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needs more feathers

Not really.

the whole europe invaded and suckerpunched ussr in 1941. nice meme you macaco. keep being a good golem for the jewish lies.

My deepest of respects always goes to Russia first for their sacrifice in WW2

Russia got it's butthole raped until America entered the war and Germany had to halt

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The US and USSR were equally responsible for the defeat of Germany, if we stood down Japan would have invaded Russia and without US pressure from the west Germany could have probably won on the eastern front.

The real losers were the northern Europe countries, they basically got knocked out and fucked.

Yeah gotta give props to the winter dependent zerg rush.

In all honesty, I hate Communism but the Soviets really were the backbone of the Allied forces. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. But the Pacific is definitely an American victory


Japan should have invaded USSR.
Btfo ruskie nigger faggot.

pffft right, because you know its not like they were going to invade themselves in 43 or anything.

>Japan should have invaded USSR.
Japan didn't invade the USSR because they would have been defeated almost instantaneously.

How can British commonwealth be so small.
NO India no Canada etc who all fought for the British.
The British commonwealth did more then Americans.

Americans were like mop up crew

Japan should be much bigger than Italy

>Americans were like mop up crew
In Europe, maybe. In the Pacific? No.

congratulation on securing those .. 4 islands

Like how you spit roasted Poland with Germany?

Hey thanks, congrats on only lasting six hours.

>Siberian doomstacks
shut up

USA and UK should be wearing yarmulkes

Based anglokike keeping tabs on how many goym died for the creation of Israel.

One of the best ways of fucking up a war is fighting two fronts.

>imagine be proud of lost 40 mln people (70% russians)


Irrelevant my scheming faggot nigger fag nigger

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Пoшeл нaхyй, чepт.

You forgot to include the claw rubbing kikejewsaurus in the background

Yeah-yeah. Or not, USSR would be torn apart and US would be isolated as it was.

WW2 was with dinosaurs? Is this the creationist stuff I heard they teach in Murica?
>How WWIII will be

>In the Pacific? No.
True enough.
Y'all were pretty much *the* war in the pacific - oddly, there's not a lot of mention in history books about the pacific war like there is about the war in europe.
I wonder if that's ((coincidental)) in nature.

The next season of COPS is looking pretty badass.

We do talk about the Pacific in history class about island hopping and some of the grotesque things the Japs did to prisoners and what we did to the Japs and then the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki but that's about it.

What is a raiding party? How are they used? Can you harass an opponett's rear with little effort?

cut an x into your forehead and accelerate yourself already you fucking tryhard

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Who is in the bottom right corner?



Why aren't all the commies laying there dead? Your meme sucks ass, nigger.

This is Siberia, Russia's domain. If you think the USSR wouldn't be prepared for a possible Japanese invasion I think you're underestimating the abilities of the USSR. Especially when they managed to pull a 180 and takeover Germany.

Your picture said a thousand words

Hungarians were allied with the Nazis too. You just forget that... faggot?

what a ridiculous assertion.


Having a second front open made all the difference for Roosha.

Lel France.france held strong agaisnt g*rman aggression

>unironically bragging about dumping your entire adult population into the meat grinder
what a shit meme

a Country that was called the Soft underbelly of Europe.

sensible chuckle was had

Especially the squads that would shoot anyone trying to fall back. They were the best.


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This is true, I was there and it was totally funny.

wheres CANADA? read a goddamn book

so you're telling me that WW2 was fought and won by communists? JEWISH communists?


You forgot the amazing contribution Argentina made.

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Here you go feathered leafbro.

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Brazil bant at it's finest.

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USnosaur should lie in pond with sharted pants

Based and featherpilled