The absolute state of landlords

The absolute state of landlords

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Found the parasite/leech-worm wannabee.

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Just tear my hymen daddi

Well, pay your rent! How fucking hard is it to pay what you signed up for?

Lol I wouldn’t pay just for that. You are easily going to be able to stay where you are for months now, court system is hella backed up. Also, in the states I lived they can’t charge you any late fees until after the 5th. I thought that was a federal law? Anyways, OP, don’t move out, fuck them lol

>Defending someone named Hyman and calling someone else a shill

Holy shit the absolute state of Jews.

Sounds right

>acknowledges shelter is an essential commodity
>hordes shelter and rents that shelter for outrageous profit
>calls it a "service"

Do they really evict you for paying the rent late? In Finland you could ingore paying rent for 3 months before they could evict you.

They say they're within their rights to cut cable, but they are not, not over rent.


oh, I'm sorry...

>hordes shelter and rents that shelter for outrageous profit

Commie logic at it's finest.

Of course, it's fucking America.

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It’s in America I looked it up. PA

I don't know, maybe you suddenly got laid off?



>Work for cable company
>"ey yo, *smacks lips* dat corana virus be makin my bills late and shit. *niglets scream in background* what are you gonna do fer dem us we been affekted? I dun want my 3 months past due be cleared off yo, dis some emergency shiieeet!!"
"No sir I can't waive your entire balance sir I can offer to waive a single extension fee if..."
>"You dun called me a sir?! I'm a ma'am and dis be some ol racist bull shiet! Dis an emerguncy gib me dats free cable!!"
>Chimps out

It ain't any better here land lord guy.

Ultimately that doesn't have anything to do with your agreement between you and the landlord. The landlord still has to pay taxes on the property you're living in.

In effect, you're just trying to shift your loss to someone else.

Unlike people who work to create a good or service that people require that wouldn't otherwise be available, landlords simply make money though owning land. Unlike workers, they add ZERO value to society. They leech off tenants, merely because they happen to own the land, and intentionally drive up property prices to create a cycle that benefits them.

It's zogbot protties who defend jews

Looks like those niggers have to give back their nintendo Switch and reinforced gamer chair

so wait till your landlord dies and move into his place
it's the end of the world faggot if you don't like your current arrangement just wait a few months

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You're correct, any renter has until 11:59:59 pm on the 5th to pay their rent.

Good luck finding another tenant in this market retard

He's got that monster Jew look too

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If you get the feeling you're being leeched on by a slumlord, move to a better apartment.

I'm not a landlord.

How hard is it for Landlords to realize the product they offer is one of a kind and the same rules dont really apply. Ive seen people compare renting houses to renting cars. Its not even close.


Is Hyman going to be able to fight you off with no police when society breaks down and you come to take his home as your own?
Granted someone else will probably be drinking from your skull by then but if you live you can take what you want.

Pay up niggers

protip- jews are not well equipped to handle a mad max scenario

As long as a woman has a wet hole between her legs, she is never "homeless".
There's always some desperate man, willing to ignore her physical or spiritual ugliness, to stick their dick in their hole.

In these cases I agree. Landlords would be wise to give some leeway in payments, if you are financially struggling because of this. Evicting someone who has been laid off temporarily doesn't make those costs go away, but you may very well lose a (eventually) paying customer. Depending on the area it might be harder than usual to get a replacement tenant these days, especially if you are known to kick people out during a world wide crisis without even a warning. On the other hand I have no sympathy for those gibs me niggers, who won't pay the rent just because they now don't feel like it, and see this just an opportunity to live rent free on someone elses property.

Damn right motherfuckers. Think you can Netflix and Chill in a free house? Think again. Pay your fucking rent.

Very unprofessionally written letter, not because it threatens to cut cable for non-payment of rent (which is completely reasonable), but because it delves into emotional response, "offensive to us" blah blah. Just keep your letter direct and to the point, it's a business letter.

Shut up boomer, have fun chasing up rent when you're choking in some hospital tent

Who even has cable in 2020 desu. Boomers aren't living in these apartments

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No address, no phone number
On company letterhead
It’s like somebody just found Yas Forums, and thought they’d try their first troll.

Honest question. Do Jews even wonder why the world hates them?

>make productive workers homeless
>this somehow helps everything
It's just illogical. People lose jobs, and since they have an apartment in the first place they proved they can pay, when employed. A 1-2 month grace period for reemployment is logical and less costly than constantly cycling through tenants over a measly 1 month missed

I love this pissing match. Who can be the shittiest human being during a crisis. Landlord vs Tenant a true race to the bottom. Also post more tenant or landlord salt as it's fucking funny.

top kek I know this guy because I watched his video review of the Light Phone. anyway, get fucked libtards.

