Where's your Easter now, Trump?
Where's your Easter now, Trump?
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if just one percent of the urban population dies trump could win all fifty states.
So 50 people from each county in the US? FUCKING NOOOOOOTHING
How dare you question beautiful timeline!
Oh and out of those 50 people from each county about 90% will be old and would’ve been taken by the next flu season so yeah nothing as fuckingburger confirmed.
A certain resurrection?
It’s almost like you’re rooting against the country. Are you a dink?
Taiwan > Xi and chinks.
“Death toll” is inflated or from regular seasonal flu and attributed to Corona-Chan. Biggest scam since bin Laden raid
>Gloss over that this is a massive downgrade from the original 'its gonna kill 2 million'
Friendly reminder that shareblue shills WANT the economy to implode and for people to suffer as much as possible because they believe desperate suffering people will give them what they want. They are the enemy just as much as the chinks.
Ah the old wok stop
USA is rotten to the core.
Kek that’s pretty good
Crowded urban centers most at risk
This guy gets it
open 'er up, drumpf. corona-chan is here to wash the filth off the streets
Compared to what other country?
>excluding Japan & Poland
And isn’t it always the way that shills and bluepilled retards will tell you you’re crazy and paranoid for saying that’ll happen right up until it does and they miraculously change their tune to “duh of course that was the plan all along and it’s a good thing you fucking bigot.”
This is a serious problem in general. Covid-19 symptoms are fucking dime a dozen. People on vents or in the ICU for any respiratory complications are assumed to be Covid cases even though it's still flu season and regardless of how long they've been in the hospital.
So less than 0.1%? Woooow. We destroyed our economy for this.
It's not really about comparison
Lying jew media absolutely rekt
I am and Im white as hell lol
no. it would have been 1mil+ dead if we didn't take these precautions.
>I am and Im white as hell lol
It's your fault and most of the dead will be liberals.
Blond hair and blue eyes
The symptoms are extremely nebulous. Now that allergy season is upon us I’m sure more conflation is in store.
Box dye and contacts you said? Seriously though why tell lies on the internet that’s not cool.
It's not Easter you flaming faggot it's Passover and it's April 9th.
If it's something more than the seasonal flu, they would have no need whatsoever to fake anything. They could walk into any emergency room and take a pic/vid. 100% confirmed fake. Buy lots of guns and ammo.
Trump was too pussy to quarantine NYC. Now people are streaming out of the city and spreading it in every inbred rural shithole they pass through. You really owned the libs, Cletus.
Every death is on the Democrat's hands.
>Mighty big range for an expert
His last estimate was 2 million. Not worldwide but US only. He is a faggot deep state plant wanting more money for a vaccine that won't work. He also has really ramped up his attacks since Dr. Birx has done so well lately. How come there aren't any Dr. Birx shills on here?
The answer is pretty plain to see.
Such a real and totally not seasonal flu that the Jews at Twitter decided to push a 7,000 twat article over articles with 50,000 twats.
>t. (((professionals)))
So only 3-4 million will get the disease?
why are you even on twitter? twitter is for middle schoolers
Hang the WHO.
Reminder that Drudge sold the Drudgereport.com to Never Trumper Republicans late 2019
>Blond hair and blue eyes
Im sure you are, Bob.
Literally built for Epstein’s cock
Read it and weep
we have the cure already
Is pence rounding up and killing the queers?!!!!
Dr. Falsi is gonna keep fearmongering until the entire economy is dead
I thought it was sold to a Google subsidiary.
You're taking the Jews literally. Read between the lines. This isn't about money or being safe. It's about power.
killin commies for your mommies
it’s all you can really do