For once I agree with her

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When does the "whistle-blower" come out...
Finding "impeachable offenses" in his behavior...

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As you make slide threads on Yas Forums I'm fucking your mom. lol


China Lied, People Died.

>When does the "whistle-blower" come out...
>Finding "impeachable offenses" in his behavior...

Only thing new in the Pelosi accusations are her boobs.

A little over three years down almost 5 to go

I would say, fuck her, but they're clearly using this to boost Cuomo

Okay cutie pie

Ummm sweetie, thats a fucking kike...

What a fucking hag

Video of Trump fiddling please?

She fiddles herself while thinking of Trump.

How long til she wets herself during an interview?
Or is she in depends already?


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this from the bitch that denied burgers their trumpbux 3 times.

She’s a MILF.
And she always beats Trump
What a

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>For once...
>Not a democrat but...
No one believes you.

OP is an idiot that believes Obama is a white woman because he identifies as one

The chink intelligence and propaganda agents are just insufferable. Look Honorable agent Wang Su Sun Phang we get it this your job, but you'd be more successful over at Plebit.

Look at that fucking hateful corpse, it's not human

People are always dying lol

How about at least shutting down the fucking planes out of New York at least.

she stole that from greta

just like how she fiddled and denied the stimulus bill right?

I would not publicly admit that I seek her approval, but its your thread, user.

Chinks get out

oh look another glow nigger thread. fuck off lib shills.

How about this? President arrests Pelosi and most of Congress and rules by decree. Maybe that will help.

He did fuck up the response. Treated it like a hoax and now its spreading like crazy.

You agree with her every day kike.

He closed travel in February faggot . Your kike friends attacked him for it . Called him a racist. Fuxk you and die (you)

Just like she fiddled with the stimulus bill right? People were dying while she was writing her own and while she waiting till fucking Friday to pass the senate bill. This witch deserves to burn like the salem witch trials

Meanwhile in NYC:

> Cuomo says he'll sue anybody who tries to stop his pets from rampaging around the country spreading coronavirus!

>spends a week holding up the stimulus bill

Wasn't she the cunt that delayed needed relief funds?

that's not a bad idea.

she literally never wins ...

>muh $1200
kys poorfag welfare bloodsucker

please Americans, tell me shes hated by the general population. The average American has to see through this shit right?

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> typed a discord tranny

You dont even try anymore kike . Hes been responding since before you heard about the thing. You need to go back to building tiny plastic parts for our kids happy mean toys for 15 cents a year chink

If she had waited any longer to pass the senate stimulus her party would have turned on her. Her party was already turning on her but it wasn't enough to truly wake them up to what a piece of shit she is

Yes, her city is just so covered in shit that her voting base can't see through it.

She blocked the relief bill.

reminder this cunt was fiddling with impeachment while calling the chinese travel ban racist

The commie kike hates when the movement does things to help the people instead of sending it all to isreal

We all hate her not even Democrats like her

Trump has basically called for that, a quarantine in CT, NY, and PA, and criticized.
He was criticized for banning travel from China back in early February

The US is testing the most cases thanks to the many tests it is conducting. It also has very few deaths in comparison to other countries with similar cases. The left see an opportunity behind every disaster

So let him do what he wants and quarantine the Tri-state area.

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>The left see an opportunity behind every disaster
Demonstrated in the 6 trillion dollar bill Nancy wrote that pretty much included every bill that the senate didn't pass while the house was bringing impeachment charges against the president.

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>wasted months in the senate for impeachment bullshit that had NOTHING to do with Russia
>kung flu was spreading the whole time
>accused Trump of "xenophobia" for trying to shut down borders from China and Iran

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>the person who held up a stimulus package to add non essential garbage, complains about other people stealing her gig.

Trump is doing everything the executive can do, Pelosi is the one holding up congressional action.

>For once
Just fuck off, commie niggerfaggot.

Awww what's the matter, wishing you had maybe rethought those open borders, cuck?

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Trump didn't need to if other states were going to tell them to fuck off for him

I threw up in my mouth looking at that

>as the President fiddles, people are dying
>I'm gonna fiddle on the Corona virus relief fund because my pet project artists and a certain university needs millions also muh climate change

Should have been done weeks ago