Not a democrat but Cuomo is incredible

Just watched his press conference. I don’t know a single thing about his policies, but holy crap is he impressive.

He was candid, measured, calm. I think he’s been the most confident guy I’ve seen through this whole thing other than maybe Fauci. His stuff is actually based on facts in comparison to Trump’s “I have a feeling.”

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The one with the bigger hands should be leader.

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ok faggot


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I’m not a democrat but I like his escalationist mentality
>if the feds quarantine New York it will be a declaration of war

He's a good speaker but he's an awful governor. New York is run very poorly. Standard neolib.

Too bad he’s such an anti gun asshole doing things like pushing the SAFE act through in the middle of the night.


>DNC is scared shitless at nominating Biden
Hahahah. Not sure if Cuomo is the way to go. NY is a hellhole

Cuomo is a cum eating kike who wishes to disarm he populace as well as instate hate speech laws.

He dares not walk alone in upstate new york for more than two minutes amongst his so called "people".

You only like him because he reminds you of Al Pacino. It's all a facade.

Why do you spineless little Yas Forums bitches need guns so much and always cry about it? This thing I will never understand.

Upstate New York would have aided the feds on the siege of New York City.

If you're just now paying attention to Cuomo, yes, he's doing a good job now, but that's because he spent and entire week being publicly hysterical first. He was literally a scared baby on air for days before he settled down and started acting like an actual elected official who has to be in charge.

ok fag

>he squawked as he hid behind a memeflag

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Fuck off you bat eating dink

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Don't know if it's good or bad but that piece of shit is based.

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You don’t need 30 rounds to kill a deer

So, you're really desperate.
At this point, what does it matter?

> Cries to Trump about the Federal Government not sending NY medical supplies
> "Discovers" Federal Government already supplied warehoused of medical supplies
Yeah, Cuomo is a real gem.

He hates his idiot brother Fredo. Not a huge fan, but I got to give him a +1 for that.

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>He dares not walk alone in upstate new york for more than two minutes amongst his so called "people".
Not true, have you listened to any of his daily briefings? He often mentions how every single day he goes out in the streets of Albany, as well as Manhattan and talks to people about the virus. He says he receives both positive and negative feedback from the common people.

Lmao. You are about to witness and live through it faggot

Yeah cheers to the guy governing the "epicenter" of this pandemic stateside. New Yorkers suck. New York should be quarantined, then bombed, then quarantined again.

You will for feral hogs. Or feral humans.

GTFOH with this propaganda, everyone hates fucking Cuomo

candid, measured, calm haha yes I'm sure this is your opinion of that mob boss yes this is totally believable and not paid shilling


He spent 20 fucking minutes talking about spaghetti. Italian fags are the worst.

Guinea kikes are not listened to, respected, nor their decrees followed. That is why he hides away and talks to a camera rather than his people.

Hahahha, and id unironically support it
>the vast majority of Democrats live in major cities
>corona is going to hit major cities the hardest


t. NYC resident


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>He was candid, measured, calm.
You're not from around here are you?

Never said I did. You still can't have it, bitch.

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Not strongly supporting him because I’m not familiar with NYC politics at all, but it’s pretty clear that there are many state and local leaders who would make better leaders at the federal level, but they just want nothing to do with the rampant corruption and stress that comes with the job. Obviously there’s plenty of state and local corruption, but DC is on its own much greater level. The very best men are in the private sector because that’s where you can be successful without people sabotaging you at every turn.

>America was never great
Yeah fuck him.

If his younger brother is Fredo, does that mean his nickname should be Sonny?

Stone cold shilling it huh Jew

Hi visitor.
Coumo is a retard who forgot that he has already thousands ventilators stored

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why did trump give china 18 ton of PPE during a pandemic and shortage...cmon Yas Forums defend this bullshit

You are a liar and a kike. That Italian kike slime does not dare go upstate without a fleet of heavily armed guards. Hell at the new york state fair cops have to create a 50 yard area where no citizen can be so that rat faced goon can walk in safety.

He is the most hated man in upstate new york.

He didn’t.

> be a Shill on /pol
> meme flag
>message about swamp creature
> triestosubvert.jpg
> tells /pol the next retard plan of the deep state

Is that the new mr.potato head?

Cuomo is calm under pressure and resilient when met with a barrage or an onslaught if you will directed at him from all angles. He is tactical, focused, wise, intelligente, cool, calm, collected and most importantly COMPASSIONATE.

