Except if you pay the owner a million dollars a month. You’ll never guess the owner’s ethnicity!
Closed Philly Hospital Refuses to Reopen
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You’ll never guess who his publicist is either!
No one will mention it and just talk about how evil white people are.
>Hospital Refuses to Reopen
So just take it
Defense Production Act
An Act to establish a system of priorities and allocations for materials and facilities, authorize the requisitioning thereof, provide financial assistance for expansion of productive capacity and supply, provide for price and wage stabilization, provide for the settlement of labor disputes, strengthen controls over credit, and by these measures facilitate the production of goods and services necessary for the national security, and for other purposes
i'm sure all the medical equipment was left in place and in working condition just ready to go at a moment's notice for that year it was closed
You should know by now that joos are above your laws
Freedman lol
Can’t take private property without just compensation. 5th Amendment.
i imagine it costs at least 1 million per month to run a hospital.. So what's so weird about it?
It's obviously closed because he doesn't have the money to keep it open.
Our amendments are dead you dumbfuck
Try arguing that in court.
Sounds like a self entitled illegal
What's with Yas Forums suddenly getting filled with 40 IQ mongrels who think the pinnacle of humor is randomly changing the spelling of words like some fucking 5 year old?
Defense Production Act of 1950
The Act also authorizes the president to requisition property, force industry to expand production and the supply of basic resources, impose wage and price controls, settle labor disputes, control consumer and real estate credit, establish contractual priorities, and allocate raw materials towards national defense.
governments extract wealth from the risk taking private sector constantly, and then waste the money, risk free (because they can always get more)
I despise the public sector. they are maggots and parasites. I feel great sorry for the private sector who risk their fortunes owning property and trying to make a living out of it.
And who’s surprised by this?
no fucking shit
imagine my shock right now
Statutes don’t change the Constitution. If the DPA doesn’t provide for just compensation for the seizure of private property then a court will immediately strike it down as unconstitutional.
Based hospital landlord
are you me?
Just swat the building and leave in 1 year
(((Doctors))) and their ilk want to charge $4k for a single tylenol, they can pay $1m/month for rent, fucking shitbag vermin scum
It's sucking harder than ever these days.
"white people"
the government still pays for the stuff, dumbass
>then a court will immediately strike it down as unconstitutional.
Implying our president gives a fuck about our constitution
Due process second
Trumps words, not mine
Oy vey
Why do you hate all jews?
Never forget the 12 million victims of the Nazis
Is is true that Friedman is a given name because of the holocaust and the millions of jews who were burned aka fried aka Friedman?
Give him a dollar, force it open, fill it with poz tested C-19 patients, appeal every motion he files. When it is over, shut it down, condemn it, and walk away.
>just give your shit to the government for free!
>Not knowing Yas Forums is a hive mind of shitposters all working from a central shitposting office in shitposting cubicles in their onesies with tendies and choccy milky
Lurk moar
>the government still pays for the stuff, dumbass
Trump can take it if he wants, that's why he invoked Defense Production Act
>The owners name is Freeman
I know a family of Freeman’s, they wear these funny little hats on their heads for some reason
Zoomer influx
Freedman is a jewish surname
>There’s a pandemic goy? Gentiles are dying? Well you’re gonna have to pay me to die in my building goy, time’s money goy, I can’t live off the other hospitals I own, and give up one, I need them all to survive, otherwise it’ll be like anudda shoah.
>What do you mean you can’t lease my hospital for 5.7 million dollars for 6 months? How can’t you afford to get 13 million dollars, when you can just set a reasonable tax for it? You have budgeting allocated to afford the 26 million, right?
Based desu. Philly if full of niggers and liberal hipster faggots.
Let them die
Also the virus is fake. Get over it
That’s really weird every freedman I know is very uptight and looking to scam someone. Very strange coincidence.
Sounds pretty based and redpilled. You want to use the hospital I own? Pay up, plain and simple. Running a hospital ain't cheap. He's the landlord.
>Give him a dollar
Note the “just” in “just compensation.” Courts require at least fair market value for government takings.
You have the right to remain silent
>bought in 2018
>had to close in 2019
what went wrong? something smells fishy
Would be a shame if someone burned it down.
Maybe the government could just buy it off him and pay the staff out of the taxes that Americans pa....... Oh wait.
Haha fucking retarded burgers.
Its his property. Fuck off faggot
lol why not just take the hospital?
what's he going to do, call the cops? they'll be doing the taking nigger!
Yep. Sorry commie, private property and all that. The government just printed trillions out of thin air, I'm sure they can afford a million month. Get mad at the government for being too cheap to protect their own citizens.
>moom flag
>hey user we are going to use your property to treat virus victims
ehhhhh he is a jew but how would you feel if it was your property user?
>Running a hospital ain't cheap.
He's not being asked to run it or cover the expenses. He's being asked to allow his vacant building to be used in an emergency situation.
Like I said, appeal everything. Drag it out for years while using it. Even if he wins in court, who's going to enforce his property "rights," the police? Then when it is over, have the city or county health inspector condemn it as uninhabitable and either give it back or tear it down.
sorry senpai
Freedman is literally a nigger name.
>(((Joel))) (((Freedman)))
Don't worry comrade, I'm sure the estate will soon acquire the building and distribute it to the people
I mean yeah its Jewish as fuck; but if the government wants to rent something the size of a hospital for a month then they need to pay towards its upkeep.
