Can someone tell me what the hell this slope is saying and why she is naked?
Thank's in advance Yas Forums
Can someone tell me what the hell this slope is saying and why she is naked?
Thank's in advance Yas Forums
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fap fap fap
this is a deep fake to make her look bad.
Chinese women are built for BBC. Especially the wives and daughters of CCP members.
Probably reporting about being in the hospital with COVID19
Actually shes kind of cute for a chinese girl, I think somewhere during WW2 one of her grandparents was a Japanese person, her eyes are wider and her face is thinner than a typical chink, which is something japs have. Also her nipples aren't similar to milk duds, which is a sure-fire way of telling if someone is Chinese.
She's say "me so horny. I love you long time"
thinking all members the media in the us aren't mouth pieces for the inelegance agencies.
Obvious deepfake
Nah it’s real, she’s a turbo slut.
ay tone, so you are posting this for realñy what, your 50 cent?? here take them
Didn't take long for the mutts law to come in effect. Threads over folks.
Chen Hui
All the CCP shills switched to using german IPs. Tell your dumb as fuck leaders that they suck at their job, you're just a dumb monkey doing what a dumb wannabe tells you to do.
Would fuck her silly, she needs make up though i wanna see something pretty while i'm hittin it.
take your meds schizo. China knows what we are doing
Can't tell. They all rook same
can't find that shit.. link?
How can you even tell it's her?
They unironically all look the same
>China knows what we are doing
no shit shill nigger
I don't have a link, just reading the name in the screenshot. Sorry bro. I'll try to find something for you.
>Her twitter name is Chen Hui. [spoiler]My wife has the same name[/spoiler]
I see you CCP
>Tell your dumb as fuck leaders that they suck at their job,
shits away 6M trillion bucks on a ME mess
ships all manufacturing overseas
allows foreign interests to dominate in national affairs
all burger posts need to be read backwards or as a kind of satire or sarcasm
How convenient that they took the picture with a potato.
Fucked any cute dogs lately, Trudeau?
I want to suck her little brown nips! Post more OP.
thanks dude I need more pictures of Chen Hui
>ships away 6M trillion buck
>6M trillion
Leafs really are retarded
why the fuck are they eating bats when they could be eating that???
how can you tell? all chinks look the same
its a chink fren ignore him
we will sprout new memes and new ways of relating to each other with the english language outside of chinks. don't respond to chinks, don't talk to chinks, don't look at chinks. if you have chink friends you don't anymore. either they're their own person or they're a fucking chink national and guess what all the chinks loyal to chinkland have to be shunned. only some japs and some gooks are honorary and worth continuing contact with. this is step one.
do they all look the same to each other though?
> 1 tit
kek can't catch a break huh white boi? maybe we'll leave you to your traps and your 2d hentai
lol yellow fever fags will never learn
that's the problem with asian nudes
it's impossible to tell them apart
i inverted my nipples after hearing that
>All the CCP shills switched to using german IP
I've noticed this too, but I think they're just roaches earning that 0.5 yuan a post.
>shocking news women in china has private sex life
glowniggers are getting desperate
Chinks are like cats, they even perceive Europeans as chinks. (see video)
COVID-19 Infected Cam Girls Live from Hospital? Sign me up!
>deep fake
>on a chink
What's the point?
post more tits
Something wrong with her snatch a coon or something living on it.
I think she's saying something like ' fuck jew shills'
I don't get it. All Chinks look the same, yet you managed to find two who don't.
How "bout I explain it in a pic?
This is a rare example of Mutt's Law with subtext. They are evolving, god help us.
she had just finished fapping to the thought of the end of the CCP
Suckee fuckee, five buckee.
left pic: she being a news anchor
middle pic: she being some high up official personal slut
right pic : doxxing her account
Watch Kung Pow.
The perfect movie for Kung Few.
lmfao the literal beaver downstairs was unexpected
I think I've seen that porno
lol true