What does Yas Forums think of flat earthers?

What does Yas Forums think of flat earthers?

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They are niggers.

Both wrong and right

Hahahaha sphere poop lol shitty fart circle

I did a 10 minute power point on flat earth

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As a though experiment believe the earth is flat for about 10 minutes, then look outside and imagine

It is flat and motionless.

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Hilarious sometimes.
There's a famous house in Denton, Texas, where a flat earther lives. He has written all over his house on the outside about the earth being flat and rants about NASA.
He wrote it all over his truck too. The best part is mounted on the back of his truck is a telescope with floor level tied to it.

Attached: The globe must be flat, roundglobers btfo.jpg (704x721, 179.25K)

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Airplane travel proves flat motionless earth. East to west and west to east flight times are always nearly identical.

They are based, but they are retards
They are based retards

the earth is flat

>astrology how

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Also 90% of them are larpers who larp on Yas Forums just 4 teh lulz
The remaining 10% are based retards

>operation paperclip

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I dont think about them at all you insipid nigger

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Kys rabbi

>operation high jump

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>Not fedora atheists
Good bait

>outerspace is actually underwater

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You are probably the 90%

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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The same as only a flu retards

theyre not even green pilled fren

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globe niggers believe in this


Operation Windows powerpoint default background

I think mostly their joking/it's a thought experiment.

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What would be there to gain by hiding this flat earth reality? Why would (((they))) or the goverment want you to think that the earth is flat while its round.
Litterly nothing to gain from it except having to hold up this ruse.

Flattards are so dumb

I never understood til this moment that the whole thing is one big troll for shits and giggles. this image proves it. those people are not so stupid they cant understand why those pics of the Earth look different

redpills on mind control ITT:

Imagine the size of the chainsaw used..

The actual scientists

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>what are lenses
god i hate flat-earthers

this is, I also just realized, a kike psyop, designed to make regular goy Joe Shmo appear an "anti semitic conspiracy theorist"
imagine my surprise when I found a new example of vicious Jewish white-hatred

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> Yggdrasil (from Old Norse Yggdrasill) is an immense mythical tree that plays a central role in Norse cosmology, where it connects the Nine Worlds.
We have been disconnected from the other worlds for far too long, and we are slowly descending into darkness.

The Bible literally says the Earth is a circle that hangs upon nothing. Bible writers even knew the Earth is a fucking ball. Flat Earthers are more retarded than 4,000 year old goat herders.

What does Yas Forums think of globohomo you mean.

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Thanks...I think.

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You just did!

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Earth is obviously flat, come to terms with it user. Why do you think MSM pushes so hard against it.

That's an old solid volcano core you dingo.
We have known the Earth was round since 300 BC. Way before "fake" Nasa. The term Flat Earther was coined as an insult to people who were science deniers. No one in the entire history up until 100 years ago thought the Earth was flat. It's a giant meme and Owen Benjamin and Mountain bear are retarded to believe it.

fuck you sciencenigger you'll probably vaccinate and circumcise your own son too

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ThAtS exactly what THEY want you to think

I've met more ancaps in support of space colonization than I've met commies. The latter recoil at the c-word and the fact it's money spent not for their personal needs.

They are very rude.

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what am i looking at here?

Sure like that makes any sense at all.

Show us your flat earth map you gigantic turbofagotron

You forgot they have to follow geodesic flight paths due to the curvature of the Earth.

What's cool is that sunbeams, also called Crepuscular rays, are actually parallel and only appear to converge at the clouds due to the massive distance and lack of proper reference. It's the same way railroad tracks meet at the horizon.

Attached: Crepuscular_Rays,_India.jpg (4288x2848, 816.87K)

The flat earth society has members all around the globe.

>hotspot under the sun
>everyone directly underneath the sun is fried to a crisp.

which one

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The Earth is flat.

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One that makes sense and doesn't contort my country into the size of a pea

why do these pics look different every time then faggot

Utter garbage.

Because you're a niggerkike trying to discredit the ingenuity of nazis and pure white men.

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This is the lowest effort edit I've ever fucking seen

Probably because of weather, position, lens and quality of the cameras. Cameras can operate different in space.

To discredit the HOLLOW theory.


If an object is above 1000km in diameter it will naturally form a sphere. It's physically impossible to have a flat or hollow planet. Maybe an asteroid but not a planet.

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I am something of a flat earther

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I'm not going to bother watching that because I know it wont change anything for me. I'm a physicist one youtube video wont change anything.