Dr. Fauci predicts 100,000-200,000 people will die from Coronavirus in US

Is he right or is the media going to extremes for fear mongering?

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Hope they're all white


Those are conservative numbers and Fauci is trying to keep people calm.

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>is the media going to extremes for fear mongering?

I, for one, am starting to warm up to the chaos.

If they keep letting governors stop people from taking the one fucking medication that works we'll hit those numbers and higher.

100,000 dead in a country of nearly 400 million. Wow it’s fucking nothing. Open up everything

yawn big deal
end lock down, hand out masks, face shields, gloves, and purell.

Fuck that fucking kike. Trust Trump, This virus is literally nothing but the flu and the liberal media is trying to ruin the economy so Trump loses the election. TRUST THE FUCKING PLAN!

>20% more than last years flu
wow who cares

Only Hillary voters get corona

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That's way less deaths than the Holocaust.

A country with more people will have more infections?


>interviewed on CNN

Fuck off

200k is a moderate rise, desu.

I guess that means we should send the world economy into a nose dive

>he said 2 million was a conservative estimate 2 weeks ago
Now we have 200,000. It will be less than 100k just like a bad flu.
>Then we will read reports 2 years from now how hospitals inflated death toll by attributing Wuhan deaths when it was not true.
It is all so predictable.

>100's of thousands will die!!
No responsible leader would come out and say that, true or not. Total fearmongering.

t. Q user


Wrong. The virus is real and it will lead to the biggest breakthroughs in medicine in a hundred years if the kikes trying to profit off of it are put in check.

aka a nothing burger. if it killed 15%/50 million it'd be a nothing burger. 40-60%, preferably all non White, now you're talking.

>Spanish flu killed 675,000 in US

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>It's all under control! It's just the flu! Fake news!

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100,000 dead is like 0.1% of the population, why the fuck are people worried? Jesus, the extent to which people are brainwashed by the media is astounding. People are programmed to fear death, because they are made to believe that death is the ‘end’, but it’s not, it is a transformation. People are made to fear this virus, because fear is the most effective method of control. Stop being cattle, realize that what’s meant to be is meant to be and that fighting the inevitable creates the problem, it does not solve anything. There is no problem, in fact. Remember (((they))) want you to panic (((they))) don’t want you to know the truth (((they)))) want to keep you asleep

You can’t devide by zero

k, keep me posted




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Because the death rate assumes people are doing what they are with the country half shut down. It isn't like the flu at all.

If those are the honest to God real numbers I'm leaving my house right fucking now and going back to work. If those are the real numbers this is fucking nonsense.

> 2 million vs. 200k

infected isn't the same as killed

I predict less than 40k

seems plausible at least, 20-30 million infections, depends on the time frame he referencing.

250,000 die from medical errors every year. Call me when we're over 1%.

yes. In a sane world. However the goal here has very little to do with deaths or even a virus. It's about furthering technocratic tyranny and destroying the last shred of humanity.

you will be lucky if it stops at 200,000


Over a million will die even if less than a third of the population gets infected. What they were projecting earlier was 50-70% of the population will get infected.

We need to go back to work.


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How many apocalyptic level hurricanes did the media fearmonger in the last decade again? I forget since so many had to stage interviews on their knees to make the water seem higher than it was after the storm flopped.

Fuck this gravelly jew and his lies.
200k is the biggest nothing burger in the history of nothingburgers.
We lost 500 yesterday. 750 today. 1200 tomorrow. We'll be at 200,000 in two weeks.
Just in time for Easter.

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Nope. The disease ravages urban areas, there was a report earlier that 80% of the people dying were in Democrat districts, which makes sense because urban trash are the sort of people who vote Democrat.

When this inevitably tears through the ghettoes and urban cuck areas, they're going to be stacking faggots, niggers and spics like cordwood. You just wait until this hits the Haciendas in California and Texas as well. The Cuckold Anti-White Party is getting exactly what it deserves.

We win, you lose. Period. We've already won, technically. When you're choking to death on your own lungs in a hospital bed, remember that you fought for open borders. You voted for it, you picketed for it, you fought for it you bought for it and now you're paying for it. You made your bed, now you get raped in it.

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Unironically this. It's unfortunate but that's a fucking country mile away from pandemic numbers

Gas yourself kike.


I hope its more like 200 million. Imagine how cheap property will be!

what about deaths? it hits predominantly old people

the way you are going without a real quarantine, yes

>Source: Dude, trust me.

>Is he right or is the media going to extremes for fear mongering?
extremes for fear mongering
Right now in democrat cities and states every death is being marked as a corona death in order to make Trump look bad somehow.
Democrat states are even going as far as outright outlawing the proven cure for the virus in order to ensure the death count is high.
Democrats are truly demons.