Donald Trump has small weak hands
Andrew Cuomo has BIG STRONG hands

No. Leadership is why I watch Cuomo’s daily press conferences. And I don’t even watch my own governer’s press conference in Connecticut.

kek. boogaloo york is fast approaching.

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The NYPD would not side with Cuomo. The only thing even resembling military force he could move are street gangs.

>I don't know a single thing about his policies
>I don't know a single thing about New York over the past 20 years

I’m not from New York.

Stop trying to prop up CUMo Mossad. Sloppy Job.

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sounds like he has an oxytocin disorder and shouldn't be anywhere near any position of societal governance.

Donald Trump's presidency is a failure and this crisis highlights his incompetent narcissism.


The NYPD killed off all those that looked at wienar's laptop.

Cuomo still has the state police and sanctuary city sheriffs. They are heavily armed and have amassed tons of military equipment.

So the shills really are gonna try and push him over biden

yeah he hid that medical equipment so well

Suck it up buttercup. You are stuck with Biden and there is nothing you can do about it.

Cumhole is just anudda Jew ass kisser.

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Like fucking clockwork..
Saw some news last week about the dnc considering cuommo has the surprise candidate..

And now the shill brigade start their mental gymnastics to put this guy on top..

Let it go glowie jew, you lost

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Memeflag shill faggot bitch. Kys.

He answered this. We are nowhere near the anticipated peak. I don’t like him but I will give him credit when he does things right.

Yikes. If you watched at least one of his briefs you would know it’s true. Go fuck yourself.

Also, nice racism always resort to spewing racial slurs when you don’t know what to say!

yeah they're totally fight a war for people that called them racist oppressors for years...

If he tried to act militarily against Trump's government I bet over half of all of those police departments would quit the first day.

you kidding me this fag is crying he got no funding for schools in bill, why the fuck would we pay for schools shut them down retard, he's just a crybaby

fuck off kike

Donald Trump's weakness stems from his roots. He is pale and weak.

Whereas Andrew Cuomo is a MED therefore TANNED and VIRILE.

This is the current shill narrative. They're throwing around candidate names because they want to off Biden. Watch it happen.
Get fucked shareblue cunts.

Fellow Cuoomers: I am shilling this shit so hard

>America's Governer
>Current acting President
>president Cuomo

Then watch Drumpf supporters seethe till they say their N-word. Truly a great time to be high IQ supporting 11d hyper chess with political physists. Is Cuomo the smartest politician to to or exist? Republicans say no. What are they so scared of?

Meme flagging like fuck. Literally kys.

>He answered this
That doesn't make it okay to be a lying faggot. The officials in Puerto Rico tried doing this same shit.

Show flag then, kike.
>inb4 he doesn't because he's a lying kike
Saged, hidden. Stay weak faggot.

Most of the police are mutts from the army/marines.

They would quit the second day after they took casualties. They are used to killing people here. They do not expect us to fight back.

>cry you don't have ventilators
>get exposed for hording ventilators in warehouse while NYers die
>we're saving them for when we really need them
this guy a fucking asshole


Let’s instead support a demented old mentally ill narcissistic fat fuck saying “I have a feeling we should open it on Easter, you know, MY INSTINCT tells me we should”.


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Ok, ShillBlue.
Cuomo has zero chance to beat Trump.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED you absolute faggot.

>Not a Democrat
I doubt that, but you are definitely a faggot. If I find you I'm going to beat you to death.

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The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

if the police acted against trump's government, he could order the military to wipe them out for insurrection

why did trump give china 18 ton of PPE during a pandemic

why did trump give china 18 ton of PPE during a pandemic

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no he didn't.

police are civilian pussies. real soldiers don't piss their pants when the enemy shoots back.

Central NY checking in. New York is unlike any other state, with each "region" being taken care of - Finger Lakes here, our outdoor recreation is too notch and we get money for downtown renovation and local business grants. Cuomo is awesome, I got amazing paternity leave when my daughter was born. No other state has programs like NY, even CA. Keep sending your state tax dollars for bullshit, NY takes care of its own.


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Cuomo hid ventilators to pretend they had a shortage already.
Playing politics with people's lives.
Very "impressive".

I think you mean a one zero zero percent chance of beating Trump.

your keyboard warriors and boomer are so funny when youre trying to be tough...i'd curb stomp you you pussy

fuck off shill