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>any other time of the day week month or year if you get laid off and can't afford your bills youll be evicted or face penalties
>people expect this to be any different
Welcome to the real world, and not some fairy tale that your mommies tell you at bedtime to make you feel good about reality.

>just live there without paying rent for the next X amount of months until the courts are back up and running and you get evicted
>now you have to try to find a place to live even though you have that giant "did not pay rent and squatted for months until evicted" blemish tied to your name
>suddenly it's impossible to rent anywhere, even crackhouses
Classic reactionary short-term thinking. I bet you're the kind of dipshit that does chargebacks on their credit card over frivolous sub $50 purchases too, arn't ya.

fake af but i'd just move. fuck these "landlords".

checked. based common sense poster

I have 113 properties, have received rent from 95 of them. Eviction notice for 18 that weren't able to pay and have confirmed that they have lost their jobs due to COVID19.

I have other responsibilities, I run other businesses and use money from my rental properties to help fund those businesses which keep people employed.

Sorry, but I'm not a charity.

No Hyman no Diamand

It's annoying that the phrasing is so bad. I personally called all of my tenants to check if they were safe, healthy, to see how they were doing. I said if they have reduced hours or trouble with work I can help them find and apply to other jobs and stuff like that. Maybe I'm still being parasitic, and I'm still expecting to get all of the rent and everything, but at least we can work together over it. I can review their resumes, I can be a reference, etc.

Also it's good where I live that you can't cut services like that. Even if they could though, it's so disingenuous to try to use it as a bargaining tool, tenants can retaliate unethically too.

Your right in the fact that landlords have ruined the market but this all started because their was a market for rentals.
People can't afford or they don't want to purchase land if they don't intend to stick around so they rent. Have you seen prices for hotels? They're completely untenable for people to live for prolonged periods.
So now what are these people sopose to do? Live on the streets?
Landlords give them an opportunity

I don't give a fuck but I just want to voice my disdain for normalfags who can't communicate without emojis as if they were 6 year old children

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>Hyman properties
I mean I know its the wrong spelling but cmon OP this is too fucking obvious.

That graffiti tells me she lives in a really nice neighborhood.

Like it or not the bad PR from kicking people out will destroy you quicker than letting a leech leech for a few months

Emojis make me horny

My landlord gave everyone in my apartments a similar note.

finally a man of culture

>lose your job and get evicted because of a global pandemic? Just become a prostitute!
I thought Yas Forums was supposed to be the trad board.

They doing have empathy or self awareness outside their tribe.

I can tell you're still in high school. You legally can't refuse to house a tenant if they supply the required deposits and credit checks
Not paying rent won't touch your
>I- ill just j-jack the prices up!
Also illegal, called rent control

>agree to pay
>don't pay
>wtf why he mad tho??????

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Okay, zoomer.

there’s literally nothing wrong with being a landlord

boil it down to the essence and almost every woman trades their hole for being taken care of.

Good luck finding people to move in anytime soon.

No hyman no diamond.

Can’t the landlord just use the deposit money they received to offset a months rent?

fuck I cropped that clownface from the original years ago

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Based. It's just unfathomable to me that people have become so coddled they think they're just going to get by for free. The only way I could ever see an exception being made is if someone actually had the disease and was deathly ill and to evict them would probably cause them to die. But 99% of the time people just want to take advantage of an unusual circumstance to get something they didn't earn.

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lmao Hyman condo just like in Vice City? Is this real?

>polspastics unironically think that defending literal jew feudal lords is a right wing matter now because trigger "le libtards"

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Why don't you have three months expenses for all your bills? Part of being a landowner is taking responsibility for your debts, and to maintain a fund to pay you banker and other obligations in case of an emergency like this. It's quite Jewish of you to blame your shortcomings on your customers, or at best niggerish.

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Theoretically yes but there's no legal obligation, if it was any other time of the year he could still evict you

Use your emergency fund?

looks like he's wearing a mask made out of someone else's face

Problem is then there is no longer a deposit. What if the following month the tenant leaves and trashes the place?

Something tells me that company is going to be spending an inordinate amount of money on room repairs

what’s Jewish about owning property and renting it out for a nominal fee?

Came here to post this.

If you need the rent from 113 homes to cover the costs of your business, you're a pretty shitty owner. Why didn't you have 1-3 months savings to fall back on?

We received a mass email sent to all tenants from our leasing office earlier this week.