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Lel take your meds

based on what's going on in NYC it looks like a lot of blacks are sick

go hide in your prison cell room goyim. or the big meanie virus will get you!

Feels pretty good to be a rural/suburban retard right now, not gonna lie fellas

yes retard. let's open everything so the virus spreads even more causing up to 10,000,000 deaths, including yours

Don’t be afraid fellows Americans. There are millions of Nigers arriving every years to you to substitute you.
Tomorrow was watching your news and laughing to pain in my stomach because for 20 minits watching report from a street of New York I had not seen even one white. You are not 56% you are 99% nigroasianchinkoshit and deserve to die out

Why is the media glorifying this faggot?

Purge 'em all!

Over a million will die, retard. It's very simple maths. Assume 1% death rate just to give yourself an advantage even though it's 2-4x higher than that.

That's with full lockdown and distancing for the forseeable future.

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This. I rather die at my job then hide at home like some worthless NEET.

He doesn't understand exponential growth. This is going to kill millions.

Coronavirus is a nigger remover.

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Italy has 11,000 deaths and isn’t nearly done yet.

America follows the Italian trajectory, so 50,000 deaths minimum. 100k to 200k is a good estimate for overall deaths.

Trump re-election confirmed if US deaths from corona stay below 1 million.

How many levels of cuck are you on?

put down the bottle comrade

>being this retarded
Mortality rate is lower than the flu. You normalfags are so vulnerable to sensationalism.

add a zero

>Mortality rate is lower than the flu


Oh god lets make everybody poor because 1% will die!

this. Piet has it right

I'm doing fine working from home.

Good thing there are millions of hard working Americans, we can afford to lose a few for a good cause. Keeping the economy running is the highest calling.

>How many levels of cuck are you on?
More than you can afford, pal.

It’s better than the millions that was projected before. This would be the best case scenario.


>Tfw carpetbagger Masshole hiding out in the country
Lmao I can buy so many guns here

Explain the jump in newly detected infections, yet the absent spike in deaths.
It’s been over two months now, so don’t say “wait and see” like a dumbass.
Literally the flu. You niggers are fucking stupid.

cool larp

>if US deaths from corona stay below 1 million
With how many people blatantly disregarded obvious measures to take in a situation like this I doubt it will stay under 1 million. Hell even if it does the media will try to sensationalize it by speculating over 1 million then referencing itself as fact anyway.

Your image there is missing key portions like cutting off flights from infected areas back on February 5th and putting the national guard on alert and that type of stuff.
I wonder why that type of stuff has been omitted from your image?

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>no archive

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sounds like a reasonable estimate. NYC still hasn't peaked and it's barely started in most other US cities. A lot of other experts have been estimating 200k-600k

>open everything up
>number of deaths is now estimated at 5+ million
>"why didn't the government do anything"

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The number of deaths literally just doubled in a day you fucking retard.

>0.06% of the population dying is reason-enough to shut down the entire US economy and cause hundreds of millions of people to lose their fortunes and livelihoods

Never forget that this asshole spent months telling us millions were going to die. Now all of a sudden it's less deadly than the flu.
#You'reFired #FireFauci

No dumb dumb. That’s the number if we kill the economy. If we save the economy then we will have to sacrifice 15 million minimum.

This, you have a crisis with a president who can’t accept things that contradict his personal point of view and need to be coddled by his handlers. What could go wrong?

>Trusts government agents, jews, alphabet boys, and the mainstream media all at once.
Wew. Never post here again. Never trust yourself to make good judgment calls again in your life. Seriously, its for your own protection.

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blah blah blah blah. iT'S JUST THE FLU THE JEWFLU PROBABLY

Eat shit kike.

Low balling. Watch deaths from pneumonia, heart failure, kidney failure and old age (many states don't care about cause if the person is old) jump, as well as influenza deaths from people diagnosed without tests.

You should be poor. Whole your liiving generations are living on the legacy of your ancestors. Your whole county is a landlord living off other countries.
But yours niger s brains can’t manage it anymore and very soon are going to be an average African country.
And Asian union will not allow you in and any muts.

Again, your hospital system cannot cope with the hospitalizations

>deaths doubling every day in the US.
If this trend continues, we'll all be dead in 18 days.

Perhaps it will only end when politicians and mass media exposing some new and novel "evil" threatening society.

So that's what, 10 people in the US?

Point is there's not really a big inflection yet.

This. In the future we will say
>Remember 2020, the year we crashed the economy over the flu?

>it's all just a conspiracy
Boomer retards killed Yas Forums in 2016. God damn this board is retarded.

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Oh good, TMZ: the world's most credible journalistic source..

now imagine the state of Yas Forums if a muslim killed 100,000 people

And the number of detected infections nearly tripled. Now I know you’re a stupid nigger since you can’t understand math.

