The key problem of incels is that they don't really want sex. In fact they're mostly sexually satisfied with jerking off, and the main problem that makes them butthurt is the pressure of society and low status.
I mean, come on, if you really have sex drive, there's no way you'd stay a virgin in your twenties. You can save up and pay a prostitute, you can try hooking up with the most disgusting slag in your local bar, or even deal with a single mother for a while to have access to her pussy.
But instead of doing any of that, incels keep jerking off in their homes. It's not that they're complete coomers, but their sex drive is either low and can be easily satisfied by fap, or deformed and now they desire not to have sex with a woman per se, but to look at her pictures.
Why do so many men suddenly don't want to have sex anymore?
Obviously, higher estrogen in environment is pretty obvious and was discussed a lot.
What's less obvious is extreme socializing influence in media. From a certain point of time (I'm not sure, but I think it around 80's), most children started getting their experience on human interactions from watching movies, playing videogames, and reading books, not from their own interactions. And modern media is extremely destructive for a healthy man-woman dynamic.
I'll focus on content for boys and men here, but girl-focused media is another huge can of worms.
The key problem of incels is that they don't really want sex...
So, what do we have here?
* A lot of male protags are single well in their thirties, and they're not womanizers - and if they are, they're mostly ridiculed by the writers
* These single male protags don't even try to engage in relationships with women around them
* If they do end up with a girl, it's handled so half-assedly by the writers that it feels forced and unnatural
* If somehow the protag is married, his marriage is most likely extremely dysfunctional, or he's already divorced
* Dysfunctional families in general are much more common than functional in media
* And if the media for men is somehow focused on building a relationship - the protag usually has to do some feats to please the woman
In short: most men in movies, vidya etc are either sexless (as in don't have a biological sex) or ridiculed and punished for their sexuality. And if you grow being force fed this bullshit, it's no surprise your sexuality is non-existant.
Have you noticed anything else that factors in this problem?
I cum
Constantly jerking off and playing vidya leads to low energy. How could someone try and hook up with a girl, knowing they lack the energy required to do so, Ivan?
If "incels" don't want sex, then by definition they are NOT involuntarily celibate.
That's bullshit, because most men who have sex also jerk off. But they at least have sex from time to time, while "incels" don't touch a woman for years, or don't touch a woman ever.
The problem is they they themselves don't think so, and broad society sees them as rapists in the making
she needs black boyfriend asap
Marriage is a Jewish trick.
>inb4 muh tax benefit
Yes. We are actually based vocels, just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why would we waste our time with women when we can pray and please the Lord instead? Christians are vocels, atheists are pathetic incels.
Or maybe they don't want meaningless sex.
didn't read.
incels are little faggots though.
Fuck incels, it's basic darwinism in action. Would you accept your daugther getting even looked at by a greasy incel? I don't think so
I think the difference between most men and incels boils down to social skills. Chads and above average men can interact and get a women to bed with ease, whereas the betas and the incels have to expend a ton of energy just to get their penis wet. In the end, they return to their homes, jerk themselves to death, subsequently announcing that they've given up on women because they can't handle the bullshit (I.e, the courting process) to get a women in bed.
I agree. I don't want sex. I want to be in a loving relationship and cuddle. But modern women are all whores.
For me, it was anxiety about doing anything ive never done before. It also occured when thinking about applying for jobs and still happens for things like buying a new car. I just never do it, or i put it off for months or years. It wasnt whatever you said.
if they dont want to they are not incels by definition.
quit your bullshit jew
Why would i want to contaminate my dick with the disgusting filthy STD-riddled roastbeef juices of whores, either literal or metaphorical? Why would i want to pursue a relationship some used up, washed up, damaged goods bitch who spent her sexual prime getting dicked down by scumbag dark triad sociopaths and chad fuckbois? Why would i want to provide a knife and offer up my neck up to a hole by being stupid enough to marry her? Why would i choose to destroy myself or at the very least put myself in a position to be destroyed either psychologically, physically, or financially by some gross cunt who, in the best possible outcome will probably learn to hate my guts and resent her relationship with me in the way all wives secretly resent their husbands, when i could just acknowledge that the juice aint worth the squeeze and whack off to pure and beautiful 2D like three or four times daily?
As I pointed out there're some easy ways out if you really want to fuck: escorts, town bicycles etc, you don't need a lot of social skills for them.
But if you don't want to fuck - yes, it's easier to jerk off, and then jerk off again.
I mean, haven't you ever felt in your life that you need a woman on your dick right about now?
And so in their spiritual purity they jerk off to increasingly degenerate shit on the internet. Come on.
woman are just intolerable to be around. I've had sex and it's just not worth it, to me anyway.