It said "If you are scheduled for an automatic payment, please make sure you have enough money in the selected account or you will receive a failed payment fee, and any late fees for the missing payment still apply."

Basically, "Rent is still due on time, motherfuckers."

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It would have been in your best interest to cut a deal. You aren’t going to reduce your costs for those units and now you run the real risk on incurring additional repair costs when pisses of evicted tenants wreck your rooms.

>what’s Jewish about owning property and renting it out for a nominal fee?
They give each other religion-based loans to 'pwn the goy', while we work as 'rugged individuals'.

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Pay rent retard communists.

the only solution: shoot landlords

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dude just let people use your property for free bro

I wouldn't pay on the principle that I don't like being told what to do and I don't appreciate bullshit letters from jews when I signed up a contract with them. I don't call them to reminder to pay their taxes several weeks than tax season.

Kneejerk response. How many units is the correct amount?

>The landlord still has to pay taxes on the property you're living in.
They'd be paying taxes anyway, moron.


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looks like stephen king

>tfw pay my rent on time and live in a high rise so I never interact with my landlord
>tfw I don't get to get angry at landlords and fight them over rent payments

I'm bored.

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sadly we will see more and more of this with the resurgence of libertarians and mainstream conservatism pretty much being an openly gay, openly pro-big-jew-business party. Soon enough you will have americans making the case that 'so what we have to pay 80% of our paycheck to live, at least we dont speak german or have isis/socialism, MURICA BABY'

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You're not running a section 9 housing where people live for free. What's the economical advantage of making the workforce homeless? Even from a purely capitalistic standpoint, what's to gain? No one's gonna replace those tenants, who will statistically get a new job within 2 months anyway. You gain vastly more from reciprocity and productive relationships with your long term tenants than cycling through random people during a global pandemic.

Fuck kikes and fuck jannies.

Yeah, so if you fail to pay, they're operating at a net loss. That's why they evict you and stuff literally anybody else in there that WILL pay.

With my white and Asian tenants, no.

Niggers, yes.

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>The landlord still has to pay taxes on the property you're living in.
if they cant afford a property, why not sell it?

Absolute mouth breathing retard detected.

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So how do you intend on recouping the cost of those evicted?
With things the way they are I'm sure not many are in the market for renting

When I moved into my place, Comcast had it where it was cheaper to get basic cable with your internet rather than internet alone.

To me that looks like the absolute state of renters.

None? If you can't cover the cost of your business with the profits it generated you failed at running a business.

I don't support violence, this should be worked out peacefully where everyone loses and gains in their own way

>Welcome to the real world
You mean the world where fire destroys your (((investment))) and cops can't be bothered to track down innawoods hermits?

>sadly we will see more and more of this with the resurgence of libertarians and mainstream conservatism pretty much being an openly gay, openly pro-big-jew-business party. Soon enough you will have americans making the case that 'so what we have to pay 80% of our paycheck to live, at least we dont speak german or have isis/socialism, MURICA BABY'
Good comments.

Pic related is libertarians in 2020.

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If I don’t get my rent I am not paying the jews hassling me for my bills. I need the rent to pay the bills, if renters get a free pass I do to. If the Jews come for my properties and assets as collateral for not paying then I am bringing out the guns

Exterminate all landlords. They're just Jews and their Golems. They're not people.
Problem solved.

This guy tried to run for mayor and lost to Ed pawlowsk (who is now in federal prison)

In late 2018 one of buildings he was working on burnt down and his insurance wasn't in order so the city got stuck with the demolition bill.

Now this. And he was thinking of running in 2021 too. Lmao

To them it is an income property. It is an asset. They make money from owning it and renting it out.

Fake. This is a psyops post from Reddit to have sympathy for the poor and to support liberal policies.

Landlords have their rights too, there's a compromise for all sides that doesn't need to reinvent the wheel

>every state in lockdown has moratorium on evictions/power bills/water bills/mortgages
>Yas Forums siding with kikes because haha money machine go brrrrrrrrrr

This leaf gets it.

>Cable is $50-100
>Rent is between 10 and 20 times that amount
Wow, how could you possibly be able to afford internet access when you can't pay your rent in full?

I don't follow. Are you saying landlords should rent zero units?

Mortgages, taxes, strata fees. If renters get a free pass I do to, I am not paying any of these. Jews can fuck off

yeah to a normie maybe but when I see this I just think 'oy vey'


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>any other time of the day week month or year if you get laid off and can't afford your bills youll be evicted or face penalties
is that really what life is like in america? lmao and you call yourselves first world

I can tell you're still in high school because you think that bailing on your rent for months on end and being evicted isn't going to effect your credit rating or score or check.

sounds to me like you're too afraid of the reality that you're gonna be out on your ass once everything reverts back to normal and you're trying to convince yourself that stopping rent payments for months and then being evicted is going to just be ignored. protip: get a job that pays more than minimum wage and you wouldn't be in a position where you don't have enough savings to hold out for a few months.

