People like these were giving advice to world's governments which restrictions (not) to take when it came to Wuhan virus. They should be treated as traitors and judged as war criminals.
WHO clow literally SHUTS DOWN after being asked about Taiwan
someone just fucking stop this ride! I want off!
What does Taiwan do that China can't bear to let them go?
Anyone who thinks leftists have their best interests at heart are fucking stupid, demonstrated by Pelosi’s disingenuous relief package where the US is required to give up its sovereignty whilst at the same time implementing the degenerate social policies of the left, in fact, this has been the plan all along. Firstly they intentionally provided false advice to Western Govts in relation to the severity of the virus facilitated by their puppet at the WHO, the Ethiopian Communist Tedros. Secondly, once their activists in the media downplayed the virus and they were satisfied the virus had spread sufficiently throughout the Western world, the narrative changed to a more alarmist one with the activists in the Civil Service intentionally providing conflicting advice to dis-credit the Govt. Now we’re in a situation where the leftists are advising Govt’s to indefinitely shut down their societies so as to accelerate the collapse of the economy in the hope people will flock to a Communist revolution, they’ve used this crisis masterfully.
The WHO is compromised. They have lied and sucked China's dick from the beginning.
trying to be independent from what i understand
kinda like catalonia
If Taiwan is able to shake loose the mainland it will undermine the One China mantra of the leading party and also undermine the image of their power.
The chink shills have killed off everyone who didn't comply to chink take over of the WHO
Built for BCC
Some toothpaste yesterday was saying that the interviewer was basically tricking him into admitting that Taiwan was a country, he bailed
Domino effect. Taiwan leaves, then Hong Kong does, etc.
there is no off this ride.
he was and given his position he had no choice in his response but don't expect the retards here to understand.
Taiwan already left. It was barely apart of China to begin with.
Pelosi isn't a leftist, moron.
It's nothing like Catalunya. Taiwan is the province where the legitimate government of China fled during the communist revolution and to this day many ppl in Taiwan do not recognize the authority of the commies hence why the commies try to prevent anyone from even mentioning Taiwan.
She is as demonstrated by her actions.
The crazy train has no breaks.
I hope that after this whole clusterfuck Trump pulls out any financial support the US is giving to the WHO.
>admitting that Taiwan was a country
How is this a controversial stance unless you're in the pocket of the CCP?
Taiwan claims that they are legitimate goverment of china and people's republic of china is only occupying the mainland.
The buthurt goes back to ww2 times.
God damn, sherlock, we need you on every fucking case.
It isn't, but therein lies the issue, the WHO bows down to the bat eating cunts
This is the answer. Chinks will never manage to replicate technology this advanced. But also the rest of Hsinchu is extremely valuable.
Right, huh? Almost makes you think that WHO actually ARE in the pocket of the CCP?
The "legitimate government of China who fled during the communist revolution" are the ones in Taiwan who want to REUNIFY with China.
You literally have no idea what you are talking about.
Chiang Kai Shek's followers support the CCP and support intergration of Taiwan into mainland.
The people who oppose this are the people who were living there before Chiang Kai Shek and his men showed up. The KMT believe that yes they have some political differences with the CCP but "We are all Chinese, we should be one country."
Are you fucking kidding me? Stop sucking cock, faggot. You have cumbrain.
Globalist, socialist jew. You're probably juden too.
The head of the WHO was put there by China after them lobbying for him, before that it was an actual Chinaman who was the head of the WHO
they manufacture AMD CPUs/GPUs there. AMD is US technology.
1972 is in the top ten greatest historical betrayals.
Chinks are just not prepared to lose face and let them go. Thats how Chinks roll. it's all about the face.
>They should be treated as traitors
But their owned by the Chinese. They're doing their part exactly as predicted during a biological warfare campaign.
can't wait to put you chinks in camps you lying fuck
Taiwan is right
this. the who is a joke
>lets talk about Corona Doc
>who are you
>the US gover- Hongkong Freedom Press of Freedom and Peace
>uh okay
>so would you recognize an illegitimate group of refugees that ran away to an island in WW2 pretending to be a pseudo country backed up by the US government to destabilize the region like they do with so many other terrorist groups
>hangs up
I'm not lying you drooling fucking retard. Literally google it. Takes you 2 seconds.
