I'm going to study the Torah, convert to Judaism, and then move to Israel. I don't even believe in god, but I just want to be part of the ruling people. I'm sorry, Yas Forums.
I'm going to study the Torah, convert to Judaism, and then move to Israel. I don't even believe in god...
Thank you, just get out of my fucking country
ok thx bai
I don’t blame you, tbqh.
yeah right, fuck off Yas Forums kike shill
You're American, so you might as well.
If it walks like a duck,...
You are an idiot.
Start here...
Please gib shekels when you make it big, don’t forget us.
Seething goyim
Be ready to juke the DNA test. Not a joke.
nope, you only have to convert. birth right accepts converts.
This is so absolutely wrong that I hope you don't discover it until it's too late.
Imagine thinking you aren't already more or less a slave to the Jews as a Mutt
lol jews don't follow the torah
"What the Torah forbids, the Talmud permits."
>One, you have to be Jewish, defined by Birthright as having at least one Jewish birth parent or having converted through a recognized Jewish denomination. Two, you have to be between 18 and 26
user, what you're not understanding is that the real world is not what you read on your phone.
Tell me, yes or no with no equivocation, do you believe Israel would ever run genetic tests on immigrants to determine whether or not they qualify as Jewish?
Lol idiot you cannot convert to Judaism.
I'm a femanon, they're not going to give an american trouble if she converts to judaism and marries a local guy.
yes you can, seethe.
Don’t forget the Talmud
Based. Get on the winning team.
So you're saying I'm right but you're counting on a pussy pass.
I wish you well when the Arabs push your adopted people into the sea, and you exclaim, "but wait, I only chose to be evil, don't hurt me, I'll suck you guise off!"
Fuck, mang.
Its a bit late in the game to convert now...
Should have done it 300 years ago. I'd say you have less then a decade before Israel is removed from the map.
>I'm going to study the Torah, convert to Judaism, and then move to Israel.
Yeah, do it.
>I just want to be part of the ruling people
No, jews don't rule anything, they control people who rule things.
Big difference.
It's why you can say "NO" to a ruler and the ruler can continue existing, but if you say "NO" to each and every jewish demand then they literally die out because they have no power, only control.
A reason why their preferred jobs are in the sectors of law, education and politics, perverting them all.
You won't find chaim scheissberg doing anything but be a parasite.
If you go to Israel you won't live among rulers, but among those who just get fed with spoons, you won't control shit.
In fact, you'll get taxed and have to pay the wages of the higher orthodox study caste.
Yeah, they literally get paid to read the torah.
Enjoy your stay.
no, the law of conversion still applies. but I would have even less stress because I'm a white american.
I imagine they test third world converts more.
ayy lmao
>The rules of the board state
Tits or GTFO
kinda based.
go back to dick sucking and child fucking rabbi kike shill
Yas Forums is for us not you, jew scum
kinda felt my nose growing
good luck scamming the goyim
don't forget we're gonna gas you sooner or later
Ok boomer
>law of conversion
>hereditary Jews still get tested and rejected
In all seriousness, you're probably ok if you're a white American marrying an Israeli Jew, for political reasons if nothing else. But really, what are the chances that a Euro-American woman makes a sincere thread here about this? Pretty much nil.
Points are points, though. 7/10.
no habla espanol,
I am pure white
you should join jew club too, user. i'll save u a spot.
Why the fuck would you move to Israel if you're already a Jew?
So now I will call you a kike unironically. Life goes on.
You love sucking jew cock, don't you?
i considered that but to convert, they circumcise you, or if youre already cut, they take a drop of blood from your penis. it's a cult lol
Yep, I see where this is going...
they dont particularly want converts moving to israel though
Thinking that low class citizen jews control the world.
Bye traitor.
doesn't bother me
never tried
I am not a man.
that sucks for them, but the still stands.
They will never accept you as one of their own, but im sure they'll find some use for you filthy golem
the law still stands*
Jew here. You will always be an outsider, like a nigger trying to join the Italian mafia. Sure, you may be tolerated, you may even be allowed in, but you will never be allowed in the circles that matter.
theyre going to turn you away because youre not a jewish convert refugee from a 3rd world country
>I am not a man.
just marry a jew then
or marry an israeli citizen and get israeli citizenship
that's the plan.
>jew here
prove it
>that's the plan.
then why bother converting to judaism
Hope you're enough of a sociopath.
Jews still care about bloodlines so you won't get a full pass.
If you know Russian you wouldn't have a problem
If there are no Chinese their can be no racism against the Chinese
Most powerful Jews don’t believe in god either so you’ve got a head start
>Get circumcised
>Download J-date
>Hit on Ashkenazi grill
>Use the line, "Dick so big, G-d commanded them to nerf me."
>Post results.
This is true. I think being involved in politics will break you of belief.
Soros, Saban, Silverman, etc.
congratulations on wasting money to burn a book to own the jews
This owns Islam Judaism Christianity Mormonism and whatever other false relgion worships the canaanite God Yahweh and his cult.
did i not say i don't believe in god? i'm converting to judaism for the gibs, not because I actually believe you moron.
I am a female. I will marry an ashkeNAZI guy.
When you are so bored you have nothing less to do but start gay threads on Yas Forums.
>i'm converting to judaism for the gibs
what gibs will you be getting in israel?