Other urls found in this thread:
You have got to be kidding me.
my dad works for wikileaks and Assange just flew over our house. no really, without an actual signature to verify this, it might as well be some 14 year old playing around with openssl.
Deets? This new to me
It's a LARP. Don't waste your time.
take your fucking meds, freaks
OP is that you???
Shill harder
kys dogfucker
i pray for the day schizoposting becomes a bannable offense in this shithole
Parents are ashamed bump
Go check your ShillBlue Discord, I bet you have new orders waiting.
What program do you use to read ASCII?
take your meds you dogfucking waste of air and space and fuck off back to pleddit with your ebin Q larps
Are you retarded
Meme flag change.
Changing the fucking flag doesn't change your ID you moron.
ShillBlue really is sending their finest to this fight.
Where did this come from??
you drooling iq 20 fucktarded migatarded kike
fuck you, get cancer and die
The suspicion is that the Wikileaks Insurance file (the good dirt) encryption keys are being released.
Rule of thumb: If the shills are hitting the thread hard, you're over the target.
Press on men!
What if this is far more simple. Black=1 White=1
All 1's?
I guess come back when you get the keys. I thought all that shit was already open. You could prolly brute force the key in 6 months with the new amd procs. Might be faster
Even if its the deadend?
Negative result is also a result
Stop kvetching
Not interested, move on
If can contribute, prove its a bait then
What if its not?
Hide memeflags and replies with 4chanX extension you newfags
we need to go back to the original image and start over. there's something we're missing
Yeah ok there hackerman... Google "time to brute-force an AES 256 key"
cool thread bro
>The suspicion is that the Wikileaks Insurance file (the good dirt) encryption keys are being released.
Right, but where did this suspicion come from? What did I miss that reignited this five years later?
maybe it has to be done backwards? use the long ass code, collow the order backwards and end with an ascii string that is the password? i am not a hacker sorry if it is smoothbrained
Any news from the guy who's downloading the 88gig file?
It hasn't knowingly been released yet, and if you're on the ball with the 17th letter of the alphabet, you'd know shits hitting the fan HARD right now, and it's a prime time for supplementary evidence to be released.
They're just the encrypted files, you can't do anything with it yet. They're available for download off Wikileaks is file repository.
insurance files here:
but where would (((you))) go ?
theres that word again
>It hasn't knowingly been released yet, and if you're on the ball with the 17th letter of the alphabet, you'd know shits hitting the fan HARD right now, and it's a prime time for supplementary evidence to be released.
So it's just speculation that wikileaks insurance key may come out because of all these other happenings? Not a shill or disbeliever, btw, just trying to figure out where this development ties into recent events
what's the point of making getting the key a puzzle. why not just copy and paste it and say outright what it does.
You're that Deus Vult faggot that was threatening people last night. Get fucked nigger.
A smile?
My university cyber team just got bounced out of the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition preliminary round, so this is all way over my head. To quote my favorite philosopher, I feel like I'm "swimming in the deep ocean with a nigger", but I really feel like this could be important. I know a couple really bored Gray Hats, you guys think there's a way for me to throw this to them in a way where I don't give them context that might sour them to the challenge?
Its made by GCHQ so use at your own risk but CyberChef is very convenient for things like this.
How to get Yas Forumss chromosomes vibrating: post digits
Maybe we should assume this as nothing to do with wikileaks until proven otherwise
is this really the only active bread right now?
Could this help our h4x0r bros?
posting went WAAAAAY down from the earlier ones I think there was a lot of bans. Last time we went here the site was in and out of maintenance for a week
it's a random sunday boredom thread
if it were real, they would post the complete thing
Any progress yet? I haven't got any updates since last night.
sharing brazilanons pics from last active bred
Not sure if OP is a faggot or not, the b64'd cypher text is different from last nights OP:
OP's pic appears to be the same as last night, however it is a .gif instead of a .png from last night.
This. Should still try to solve it though. Not a whole lot else going on.
did anyone ever crack that copypasta that the kekistani memeflag was posting in every thread?
someone try saving the image from the original thread I linked, and try uploading. see if you get a connection error.
did anything come of this last night? i had to go to work
Seriously guys, are you proud of yourselves? Fantasizing about literal nothing numbers? For 8 hours? And what you reached? Nothing. I was like you but this place is no more for me anymore. I ashamed my parents browsing Yas Forums all night long. Now I manned up, starting doing exercise, dating with girls, and sleeping well and regularly. Now my parents are proud of me. Stop ashaming you parents. I was like you but now no more, and I am a better person now and you can be one too. Don't waste your time in what are fucking nothing numbers. Especially now we are all in quarantine, we should remove the power chords of our personal computers, and spent more time with our families. This quarantine give us the most precious thing: time with people we love, time to better ourselves. We should not waste this precious things for tin head conspiracies and nothing numbers, good night guys. Be strong, you can be better than this. Just watch yourself to the mirror, a special person is there, and your parents could be proud. I saved myself, now you can too, I believe it too my fellas.
op might not be a faggot. I thought all of yall got lynched while I was asleep Ill post my shit if this thread picks up
>error posting
yup. weird.
>my fellas
>I thought all of yall got lynched while I was asleep
nah I fucked around a bit until 2AM and figured I'd get some rest as well and try again in the morning if no progress was made.
It doesn't make sense, does it? I think that you guys are being played. Why do they need to make you feel like you are in some mysterious thriller?
(((connection error)))
attempt two, also from orig thread
Q tards
consider me spooped. can upload other images no problem but that one results in a connection error? WTF
>be OP
>write 'fuck Yas Forums into a txt file
>encrypt it with aes256
>create a successful slide thread