Expect more UFO and Alien shit to be released to the public in 2021. A major batch of informartion basically confirming the existence of aliens will be released in 2025-2027.
Expect more UFO and Alien shit to be released to the public in 2021...
Are any of the ayys waifable?
Nigga, UFO's are already confirmed for real.
I could believe aliens, but where it becomes obvious you're lying is the part where anyone in the public sector would have actual concrete plans that extend into 5 years from now.
Take your meds, Tom.
Sweet, just 5 years from now. I'll just stop all personal and professional development and trust the plan.
why wait for big daddy government confirm their existence to you?
just look up. they are here now.
>in 2021
And in 2021 you will say disclosure will be 2022
I wish this was true
We'll all be dead by then
stop calling them that. It's cringe as fuck. It's aliens (or demons/angels/whatever, if you are religious).
fuck that. Can't it happen now? I want my Corona-chan combined with Ayy happening.
That's their excuse to not have shit. The govt isn't going to let anyone leak ayys early, they'll be the ones to do it
>information martion
Meds, not taken.
Schitzo, activated.
every time pol tells me something is going to happen I never hear about it again
Is dat a space nigga?
The slide threads are real today.
that alien looks like a nigger
Meme flag what do you know
Slide thread always has a meme flag
They are already among us, out in the open.
that's pretty optimistic of you to think anyone will still be alive in 2021
Yup someone stirred up the fucking glowniggers and their ilk.
aye aye
OP is faggot and knows shit about ayys
It's the wikileaks threads
Fake and Gay, Crowley's self portrait.
you just need special glasses to see their true faces and the reality of their invasion.
Nearly 8 billion people on earth, and you want an alien?
Literally built for the BBC
Gnostic faggotry
>that flag
>that post
no special glassed needed. I eat special mushrooms to see them and talk to them.
Its time for you to take the tin foil hat off
How much do I have to take? Most I have done was 2g
deceivers deceiving
bretty cowardly user if they have to hide themselves from us mere humans
c wut i did thar
Answer me space nigger
Depends on the type/race you take and your weight. Most of the times 1gr will do the trick
5g dry will get you where you want to be. Also DMT is like instantly peaking on mushrooms and combines extremely well with them too.
According to McKenna 5 gramms.
Imagine if these are the black equivalence of Ayys. KEK
>the battle of armageddon is imminent
if only
You could also try Ayahuasca or DMT. You will be speaking to them directly
fuck off Ack Ack
for what purpose would they want to go and finally RELEASE this info?
psilocybe cyanescens. Do you actually see them? How do you bring them out?
Ok. Will attempt.
Subtle kek
I'm not sure what's worse.
The incels or schizo /x/fags
Either way, thank you all for fucking this board up. I miss the time of ebolachan
Love that you brought back the old flag France
Is this the french flag?
thx for this post, good stuff
>basically confirming
Beat me by 18 seconds, good job fren.
Nigger they’ll make themselves known to the norm public before 2025, don’t you think?
ALIEN DO NOT EXIST even if they do we will never meet them ,the ones that you are talking about are DEMONS you faggot
what's the point.
you know the ivory-towered fuckwits just want to develop their own relationships with these space peoples just to get more tech to keep us down and them up.
i'm sorry. alien life exists. but i cannot be happy about humanity meeting them in its current state.
You're damn right they are.
Ayy ayy
the only state of humans is a 'homosapiens' state
>even if they do we will never meet them
but I already have
The comet they keep talking about recently is nibiru aka the artificial planet from the anunnaki.
All out reinforcement is coming.
This is why the space force was rushed up the ass in the last couple of years.
Even india has a space force.
the current political, spiritual, technological, scientific, and cultural state of mankind is a complete embarassment. we're in absolutely no position to even pretend we're the equal of a species that has conquered the stars and developed technology of an epoch indescribable to our own. whatsmore such a species would by no means see us as equal, meaning that even in a peaceful scenario where they welcome us with open arms, they'd be able to leverage their "generosity" to us forever.
no. we're just not ready mate.
but one day
one day