Move back in with your parents if you're not ready to rent or buy.

Any non-Jew and non-Golem is poor. If you are rich in this jew system you are a Golem or a Jew that's needs to be systematically exterminated.

You'll be the first to die parasite

Thanks for the tip, Shlomo. You still get the rope.

Death to 'em

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Bailing on your rent for a month won't affect your credit score, which is exactly what you claimed. You have zero idea of what either are apparently yet here you are, reddit spacing and rambling anyway

pay your rent you filthy dipshit

Thats exactly what it is. There really is no excuse, you have family, friends? if not, get a loan, if all else fails, accept you can't pay and move out into temporary housing or emergency housing.

I just dont buy anyone claiming they cant pay rent, there are so many ways to get a hold of money to borrow it.

I dont think you understand how businesses operate.

absolute state of renties you mean, imagine relying on someone for sheltering yourself

These threads are designed to cultivate an aversion to asset ownership in you.

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Pol is so fucking retarded.

On one hand they pretend to despise jews because of usury and corruption, on the other they praise landlords which consist of jews and boomers who practice usury on a daily

>but why didn’t the rentees prepare for this

If this crisis lasts 6 months, at least half of working class renters will be homeless. There’s no such thing as preparing for an indeterminate crisis you fucking dipshits. And of course, these comments come from niggers who are completely dependent on white collar jobs, who then bitch and moan when their jobs are shipped overseas. I’ll repeat the same thing you said to rentees when that happens: you should have prepared for it.

>providing housing is not a service
There weren't any homes here before Europeans came and built them for your lazy ass. You could always go live in a tepee or on a sidewalk now if you don't think housing is worth anything.

landlord defenders are libertardians

Because that's how business works, kid. If businesses kept three months expenses in cash instead of reinvesting it in the business, they would be outcompeted by other businesses that did reinvest. Consumers are supposed to have savings, not businesses (that includes landlords). NOW PAY YOUR FUCKING RENT.

You're probably gonna be a fucking spastic and repeat your same high school views so I'll beat you to the punch and provide professional analysis

>Bailing on your rent for a month won't affect your credit score, which is exactly what you claimed.

No, what I said was that bailing on your rent for MONTHS ON END AND THEN BEING EVICTED will affect your credit score. You would actually know this, if you weren't still living at home with your parents.

No you fucking moron, the poster I was responding to said " I run other businesses and use money from my rental properties to help fund those businesses". Why is the rent money going towards those businesses? Why do the businesses need help? Does he not turn a profit? If the businesses don't make enough money to run on their own, and require external funding, then he has failed as a business owner.


#1 - I paid my rent dispite having both jewish landlords and being laid off 11 days ago.

#2 - Landlords better fucking realize not everyone is impressed by their threats, and I paid because I always honor my contracts.

#3 - Turning off somone's $50-$100/month cable TV because they cannot afford a $1100 to $4000 rent payment does not make sense, and will not win the landlord favor with any court.

These landlords will reap what they sow.

Not gonna affect your credit score. You clearly have no idea how either work, but you're probably a kentucky public schooler off from school til June, am I right?
Read, retard

You fucking retards can't go one reply without

It's all so fucking tiresome

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Jesus would have the landlords hanged. Usurer scum. That's why the Jews crucified him.

These people hate kikes because they want to be the kike. They're jealous of their ethnostate, they're jealous of their power, and their wealth. It's incredibly pathetic.

white men sell property, jews rent it out

You know damn well the Bernie voters shilling these threads dont plan ahead.

Here, I'll quote directly from the link that you provided

>“That doesn’t show up on your credit score unless your landlord takes you to court and a judgment is entered,” says Kelley Long,

What the fuck part of
>being evicted
do you think means the courts won't be involved? I swear, you literally are a high schooler, aren't you?

Rent seekers are literal kikes

I don't want to be "that guy" but they can't all really be Jewish, can they?

seewhere I already blow that argument out of the water.

If these people had any humanity they would offer to try to work things out on a individual basis. Greedy fucks like these deserve to have their precious property torched.

cernovitch troll jew phenotype

People like you are the reason why communism pops back up every other decade.

see where I already blow that argument out of the water.

well I guess the landlord will just have to pay his mortgage, taxes, and insurances regardless of his income then, just like he agreed to