The infection is spreading across the closed border by finnish citizens returning home and essential work travel.
The infection is spreading across the closed border by finnish citizens returning home and essential work travel.
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just import more replacements, be as sweden
You held us down since we tok you over Finland, payback
This 'pandemic' is and will be a nothing burger in all of Scandinavia.
>essential work travel
Finland closed work travel with us. Sweden is really your big daddy.
I wonder if you will be so smart when you will have to pay for hospitalization of your wife's boyfriend
>by finnish citizens returning home
1. why are you letting them in?
2. why are you blaming us when your own citizens are traveling here and bringing it back?
Sanna's Government isn't doing a great job (better than ours, for sure) and I certainly expect the government to resign in a few months when the economic impact is known.
You're lucky you have the Huoltovarmuuskeskus. Thank God Finnish paranoia remained after the Cold War ended.
God Speed, little Spurdös
How is it Sweden at fault if people who have finnish passport come to Finland?
Pekka, don't believe what the govment and media says; this is all just a nothing-meatball
>Pekka, don't believe what the govment and media says; this is all just a nothing-meatball
>The Eternal {{{Swede}}} strikes again
dont poland.
fuck with us, but the swedes have it hard enough.
It's a nothing rääkmakka
C's are illegal in the Finnish language.
Laplanders going back and forth is not really Sweden's fault. RIP Santa Claus.
The poro are safe, yes? And Laplander is derogatory.
The correct term is fjällzigenare
get bk to me when we at least have 10 white deaths, fkin nothing-smörgås
>don't make me draw my tazer, bro
>be any country on the planet
>close borders
Where are the nukes? Nuke everybody right now. We all need to leave.
Don't worry, finbro. According to swedes (and US millennials) it just kills the old so you shouldn't worry. We have decided to hate the old since we're not allowed to hate the ones responsible.
Hej! Jag är på nivå ett fyra Duolingo. Snälla prata inte med mig. Tack så mycket!
Anteeksi, kould you point me to the nearest MkDonald's?
I messed up, I meant to say please talk to me but I've been practicing to disengage immediately
That scope is way too big.
I'm amazed how well you can spot Swedish tourists.
you are like the scotts that invaded britain during the plague and brought it back with you to the rest of the hill niggers kek
Why would you be practicing swedish of all things?
Oh wait, are you black?
Our youngest victim was 30, except he had had a case of meningitis some time back.
I don't speak anything but English and it's mostly pointless to learn other languages for any purpose other than fun (everything can be translated/everyone uses English), my gf speaks Swedish natively so I just landed on that. She seems to want to just forget the language though.
The point isn't to refute WHO dies, you fucking mong. It's to highlight just how instantly disposable people become when young people can't instantly satisfy any and every desire for a week. Suddenly they're willing to prioritize a fucking Starbucks over grandma not dying while coughing up blood.
Fuck you and everyone like you. I used to think that Stockholm terror attack was a bad thing but considering who died, I'm starting to think it was well justified.
Good. This sack of shit country deserves to burn with its spineless population.
>my gf speaks Swedish natively
oh so you ARE black.
>I've been practicing to disengage immediately
200 iq move
So who's laughing now about closing off Uusimaa? Die slow bönde
Why so hateful, Bull-Hanson?
Why the fuck did we put it off for so long? Other than corona most likely being a hoax that is.
Don't say that. I mean aside from Uusimaa and Tampere, Suomi on mahtava maa.
Who will support you if Sweden don't, Finn.
>practicing to disengage immediately
hah, you should practice finnish then
Because I live next to the swine and they're pulling us down with them.
Nothing good ever came out of you people
If you're on Yas Forums you're aware of how powerful and damaging brain washing can be, and you're aware of the true root of the problem. Swedes aren't specially evil or stupid, they've just been isolated and bombarded with propaganda and blitzed with migrants. The average Swede is admittedly kind of arrogant and has this weird attitude where they want to be seen as effortlessly skilled and ultimately altruistic, I think those are native traits. I also think those have very magnified and exploited. Are Norwegians perfect, no problems you wanna talk about?
When was the last time Sweden started(or fought in) a war?
In WWII they sold nickle to the Nazis which they used to nickle plate the wooden doors on the gas chambers.
Sweden is essentially what you'd get if you take a bunch of sheltered suburbanite champagne-socialist millennials and had them create a country. They're running on fumes. The entire country is nothing but virtue-signalling thots, smug DYEL fedorafags with manbuns and pudgy middle-aged women who have made hating white people a viable career choice.
We're not even on the same planet. Every swede needs to get gassed unironically.
We donated like 70% of our entire arsenal (tanks airplanes etc and all our ammo) to Finland, and 60% of our army went freely to Finland to help them in WW2. We gave them 12x their original arsenal. Ungreatful fucks those Finns.
Zara Larsson is really staring to hit the wall
Iron ore as well. Der ewige Sven is always profiteering from war.
>"We will fight to every last Finn!"
>~Every Swedish general until 1809
The only thing longer than Finnish memory is Finnish benis.
Social media has massively warped your perception of reality. Sweden is going to swing back and that days will be remembered as a communist fever dream. It's the same Sweden that practiced eugenics and collaborated with nazis, as well as being ridiculously over represented in scientific achievement. They're not so mongrelized that they will stop resisting. Be more supportive, if they go down the path of the caliphate you're dead anyway.
More like you Swedes were too big of pussies to go and help your Scandinavian brothers
Giving them tanks is the least you could do
>Sweden is going to swing back
Sweden is a lost cause. They want this. This crisis just finally drove it home for me.
From now on, I shall be fucking celebrating every Swedish death since they are the millstone around all our necks.
Fuck you, Svens.
>They're not so mongrelized that they will stop resisting
Swedes used to be loud, rebellious and rowdy. At home. One the streets. Around other people. These days they vent on the internet at it doesn't mean shit. They already lost. Their spirit replaces with YOUR AD HERE.
Can somebody explain this "herd immunity" thing to me? Isn't the corona like the flu, you might get sick and get well, but in a couple of weeks get it again and get sick again?
You live in a village. Everyone but you is immune to a disease. You probably won't catch it because the disease has no vector to reach you.
That's the idea anyway. Makes sense provided you can become immune and if you don't give two shits about it killing off 5% of your own populace.
It's just a way to keep the country running without the normies freaking out, complete bs
That's literally everyone though. NOBODY is raising a voice to mass immigration or miscegenation. I think if anyone does, it will be those most marginalized, ie Swedes.
Worked for tuberculosis and small pox. Infant death for both are nearly nonexistent in huwhite countries.
>You live in a village. Everyone but you is immune to a disease.
But do we know people can build an immunity for this virus?
You can't get immunity from the flu, or covid19
protect yourselves out there, finnbros
is he going to shoot the fuck out of marxist commie faggots?
Apparently we do not. It would seem unlikely that you wouldn't and some outliers who can't/didn't will always surface but we would be seeing constant mass-deaths in affected areas instead of the tapering off that we are seeing.
This is how blood plasma transfusions with antibodies work.
Must not have been a very big army since there were only 8000 Swedish volunteers, most of whom were not actually used in real combat.
We should have sided with Stalin anyway. This country is just bullshit but maybe GULAGing all the rich people would have helped it.
Norway,Finland,Denmark and Russia better isolate Sweden or this shit will never end