/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #01

► Detected: 687,593 ► Died: 32,327

— 3.8 billion people put under lockdown —
— 202 countries and territories infected —
— 74% more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —
— 2,058 different strains have been sequenced —

Police in the Philippines put lockdown violators in dog cages

Christian pastor who said pandemic was 'mass hysteria' dies from the virus

ILI detection rates go off the chart in Ireland

NY police has 700 cases, 12% of the workforce out sick

10% of Wuhan cases get reinfected after "recovery"

45 doctors have died in Italy during the outbreak

Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Most deaths go unreported, Italian mayor says

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

China changes definitions 3 times in 8 days


11:36: 61 new cases and 6 new deaths in India.
11:29: 308 new cases and 4 new deaths in Romania.
11:12: 163 new cases and 7 new deaths in Switzerland.

NYC EMS livefeed, hard blackpill to the nothingburgerfags


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►►►Died: 33,083


Fuck jannies

Why did you reset the counter kim?

Hello great Leader!

>north korea

Fuck you VPNfaggot

guys besides every one deceasing in corona. how is it going with you?

Where my link marines at? You guys ok?

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>Kim is probably unironically laughing at the entire planet
>he predicted the fall of the mighty West and China

Corona-Chan reached 700k just now


We gonna destroy the Amerimutts...

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>Infections and deaths dropping in Italy
>Infections and deaths dropping in Spain
>Infections and deaths dropping in Germany
Holy shit, where were you when doomers and panicfags got BTFO?

The Dutch government has launched a recall of 100,000s of masks purchased from China because they do not meet quality standards and offer inadequate protection.

Ching Chong dont be racist

>We could be in lockdown for 6 months

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700k shiiiiiit

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I never thought a general could glow harder than /ptg/. Then came /cvg/.

You cattle don't even realize you're part of a behavioral test. Now whenever a government is in danger, it can simply say, "look, there's a deadly virus, stay inside your houses or you will die". And the mindless cattle will do so because they are scared sheeple.

The jews hands are on fire from all the hand rubbing.

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See you in September...

Based Kim. Greetings to the Catalan faggot in your government.

i know people who are ill, shut the fuck up hans

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Fuck the EU, fuck USA, and fuck the angloshpere

for weeks I had to read about the "gross italian habits of kissing elders and living close together", as if being close to your family is a bad thing. years of jewish mindwashing have corrupted your brain
and now I read about 200k possible deaths? godd riddance, I hope everyone will stay oka but I hope this Covid pandemic finally puts the last nail in the coffin of superpowers who think they're better than anyone else
here in Italy we had helps from Russia, China and Cuba. Hell, I expect Kim Jong Un coming down next week with a bunch of new masks to help us, what the fuck is this bizarro world?

you reap what you sow, fuckers

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>get defective equipment from china
>while the chinese have bought all the functional equipment and sent it to china
>thank china

What makes you think we stay indoors because the gov says so?

Uhm, based?

chairman kim may i visit best korea? i promise i dont have corona. also post timestamp with your fat rolls in the background.

But there *IS* a dangerous virus and the government SHOULD tell you to stay indoors.

well spoken, souther neighbor

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I am eating muh fuckeng lasagna m8, how about you Sven?

Is it true you dont have an asshole?

When a teen I was forced to attend a visit of Kim Ir Sen in Romania. Ceausescu and him passed in a car 3m away from me. Both looked like raised from dead, cadaveric and full of spots. Too bad I could not eliminate them both fuckers.

His mouth do both functions

Easy there, Kim. How's life in Best Korea anyway? You still watching that based show about the patriotic factory workers?

Based. New Axis when

If you want to get rid of US and EU is just fine, but to go near Russian or worse, China, who fucked you with this disease, that is dumb and you deserve to get infected. Hopefully you'll get so many deaths and unemployment that you'll have to kick every foreigners out including our fucked-up diaspora. I want them here howling at the moon with no money.

Checked. Gonna happen.

Got tested. I'm officially the first 4chaner to catch the virus.

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>I want them here howling at the moon with no money.
that makes both of us fren.
dont know about the russians though, when shit gets ugly we cant have a multi front conflict again.

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I have been coofing for 5 days now. It's over. Please tell them that I died as a non-virgin.

10-4 user. I'll tell em you slayed pussy like a Chad.

I am in

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I desire no conflict with Russia, but they're corrupt to the bone and ready to buy anything that moves especially in energy sector (similar with you in this, Austria is sucking us dry of oil, gas and wood). Better they stay there providing raw materials.

And yeah, send all those diaspora niggers back. They want to vote for EU degeneracy and open borders here, then experience it here.

Post tests or GTFO.

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The happening is happening

Yeah based China letting a bioweapon loose and then doing the bare minimum to save face
Truly our greatest ally

Good numbers today.

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Is this the final official number for today in Italy?

They give one number once a day, around 18:00 local time.So yes.

im soon about to train thank you buddy

Germany is not looking bad either. Watch the RKI fudge those numbers again because they're all incompetent and Wieler probably thinks he's the most important guy in the country right now.

Hmm. That's lower than the previous few days, right? Happening cancelled, or low numbers because it's Sunday?

Good question, maybe they are sleeping instead of counting bodies. But hopefully it is going down for real.

checked, shit going down confirmed

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is it too late to prep? How much did you guys buy?

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Can I get a visa to get the fuck away from this hell?


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