Plus it’s likely that coronavirus has been in the US since at least December, as during Christmas there was a strange cold going around. This also explains the spike in detected cases: we are 2 months further along the outbreak than everyone first believed.

But logic is too much for you stupid niggers. You’re incapable of thinking without having some “expert” form an opinion for you.

Yeah probably. But you have to keep that in perspective. It's just a really really bad flu season. A one time event and it's over. Besides in Italy where practically everyone who dies with corona virus gets labelled as dying of the corona virus they have one victim under 30 and 18 between 30-39 out of 8500 dead.

lmao imagine arguing about this and not even knowing the death toll

But did those racist and xenophobic measures even work? Obviously they didn't.

ok, someone tell me who's pushing the whole "nothingburger" disinfo/misinfo campaign, as seen in the post here are the jews trying to get as many people infected as possible (since they are the creators/financiers of the virus), or are there really a bunch of dumbasses who believe people aren't dying regardless if this is a false flag or bio warfare?

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have you noticed we have always been at war with Oceania? It's just more mental terrorism saying the opposite of what they said the day before. People are in a state of trauma right now which greatly empowers the mind games.

Point is there will never be one, this faggot is a liar.

Get raked, Muhammad.

None of those dead peoples homes will go to you plebes

>stupid nigger thinks this isn’t a big infection
You are so fucking stupid, it hurts.

Nobody is going to say that. We are going to profusely thank the President for giving us the chance to be brave. The chance to keep our fortunes. If you want a quarantine, move to Europe. Here we go to work, nothing can stop us.

>muh it's been around 2 months already!

>chimping out when he gets called out on infections and deaths increasing by multiples day over day

Do us all a favor and expose yourself first, you mammon-drunk kike. I hope you die.

Because that image is a creation of butthurt. Butthurt omits things that might soothe the butthurt.

They are. Blacks don't live to 70.

if you open up everything you'll get over 4 million deaths.

Reminder that 3 million Americans die every year from any cause. Adding 200,000 to that number is an increase of only 6.7%. And that's assuming (WRONGLY) that the people with CoViD-19 weren't going to just die of something else this year (spoiler: most people who died from it were old and sickly or had a weak immune system).

Pretty much.

Isn't that like .006% of the total population?

Pretty low numbers considering the reaction.

How many people with HIV are there? How many people on chemo, dialysis, etc?

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First wave will be 25-30k at the worst before virus fades for summer. Feel free to screenshot this.

People in the US should spread the flu nothingburger meme, so that it helps accelerate the collapse of the United States' health system.

I said this last week that the experts would start walking back the doomsday scenarios.

Fuck off racist, Yas Forums respects high scores no matter who gets them.

trumptard boomers in full cope mode

Anyone who thinks leftists have their best interests at heart are fucking stupid, demonstrated by Pelosi’s disingenuous relief package where the US is required to give up its sovereignty whilst at the same time implementing the degenerate social policies of the left, in fact, this has been the plan all along. Firstly they intentionally provided false advice to Western Govts in relation to the severity of the virus facilitated by their puppet at the WHO, the Ethiopian Communist Tedros. Secondly, once their activists in the media downplayed the virus and they were satisfied the virus had spread sufficiently throughout the Western world, the narrative changed to a more alarmist one with the activists in the Civil Service intentionally providing conflicting advice to dis-credit the Govt. Now we’re in a situation where the leftists are advising Govt’s to indefinitely shut down their societies so as to accelerate the collapse of the economy in the hope people will flock to a Communist revolution, they’ve used this crisis masterfully.

Most of them are really old or unironically kill themselves. This kills young people.

Are Americans this fucking pozzed that they are making corona virus case comparisons of Trump vs Hillary votes? Wtf!!

>CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

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>If they keep letting governors stop people from taking the one fucking medication that works we'll hit those numbers and higher.

What do you expect from white men? They also banned the one form of marriage that works too (marrying little girls). They want you to die to clean out the pension rolls. They do not care about you. Just as they want you to be miserable cog with no good cute young girl to marry.

They are your enemy. The white men are the enemy of all men on earth. They are heretics that reject YHWH's law and have worked to drive his kingdom from the earth.
>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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They are literally 80 IQ mongoloids. This is the deal with the devil we had to make to block the neoliberals.

Oh look, its eurotrash that thinks they have a valid opinion. Go hide in your house from the flu. Here in America we will bail out ass out again. You're welcome.

Its 0.06%
Generally speaking it's not desirable to have this many people die of a single cause

>orange man bad
day of the rake sooner than later please

very conservative numbers. This won't age well.

>But did those racist and xenophobic measures even work? Obviously they didn't.
Ya somehow, a old age home in Washington DC got infected and no one knows how. It's almost as if some type of sabotage took place.

