They were heroes

They were heroes

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If you think this is fun, wait until Pride Month. The bugchasers are going to get fucked so hard it'll make Spanish Influenza look like a mild cold.

They're going to be stacking those faggots like cordwood.

Everyone clapped

Lol fuckin based

KEK can't wait for that to happen

Boomer propaganda

Bugcchasers are on PREP which blocks viral infections

These coronavirus anecdotal tales are starting to resemble those of the holocaust a little too much.

Fake, and gay. I did however heard on the radio about people getting fined by the state, because they threw a party in their apartment. It was either jew York city or jew Jersey.

And that man person who survived was albert einstein

There are few really stupid old people. I'm a Christian, but this is damned near proof of evolution in action. These people were too stupid to live.

There is a brothel here. I still fuck russian and brazilian whores there. Last time was 3 days ago. I'm fine. It's a nothingburger

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this is natural selection

>36% infection rate
>25% infected-mortality rate
>9% total death rate
>91% survival rate
Chickenpox is more dangerous than CoViD-19.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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That kinda how smallpox parties worked back in the day. A few of them usually did die.

Wouldn't surprise me if this was true, pretty much everyone but a select few believe you can be cured of this virus without serious lung damage and that once you've got it, you can't get it again.
Those fucks don't realize.

I’ll take things that never happened for $6 million

>source: DUDE TRUST ME

herd immunity

They dont. And at this point I honestly think thats a good thing.

I hope Christ comes again and ends this gay fucking Earth. I'm tired of sharing existence with people like this.

I don't believe that shit at all. Fake and gay.

>63% didn't even get sick.
>91% of total survived
>75% of those who got sick, survived.

Darwinism at its finest.

fucking bug chasers, fuck them.

Any factual evidence for this or just retarded internet hearsay? Average age of death is 80, so was this a geriatrie party or just some asthma hipsters and their spastic friends?

fake and gay

Fucking absolute bullshit. I hate people that lie for attention.

Coronavirus RNA polymerase is completely different from the reverse transcriptase HIV uses. Prepare to get rekt faggot

If prep worked against the Chinese Virus, doctors would be prescribing it for all patients, now wouldn't they. And they aren't.

Think, people.

Yeah but what about the twenty who aren't dead

I really don't care anymore.

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I predicted this.

how is it fake and gay, fag? were you at the party and starting to coof?

it's an other episode of a story that never happened

I believe it, these are the same people who eat tide pods and vote Democrat.

I am sorry for you

Fucking idiots

bye bye normies

LMFAO idiots, more canned food for us survivors



fpbp /thread

good reference

Powerful. I'm going to call my local NPR and tell them this story.

And I replied “toughen up little bitch, the cyberpunk future is NOW!” And then everybody clapped

>stacking those faggot like cordwood

Clever post user.

>We can be heroes
>Just for one day

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yeah really, fucking women like that is very very sad life, i mean look at em...eww

wait until all sickos have recovered or deaded, retards

This user BTFO the fags and used biochemistry to do it. Based.

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I’ve been to 2 corona parties since this thing started. It’s a pretty good opportunity to fuck dumb sluts.

I was in attendance at the party and actually it was 6,000,000 people all of whom are now dead. The media refuses to report on this.

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No chicken pox doesn't kill 9%

go get it timmy, *hold back tears* you go get em

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>No names
>No pictures
>No obituaries
>Just made up shit on Twitter
The asteroid is going to kill all of you, stop worrying about the virus


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You see little Timmy, we have to have this total government control because of the six mongolian that died to the coronavirus!

Things that didn't happen for $100 please, Alex

That's fucking hilarious if it's true

Fucking eh. This right here

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OK, boomer.

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There's a very high probability that those 2 whores are the best looking ones in there.

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Hope they rot lol

play stupid games win stupid prizes

>spouse of a friend type gossip from a random twitter shitpost
jesus christ Yas Forums