread said this, you are literally creating your own headcanon, congratulations, you are mental
Brayden Lee
>wasnt even porn
Michael Kelly
there is no "european Yas Forums" they all come here and follow our example
Wyatt Phillips
Vote in more globalists!!! We need to save the planet and also live in a diverse Utopia of happiness and tolerance. Most nazis don't know this because they are stupid and racist but China can make stuff with zero carbon footprint and ship it back to us in cargo ships that run on happiness. Utopia awaits all we need is for Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA to stop having kids and to open their borders and move all manufacturing jobs to China. Stop being selfish racists.
Don't tell me what to do. But for real, I like my phone and it isn't a piece of crap like most phones.
Benjamin Murphy
It's impossible for you to hate China more than I, yeah boomer here, my uncle (whom was recalled back to active duty from killing Japs) died in cursed Asia (Korea 1952)
What exactly is the point of this, they really think torture makes them taste better
Jacob Evans
abortion dvocates BRAG about how there have been one million nigger abortions over the past 40 years or whatever meanwhile, nigeria went from a population of 40 million to 190 MILLION HOW DID A SINGLE POOR NIGGER AFRICAN COUNTRY DO THIS? WHITE PEOPLE IN WHITE COUNTRIES ABORTED THEIR BABIES AND GAVE AWAY ALL THEIR DISPOSABLE INCOME TO AFRICA STOP ABORTION YOU RETARDS
Ethan Myers
its to show off the state of the phone to deepen the joke
Elijah Barnes
>HOLOCAUST-AMERICANS WOULDN'T PROMOTE IT I guess holocaust-americans hate niggers more than christians
The only quality products coming out of Asia are made in Japan and South Korea. Everything else is complete shit and overpriced like it was made by Americans making $30 an hour. Outsourcing has not lowered the price on a single thing.
Nolan Butler
little Boris will just renegotiate their deal and continue to use Huawei do you really expect anything else
Adam Anderson
that was so close to get 33 and 44 would've been sick
>abortion dvocates BRAG about how there have been one million nigger abortions over the past 40 years or whatever yes you fucking dumb nigger, in the US, which was the topic I was arguing about in other threads they reason why the african birthrate is so high in african countries, is because american pastors literally preach against abortion and contraceptives in africa, and the niggers literally listened to every word
It's the education, i notice parent, especially in cities educate their kids with no modals, no care for objects. Also these larping careless autistics with open mouths from which they salivete while they tap their phones niggers tend to do materialistically better in life
>france now at 4600 critical cases when i missaid that earlier spoopy, anyway they're about to surpass iran in deaths, taking third/fourth place (depending on if you want to count china or not)
I've also seen some really disturbing lies by the MSM recently too. Wish I clipped it but several times over the past few weeks they have been reporting the number of people tested as the number of people infected or the number of positive cases as the number dead. I've even seen this done on the state level media not just the nation wide media level. The craziest thing I've seen involving all this was a media station reporting the number of people tested as the number of people dead.
>Urns stacked hundreds deep in Wuhan >"situration unda control stupid Gweilo, praise Xi" reminder 21 MILLION Chinese cell phones plans have been cancelled in the last 3 months