I was just commenting on the label.
Have you ever felt libido in your life on a truly biological level? Like looking at any woman around you and immediately wanting to undress and bang her right now if she's remotely attractive?
Healthy men feel like that at least sometimes in their lives.
>incels living in the basement
>they don't go outside because afraid of getting rejected
>don't have friends
>the only thing they do is cry on the internet because they can't get laid
Why everyone complains about incels all the time? I don't get it. They don't really bother anyone, why this obsession? Leave them along, dude.
>As I pointed out there're some easy ways out if you really want to fuck: escorts, town bicycles etc, you don't need a lot of social skills for them.
>But if you don't want to fuck - yes, it's easier to jerk off, and then jerk off again.
That is true, but burning money for an escort or a town slut won't satisfy much if they're looking for a long term partner, which I think is the case for many incels who want sex on a consistence basis. I mean, take a look at your point here:
>haven't you ever felt in your life that you need a woman on your dick right about now?
Usually that depends if incels are willing to improve themselves by focusing on themselves and not chasing after someone who will give them the shoulder. They can, but, like I said before, they don't have the drive or the energy needed to pull off a miraculous turnaround in their lives. They rather beat off and play vidya, which are both very easy to do.
The desire for intimacy and emotional validation from a foid is a purely physical, biological need among men, and has nothing to do with some ascetic idea of spiritual purity, you fucking retard.
>The desire for intimacy and emotional validation from a foid is a purely physical, biological need among men
This is not true. Quit your bullshit, faggot.
Incels don't want sex, they want love. That's the difference. You can buy sex, you can't buy love.
Yeah in my mid20s i eventually stopped being neet and got a gf and have had sex hundreds of times. I will ask a girl out now no problem. It was just anxiety making me act like a bitch when i was younger
False, I know people who do go out a lot and constantly meet new women and try to court them but fail, it's not always due to lack of trying
What I try to point out is that a lot of men today don't really have sex drive anymore. I'm talking not only about basement dwellers and robots; the basedboys who blast their money for ass pics of e-thots are also part of the problem, for example.
It's just that the word "incel" triggers a visceral response in this board.
You have a great reading comprehension, mutt.
Smart Boris.
MOST incels could better themselves/situation and get laid if they wanted to. We've def become lazy and want instant gratification as a society.
Yes it is you fucking little monkey, which is the reason why most men are easily manipulated simps.
loser mindset
Only one time in my life. She was a petite little Croatian girl with black hair and pale skin. Too bad she was married to a fat ugly ass airline pilot. But yeah it's rare for me, I ruined my sex drive from years of fapping to porn.
I said it before, I'll say it again:
If you could obliterate simps off the face of the earth, you'd solve all of the world's problems without touching a woman or lynching a single nigger.
>False, I know people who do go out a lot and constantly meet new women and try to court them but fail, it's not always due to lack of trying
Because they lack the social skills needed or because they're not Chad? Because their sex drive is dependent on porn and not real life women. To them, see might see a thot on their screens, but imagine if they had the opportunity to get in bed with said thot irl. It won't be the same because of the porn conditioning.
You are manipulated because you are a faggot. Real men don't really have emotions about women, except only desire to have sex and have children. If you "love" a woman, you are a cuck who is gonna raise chad's children.
Because they lack the social skills, the point I'm making is the stigma of men not scoring only being because they aren't trying is false, there are many factors
>most men in movies, vidya etc are either sexless
They have to be in order for the female audience to be engaged.
You can fuck this bitch for 2 hours for 300 pounds. Surely better than spending more over a series of dates for some roastie to friend zone you at the end?
Incels prefer jacking off because women tend to be rather unkind and restrictive to them in sexual context. Jacking off means they won't be shamed for what they like and they won't be used as cost to being given any sort of sexual release.
nice b8 m8 and stop shilling tranny pics
Escorts/prostitutes don't really count. That's like playing a video game with cheat codes.
The constant pressure of media and advertising is vastly underestimated. In fact it’s a crime against humanity.
I was in one relationship from 17-23, breakup was rough and i haven't had sex in 6 years now. I tried putting myself out there last year putting in a ton of effort but i cant be fucked desu, i just wanna get rich of link, buy land in NH mountains that i can farm.
absolutely correct, porn is the problem
Fuck I love blond bunny
>imagine believing that the escorts really look that hot
Not really a cheat code when it's the oldest profession in history
Yeah but love doesn't exist
Or that its legal everywhere
Why do you even care about this shit? Maybe you're the one that needs to get a life.
Like caring about penis size, whether the girl will cry rape or if she prefers the BBC? I mean, the amount of shit people might read online really fucks up the almond.