Asia is a lot more complicated than you think. Whatever differences the Chinese Nationalist Party and the CCP have they are closer to each other than they are with us or anybody else. From their perspective, blood and culture trump politics. They want one China.
I've actually been to Taiwan and it comes down to who your parents were. If you're parents were the people living on the island before the KMT (Chinese Nationalist Party) showed up, you oppose China. If your father was one of Chang Kai Shek's men you support China and the CCP.
This guy knows, listen to him. Probably even has personal experience with them.
I shit in the shower once, one of the biggest I've ever done in my life too. It was 2 years ago. I had had a very bad perianal abscess and developed a fistula on my ass cheek, I had surgery and they slashed s giant gash in me from the fistula to my asshole, about 3 inch long and 4 inches deep and ran a plastic tie thru the hole, into my rectum, back out of my asshole and tied it together.
After he surgery, they warned me about constipation and told me to take a ton of stool softeners. The anesthesia slows down your body and makes your poop hard. So I had a huge hard turd in me and a massive wound around my ass that made pushing out poop insanely painful like shitting a knife. Not to mention the poop would move the plastic ziptie thru the wound.
I didn't shit for 5 days, became incredibly painful. Doctor gave me the choice between driving 30 min to him to do a "digital extractions' aka he scoops my shit out with his finger, vs me taking a few enemas.
I started with one, waited 15 minutes and couldn't poop so I added another and another. Finally I let out a hard little painful nug of poop. I was crying from the pain and turned on the shower to clean myself off since I couldn't just wipe shit into the hash.
As soon as the hot water hit my stomach, I felt an urge, and I couldn't get out in time. I shit a massive amount of feces into the shower, a huge mound the most shit I've ever seen in my life, it was a fucking ant hill. I used paper towels to try and pick it up and throw it into the toilet but then I just kept farting out water so I stayed in the shower until it was time to shit again and then dropped another massive pile of custard onto the shower floor.
That was 2 years ago, now I use that tub to wash my 1 year old son in.
>Made in USA NPC broke
Many such cases
She absolutely is
maybe he was in the situation where he had to think fast and pick a pocket
to be in
Why would the dethroned authority figures that fled from the commies join the commies? Give me one good reason.
Ride never ends
Most Asians are like this.
Again. Because they see themselves as Chinese first and foremost.
Like I'm not making it up. Google it. Take you like a few minutes. KMT (Chinese Nationalist Party) supports reunification with China and closer political and economic ties with the CCP and Beijing. The children of the people living their before the KMT fled to the island oppose China.
I have personally spoken to cab drivers in Taiwan. Children of Chiang Kai Shek's soldiers. They love China and the CCP and hate the Hong Kong protestors and all said the same thing "We are one people. We are all Chinese. I'm Chinese not Taiwanese."
Get killed.
That's technically true though. The current commies in charge of China are an occupying force that came from the USSR.
There is a lot of this in Asia. Constant really nasty and vicious fighting between Japan, China and the Koreas over small uninhabited islands and the associated fishing rights.
he could have said "i'm not at liberty to speak on that' instead of acting like a deaf autistic child
Well, communists do not care about law. A revolution is not lawful. So if you believe in law, the CCP is illegitimately ruling china.
Fuck these fucking cucks. These traitors need to fucking hang.
>I couldn't hear your question
>Ask it again
>Only make sure it's a different question
>Pulls out LAN cord
Just say you can't talk about Taiwan you fucking autistic cucklord
Look. Get in contact with WHO employees and find a whistleblower. Disregard what the talking heads are doing.
Read up on the Chinese Civil War, after WW2 the Republic of China lost the mainland to the People's Republic of China and retreated to Taiwan. Mao wanted to invade but the U.S. threatened nuclear war if that happened. Taiwan represented China in the UN until the sixties, and to this day both claim they are the legitimate China.
It would be like if the Confederates took Cuba, lost everything else, but kept existing as "the confederacy" offshore
>They should be treated as traitors and judged as war criminals.
You're 110% Goddamn right, and that's not a joke. Think of the widespread chaos and destruction the WHO has now caused in accordance with their beloved Chinese communists. I can't think of anybody in recent history more deserving of capital punishment. This goes far beyond the realm of incompetence. It's dangerous to let these people continue to have power. It could literally kill us all. Fuck them to fucking hell.
What doesn't China own?
Aren't we glad for South park & some Jews going against the chinks now?