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woah there kiddo care not to cut yourself on that edge

>stupid nigger refuses to believe logic
>chooses to believe sensationalist news instead
China admits they detected it as early as November. Explain how it didn’t reach outside of China until 3 months later.
>muh Chinese New Year
Chinks are traveling back and forth all the time. If it was around in November, it spread outside of China before the new year.

Yeah. It's been around longer. Cough medicine was selling like hot cakes around January in the USA.

People who had the flu shot complaining they got the flu but the flu had "unusual" symptoms.

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He's also lowballing it on purpose.

There's no argument. Fauci is a liar, that's a fact. Then I asked how many are dead in the US and you couldn't provide an answer. Maybe pipe down and stop projecting.

deaths and infected both mirror each other and both are growing exponentially.

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And this is fucking bullshit and you know it shill. Piss off. Everyone can see through this media/dnc meme disease.

How is this a question of TMZ being credible?
He's on video saying this shit:

happening retard just won’t let it go

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>If they keep letting governors stop people from taking the one fucking medication that works we'll hit those numbers and higher.

What do you expect from white men? They also banned the one form of marriage that works too (marrying little girls). They want you to die to clean out the pension rolls. They do not care about you. Just as they want you to be miserable cog with no good cute young girl to marry.

They also banned useful weapons (machine guns etc). Anything that is good for you they ban and torture and imprison you for.

They are your enemy. The white men are the enemy of all men on earth. They are heretics that reject YHWH's law and have worked to drive his kingdom from the earth.

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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Brace yourself, as soon as the rumor of quarantine will start all these fags are going to flee their beloved cities and infect all countryside.

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>He thought it was only 1,000 people
>Still trying to spin after outing himself as a retarded boomer

Literally go outside and go lick some door handles.

> According to our statistics, all of the US should have died 3 times already
> Also remember the 6 million

mega based

medical errors kill over 200,000 every year.

Try 900,000 die from error. You are more likely to die from a tired nurse fucking up if you go into the hospital for this. How many of those people will they count as Covid deaths to cover their asses.

>happening retard just won’t let it go
Fuck you heretic white-man.

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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100k deaths is vastly conservative, but even if we open everything up we won’t have more than 2 million deaths—if you’re willing to sacrifice 100k, 2 million isn’t much different

>ok, someone tell me who's pushing the whole "nothingburger" disinfo/misinfo campaign, as seen in the post here
You know the people who show up to work no matter what? You know the people you can always depend on, even when they are sick as a dog. That is who we are. The sniffles wont stop us.

Unless he's talking about 100K death per state that's an extremely low estimate.

This. One has to wonder what magical calculator he used to reach his conclusions.

When your healthcare is non-existent for people who aren't rich, yeah you are going to get a lot of people dying from it

>What's an order of magnitude between friends?

>unsourced magapede Twitter post
It wouldn't surprise me but I'm not going to just believe this guy with no evidence to back up his claim.

If you go look back at news articles during the Christmas holidays, you will find a ton of them warning about catching a strangely contagious cold if you went Christmas shopping late.

We’ve had the virus for months. Unfortunately we have to wait on antibody test to prove it.

>100k deaths is vastly conservative, but even if we open everything up we won’t have more than 2 million deaths—if you’re willing to sacrifice 100k, 2 million isn’t much different

White men sacrificed the happiness of all men on earth to please "MUHH WHOITE WUUHHMAN". What's 100k, 200k, 2million?

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

White men are heretics.

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there should be 0 death. with a script of the hydroxy, zinc, zpac. i wonder where i can get a script for this if i fall ill cause the er docs sure as hell aren't gonna give it to ya

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Sorry but in the grand scale of 360 millions + That's nothing

Young people die of diseases and virus-born diseases all the time, even the flu. The average age of someone who died from CoViD-19 is 81.

Which young people are susceptible to coronavirus?
>autoimmune disorders
>heart disease
>undiagnosed cancer (quite common)

Explain France.

if it breaks 5 million ill start to worry

yeah you say that now but not when your mom dies

I'd volunteer at this point.

That's over a million people right there just counting asthmatics, RETARD.

No, the it is an unlikely projection based on initial spread and a faulty lethality rate, dumbass. More people will die from a 3 month state enforced quarantine and the ensuing economic damage than a virus with a sub-1% lethality.

>its da j00s!!!!1!!1!11!!1
Ok nazi

>When your healthcare is non-existent for people who aren't rich, yeah you are going to get a lot of people dying from it

Which is exactly what white-heretics want. They want the unproductive to die: if you aren't working for them they believe "if you don't work you don't eat". The old aren't working.

They also believe "better a millstone". White men love the new testament and Paul and hate the Old Testament God.

>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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Exponential growth of deaths isn't that big of a factor if it still only kills 1.6% of people that catch it. And remember, flu season ends in April. This thing only has a week or 2 before the environment won't allow for it to spread as easily.

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