>shilling for sex at the end of the world.
Everyone is locked down and cant roastie it up as usual anyway. You lack so much self awareness that you do not even realize how dumb you appear by acting like society is running as usual.
jerking off is degenerate.
"the only justifiable reason for having sex is to reproduce"
damn, just imagine her with a BBC
Lads you put three pics on a hookup site and get bombarded by women sending you selfies of themselves naked, listing sex acts they want to do (I had to look up what their words meant) and trying to get you to service them. It’s frightening, they mob you.
And I’m not a model or anything, pretty average looks & body I guess. I fucked so many last summer I ended up in detox from October to a few weeks ago, no phone, no /pol, no beaky, no sex. I am just glad I relapsed a couple of weeks before the Friday 13th fall of silence here in the U.K. when the corona fear got serious. At least if I die I know I lived first.
Red pilled girl story time
Be me at bar.
Invited a hottie on my left.
Lets call her "boobs".
Her cute smart friend sits on my right.
Call her "Brains".
Shes poli sci major.
>(Smirk) if only she knew.
Get to talking to brains.
Brains>"user, us girls realize how hard the world is on guys now. We see it from a neutral perspective. If you feel like people dont notice, its not true. We do."
Annoyed im not talking to boobs, after all i invited her.
Decided to scare brains off, drop a nuclear redpill so she'll leave me alone.
Verbatim> The primary source of all tension in america is that we have a Christian population and a secular Jewish media.
She just about jumps out of her seat
"Exactly!! And noone is willing to say it!!"
Turns out she is greek raised greek orthodox, very cognizant of different racial groups as she has a firm racial cultural identity.
Im blown the fuck away. Shes 21, pretty, smart.
Im an American mutt, she's Greek. She knows more about jq at 21 than i did at 27.
Ask her friends what her deal is.
Has bf.
Shrug, whatever.
Ask her for her phone.
Send myself a friend request on fb.
She laughs with all the innocence of a ten year old.
She knows i like her for her mind.
Mean while boobs hops on the electeomic bull and whips her tits out. (For a chance at 1,000$)
Yep pretty good ones.
Missed out.
Worth it to meet the most amazing girl ive ever seen
Surreal feel anons.
Incels are right with one think: Women don't want them
EVERYTHING else is cope.
It's a shitty game where the prize is a 50% chance of financial ruin. And don't get too attached to your children either.
I think I have no gf cause of possible ADHD. I literally feel like a block to JUST WRITE TO THE CHICK.
Even when I didn't fap for a 3 months I literally couldn't do it.
To be fair I do manage to find a 6/10, but that is after going through hundreds of profiles and making a short list of those that look genuine. I then ask them to send me a selfie where they hold up a number of fingers or ask for a video chat. Most decline to do so as they are probably liars about their age and scammers, but after some effort you do get a few good ones. I still got tricked once but most of the times I was not disappointed. I was going to meetup with one who sent me what I wanted via whatsapp but then the bat flu came.
I tried that before but got no messages and when I messaged women first they ignored me
I thought the opposite is true?
I have an intense fetish for tickling and I’m afraid of bringing it up so I don’t approach women and watch porn instead
A lot of men engage in sexual degeneracy IRL, there're special communities for this where both men and women are into the thing they want to try: gangbang parties, BDSM parties, even personal hookups. Some escorts cater for special interests too. And if you're a sexual degenerate then all the talk about having a caring relationship most likely goes out of the window.
>at bar
Don't drink. I tried but stopped after a several tries, don't like the taste.
I'm not going to argue this, but generally incels think it does and that aren't getting any of it.
>mean, come on, if you really have sex drive,
First of all we need to define sex drive here.
I have had many conversations with doctors, psychologists and male friends what they mean by sex drive.
Is it to instantly get an erection when you see someone? Doctors and psych's I've talked with says that's not a given. I've gotten many friends to admit different things concerning it as well. That they first get hard when they are intimate with someone etc.
Same boat
Im a bar tender and i wouldnt have met her otherwise.
But yeah have been jailed for drinking i agree its degenerate. When you take a shit in a window in front of cops because you had one too many you start to rethink some things
Pic related is the quintessential incel physique. Short, small frame, overall low T body.
found the roastie
Porn is just fast food instead of a fresh meal in quality restaurant.
Of course we know the difference of quality.
But it's fast, easy to get, and you can quickly switch to something else.
Dang man
That's a textbook depression and that's understandable, but there're men who grow up like this.
Save up some money and browse for sites with prostitutes, and if you don't want to go for a prostitute that means you too don't have a libido
That's not the end of the world. Sooner or later we'll be out again with even more sexless men than before
based pasta bro