The Absolute State of The United Kingdom

The Absolute State of The United Kingdom

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Hi Vlad.

Where's the proof that this is legitimate

Just leave your phone at home

just let your phone home ..?


I turned off location on my phone and they still got me. £90 fine for walking past a train station after 7pm. I'm not paying that shit fuck right off.

Timestamped proof?

Clearly fake.

Kinda real. It's just some poo scammers.

Pretty funny actually.

Just put it on airplane mode retard

Reply with a photo £250

i would call this fake but its England so its probably real

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I thought it was pretty funny that people thought poos were gonna stop scamming because pooland is locked down for a month

There was ONE govt text about 2 days or smthg saying visit the govt website

No fine texts.


It's a hoax tho

>buy burner phone if need to make a call
>leave all electronics at home
Problem solved

>Fining people for getting out because they need to get out to work to pay the fines.

This is going to be complete social collapse, isn't it?


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That's why they're the best lies because there's an element of truth to them.

You faggots are so gullible. Do you send $1,000 via MoneyGram for Pajeet to remotely fix your computer, too?

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Fake.. Nobody I know got one of these,I didn't see the cops today they are probably dealing with fights with panic buyers at Lidl..

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Lmfao this, what an absolute low IQ thread

Here in germany, a small city i dont give a fuck on it
For real i am an homeowner wiht enough place for my children to go out.
Only supermarkets are cancer now.
See police only in their cars driving around.
Wasnt in bars and restaurants before the lockdown, so i dont care now.
Could visit my parent bcause they live countryside and their neighbours are trustworth.

Evrn i like it now with far less planes in the air and a bit less people on the roads.

You're all naive as can be if you don't believe your phone is a tracking device, regardless if this is true or not. Kevin Mitnick in the fucking late 90s cloned hundreds of cell phones and used them to mask his real location.

You can ¥300 an hour work from home.

>It's just some poo scammers.
how are they getting location data?

Everywhere is dead quite.

Let us all buy hundreds of phones and make clones.

The phone companys would be happy

I thought Germans were supposed to be smart?

They have china tier video surveillance in the uk.

>Fake and gay like saying the Finnish aren't low tier Russians

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They're not. They just send these texts out to a list of British phone numbers and hope that somebody is gullible enough to pay them. Don't you know how poo scams work?

For me also not much changed.
Still have to go to work still can go outside.
Shopping is a pain in the ass and I don't visit my parents because my dad is ill and I don't want to risk anything.

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no. i never get any of these texts or calls to my phone.
except this weird group of people that keep inviting me to pumpkin carvings ever year

That is one well dressed guy

>except this weird group of people that keep inviting me to pumpkin carvings ever year
I hope you go to this

and gay

In germany sandniggers are knocking on your door dressed as police or doctors to "see if you are ill".
If you have something of value the will rob you at night.

no homo

There is a reason nearly every dystopian setting has taken place in britan
>Brave new world
>clockwork orange
>v for vendetta

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it's not

I actually haven't ever got a text scam. I get scam phone calls from Poos pretending to be IRS, but the only unsolicited texts I get I would call spam rather than scam, it's shit loan advertisements that come through as picture messages to 200 people so you can't block the original number and anyone who replies to it replies to everyone it was sent to


shut up

Could it be perhaps because the authors were from Britain???

What can be lower tier than Russians?


Got fined £90 because i went to a bigger supermarket that was 5miles further away than a smaller one nearer me

>no. i never get any of these texts or calls to my phone.
Lucky you. I ignore my phone because the majority of calls and texts I get are just different flavors of this same scam. It's actually done damage to what passes for my social life.

lel. its a state over i think. if i was closer i might just show up

>>Brave new world
>>clockwork orange
>>v for vendetta
the authors are all British lol

bro go get yourself a pumpkin wife guaranteed to be wholesome women there

i pretty much just check my phone in morning and at night. friends can just stop over if they want to.
no, its a family thing with kids that carve the pumpkins im pretty sure. my kids are too young for that

Its a scam you dumb nigger

A lot young people doesnt care because they are socially distanced, a lot others like a friend of mine are fucked, because they need social contacts and can recharge on it.
This time is a huge pain in the ass for them.
Good my fried is married with 3 and wont be lonely

Luckily I got my work licence and yes i also have a licence for my licences, just need to apply for the summer clothing licence as the weather is warming, oh will get my licence to open the window while i am at it, best renew my licence to apply for licences first tho.

WARNING heres a fine :)


Big brain over here

My phone hasn't left my home in a year. I should mail it around the country for shits and grins.

They’re lucky they didn’t get their walking loiscense revoked.