Yeah I know, zerohedge. However you can not ignore that the video is real, and it is a violent fight between districts in China. Everyone knows that China has a long history of fighting itself and dissolving soon after. The Chinese decade is over, and this is the reason why there are so many paid shills from China.
Riots in China are starting
Other urls found in this thread:
fake news, CIA nigger
riots will start in the west VERY soon, believe me lol
It's about damn time. Expect a 5 way Chinese civil war between the Communist North, a Republican South, Tibet, the Urgyers, and a Fascist center.
To think it is the police fighting each other as well.
Corona isn't real. Post proofs from Western nations including but not limited to:
>Diagnosis from a doctor
>prescriptions clearly showing that they combat covid
>grieving families of young people
>Social media accounts of the deceased
People will start rioting here soon enough. Most people live paycheck-to-paycheck. This quarantine can't last without massive unrest.
Based if true. For the first time ever I'm rooting for the glows.
If we all work together, we chinkies can turn over police vehicles.
Fake and gay
That makes these fakes right?
Get a fucking brain.
their shills are deflecting these videos saying
>"These are old videos from Hong Kong, yes they were wearing masks there during the riots to hide their faces."
When confronted with the fact that these videos are clearly not shot in Hong Kong, they stop responding.
they are getting desperate
here you can see police from one district watching citizens push over the blocking vehicle from another district.
Absolute nonsense. The only riots in China are the ones in Hong Kong, which I'm starting to think are deliberately provoked by the CCP because of how much they benefit from it.
CCP is obviously fucked, but so is the world because of them. China is going to break apart. Civil War, Pandemic, Famine, economic depression... Man things are not looking good.
youre 2 days late
Lmao. Ban assault thermometers
>riots will start in the west VERY soon
True. Everyone thinks pic related is capitalism, yet will demand more of it causing even more hardship.
"Hubei Police" clearly shown on uniforms.
how far is that from Hong Kong?
Czechs out
It says the article is by Tyler Durden...
that is the name they use for anonymous author's articles.
I've been predicting civil war in America for about 2 years things have hit the point of no return and I shit you not if more than 1/5 of the whole population doesn't die from the diease we will have one. I have mixed feelings about one but one is also needed. Your nation as well as France needs one as well. Expect global civil wars this decade.
This is more of a freak accident than a riot. Not indicative of anything greater in the rest of the country, read the article.
Another group of simpletons tricked by jews into wanting a more American style progressive country. lol.
>1. Lockdown in Hubei was lifted 2 days ago and people wanted to go back to work in Jiangxi. Jiangxi police would not let them in. People from Hubei got mad.
>2. Jiangxi police invaded Hubei police jurisdiction, causing fights between the police.
>3. Riots ensued.
no. not really.
They have inter-provincial bickering over jurisdiction questions all the time in China. Police cars getting turned over is also standard staple and will be done at any sort of protest there, be it about some garbage incinerator or a refinery plant in people's neighborhood.
This is actually the only nothingburger that is happening these days.
kek, saved.
>Fascist center
didn't sound like a power fantasy until that part
Pretty far. It’s wuhan.
Lurk more.
thats a fight between local governments,
not angry people after quarantine. angry yes. but not their own quarantine, because of the idiots in next village doing strange things
nice try glownigger.
Mass protest in the mainland vs police? We shouldn’t oversell it, but it’s a serious happening.
Here's what actually happened (Google translated from the Chinese.) I think you may find it enlightening.
that's at least 2 days old. Nothingburger.
Are you for real or do you randomly shit out that everywhere?
Keks the day based Africans and Chinese have morre balls than US people
Parents are SHAME
lol they have had millions of cases and lied
it was a rhetorical question.
It is the beginning of the end. They have riots going on all over the place, of which this is only a single example. The deaths in Wuhan turned out to be 16 times higher than reported.
But what ever, just dismiss it as "part and parcel" as your bosses lose their job, you are recalled to China, and have to live with it.
And no one replies to your post. I am waiting for these vids as well.
>whore doctor or nurse sperging for attention
Doesnt count.
>China is collapsing
>USSR is returning
Chinks are scum that need to go and die off.
Imagine hating a neighboring county this much.
>these migrant workers
100 Million angry "migrants" incoming
Always the same faggot posting the same vídeo. He has been doing this for like 2-3 data. Fuck off
how insensitive of you goy, proof is a white supremacist idea and you have no right to harass these poor families suffering due to corona.
Anything new or just the same old bundle of webms?
Protesters being shot in Hong Kong as well.
you are like 2 days too late to post that, nigger
Why are americans salivating at the mere thought of some country thousands of miles away from them getting into a brother killing conflict of any kind?
That's last year's news.
Somebody for fucks sake find the daily death tool of a high covid country like Italy or the US and compare it to the daily death toll before it. (Covid deaths+Normal deaths)/(normal deaths) should be statistically significant.
In Italy specifically ther should be 1700 deaths every day. That means we can expect 2400 today. Dead people get counted daily, right?
Why do whitoids always dream of the fall of China?
It is the natural state of China to fight each other and cause massive numbers of deaths. They have been doing it for thousands of years.
>CCP orchestrating a fake uprising in order to convince the world that this "pandemic" is anythibg more than a flu
10 social credit points hace been deposited
That doesn't answer the question, which was WHY you want it to happen.
Chins has been in social media lockdown over corona under the one voice policy.
A riot by itself is not that big, but do you see Chinese riot compilations here?
We watch and study riots and unrest around the world. Tapir square, Paris zone, sarijevo
>they have to explain the dead somehow.
Well they must have died in the riots and then got burned in mass graves just to be sure.
Entertainment value alone you noobcake. You see the Atlanta security guard? The dorner?
who said I want it to happen?
lots of fucking meme flags in here, who obviously can't figure out how to use a VPN.
China has a history of going through revolutions time and time again. The current leader has only been delaying the inevitable because of social credit among other shit like keeping the chinese away from honoring/remembering their dead.
No, it really isnt.
Sorry to say, but your glowniggers need to try harder.
Also, your "riot compiliations" mean nothing. China has like 100 thousands of "mass incidents" every single year and the CCP is still in power, because none of these protests are anti-communist, but only deal with local grievances. The CCP central authority is even seen as heroes in most cases, since the protests usually demand Beijing to send in inspectors to punish local officials who overstepped. Protests like these arent illegal in China, contrary to popular thought.
Here, you have another riot where police cars were overturned:
Happened in 2019 and was a Not-in-my-neighborhood (NIMBY) protest against some garbage incinerator. Did you see the CCP quaking in their boots? You mutts really are grasping at straws here.