It would be nice if he let them use it at cost to him. But a Hebrew couldn't do that.
>Wanting to put the lives of your volk before profits makes you a communist
How very Jewish of you Moishe, do you plan on charging interest with that hospital lease agreement too?
Dont you have any reading comprehension you fucking nigger?
Put a little stress on capitalism and it crashes. Put a little stress on communism and it crashes. Put a little stress on a people and they will become national socialists.
>Except if you pay the owner a million dollars a month. You’ll never guess the owner’s ethnicity!
Allow me to destroy this thread;
Question: Are you against Landlords or property rights?
woots wooth 4choon gooting fooled with 40 IQ moongrools whooo think the pooonoocle of hoomor is randoomly choonging the spooling of words like some fooking foove year oold
Pay up, my fellow white people!
It was probably a way to launder a few million.
That's nice. He and the government should negotiate a price that they both think is fair to rent out the building. Unfortunately for you commies we have a thing called private property.
Okay great, just compensation doesn’t mean the owner will get what he wants. It means just in so far as the courts determine it is just. The court could easily say just compensation is 100k
It’s his property though
I’m against Jews
Eminent domain plus extingent circumstances in an emergency. We take it, pay what we feel is right in rent, a jury can decide if we’re being fair.
Join the club
>and pay the staff out of the taxes that Americans pa....
Courts are closed
The janitor is in the janitors closet rearing to go.
Probably costs a lot to restock and staff an empty closed hospital. Yeah the city should fork over some cash.
The jew media will protect him.
Oy Vey
j00 \\'0u1[)|\|7 937 17
Government can bail out airlines and banks but can't pay pennies to rent a hospital. I think we all know who the real jew is here.
I have a very simple solution for the citizens of Philadelphia.
They truly are gods chosen
>don't be a Hebrew
>be a Hebro
yeah it would have been nice if he just let the city use it, but then again philly is a Antifa commis stronghold so fuck em
If I only had 1 guess, I'd have to guess a jew
I'm gonna laugh when they just use it anyways after it gets really bad. What's one motherfucker gonna do when the military starts setting up shop
Will THIS make normies start questioning their jewish overlords?
Yeah but he's overcharching like 10 times what a fair rent would be. He's basically price gouging which is illegal
>Eminent domain plus extingent circumstances in an emergency. We take it, pay what we feel is right in rent, a jury can decide if we’re being fair.
I don't know Pennsylvania law, but I would venture the Mayor of Philly can do this if the city passes the legislation empowering him to do so.
I'm against kikes
Yes, the federal reserve board is rife with Jews, when have I disagreed with that?
Those businesses should fail if they are doomed to do so, and we should prioritize our people first, before we prioritize the (((businesses))), which Yelp propagate these economic calamities in the first place.
A hospital have costs above 1 million a month. I think he seems to be a pretty nice guy to be honest. He could have asked for more
Because that's the problem. Fuck out of here rabbi
I was waiting for someone to say this. You literally buy, stock and operate this hospital for 0.1% of the the money you send to Israel every year. God forbid though, That's socialism. Fucking mutts.
>cant into reading
Freedman is not a Jewish name. You're thinking of Friedman. Freedman is more likely a name given to a freed black slave.
Eminent domain that kike
Yas Forums is a bunch of contradicting morons . Muh free market, muh capitalism.
Shit hits the fan : them capitalists are evil should share like a good socialist.
Its probably for just the building.
Just pay the estimated market rate and seize it using eminent domain. State and local governments do this over far, far less critical circumstances.
the power of the libertarians
What you doing rabbi?
So take it and compensate him a modest sum. Easy. Dick over this like faggot.
Also Congress is allowed to pass a law taking title of the property bypassing the courts all together.
Also fair market does not require that the “speculative value” be taken into account. Meaning that the just the market value would be taken into account. Given the hospital was shuttered and non-operational it’s market value would be significantly less than an operational facility.
Wow man maybe we should have a healthcare system that works for all bro
This is the American spirit. Are you a commie or what?
So? For flu victims? Kys retard. I agree with the kike this time.
You’re not going to be able to drag something like this out. The standard for just compensation is pretty clear.
>he cries as he clootches his meemflag
checks out
>our people
user give it rest. If you actually care about whites then stop demanding the government seize private property.
>hospitals are private enterprises
Is there any country more cucked by Israel than Muttland?
I'm no rabbi you fucktards. Don't make post foreskin pics.
Taking property from Jews is okay.
>Yas Forums is one person, and not full of shills
We do, you just buy into it on your own.
There are private hospitals all over southern Europe.
Thanks for self-identifying.
You do realize the army is for killing people, right?
oy vey it's very anti semitic to ask to rent a vacant hospital from someone without offering 6 million USD a month for rent in a declared crisis
Have you heard of our club?
cmon Yas Forums Freedman means fuck you in yiddish
Dutch influence
>I’m no rabbi, don’t make me post my tips
That's true bro
Right of domain.
>40 IQ mongrels
Your beanie is slipping.
Hi newfag kike
Cry some more commie. If renting the hospital is that important than the government should have no problem paying rent. The Philly niggers just want a massive hospital for free. Doesn't work that way, sorry ChapoTraphouse. Come to an agreed price or find another building to rent.