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·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
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·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements
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>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))
>But what really is National Socialism?
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Ignore the shills. Bump.
Socialism is a finger trap for mid-wits.
INB4 midwit-tier response.
Hail Victory
pic related.
Yas Forums BTFO
Blood for the blood god my little sister
Long/Short Term Solution for the Creation of a National Socialist movement in North America
National Socialist Food Banks
The Rust belt is dotted with herione filled shit holes where millions of our people live in little better then well maintained slums, the decaying concrete carcasses of factories crumbling around them.
These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
>When we deliver food to white families?
Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
Swastika on the wall.
>When they sit down for a meal?
A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
In this we can turn the midwest and a great deal of the american south rural north east national socialist.
And from this we begin a legitimate Nat Soc movement in this country, shapping both elections and demographics in the process.
excuse me sir, what did you mean by that?
>waaaahhhh the goyim know
>I know, let's try ad hominem attacks
>they'll totally work
>lets imply they don't get laid or are unsuccessful in life to win over the young zoomer goyim
Nigger, I am precisely where I want to be in life, and the words of you or anyone else are simply not capable of changing that.
>Thinking I do what I do for roasties
Do not comprehend the importance of family, nation, race, or religion?
Fucking basedboys, I swear. We have what you wish you had in life, so you externalize your penis envy as well as the jealousy a strong healthy Aryan always will produce in a jew or other untermensch, and you assume its capable of doing a single fucking thing.
Just because we are forgiving as a people does not mean we are forgetful or unaware. You always have the option of fucking off to your little tiny triangular kike country of sand and salt, and defending it yourself instead of relying on the american south to defend it for you- yes, it may be true that killing sandniggers is fun, but it isn't our job and you're going to have to grow up and man up as a people if you do not wish to go extinct.
Whine about us going extinct all you wish- there are more whites of breeding age currently than all the kikes that have ever existed on planet earth, fuck off with your gay propaganda and start nuking shitty Arab countries like you are supposed to.
Good Redpill for Americans new to /nsg/
Such a good video
Based. Shills can go to hell with Jannies
>No argument
Not surprised
Fucking seconded, the brown university speech by GLR is absolutely legendary.
>guys be honest do I pass?
Good Info graph to show leftist when they claim they arent a controlled op
So what do you lads think is going to be the outcome of the whole Coronavirus thing?
Will this redpill more people on hardline immigration reform and anti-economic globalism or are normies by and large to intellectually cucked to get it even when this level of extreme evidence is right in their face??
Actual NS economic policy
>lower taxes
>no bankruptcy laws
>public works financed by savings rather than artificial credit
>no debt based central bank
Cont. from HHH’s analysis “economic doctrine of the nazis”
It will be a huge redpill for most people, but it will be another 9/11 where powers are abused and things get covered up.
Don't argue with shills, it'll get you nowhere
I'd say it will help some people wake up, but the most not much. Still, something better than nothing. The economic downturn will make a lot of people despise the ZOG so that will be a major help to our cause.
I know. I’m just using this as an opportunity to educate lurkers
I'm already seeing it turn into that. The hippies are coming around to solid nationalism (which is odd but I'm not arguing) and the more faggy middle of the road leftists are privately agreeing with the concept, although publicly they are likely going to step aside and be neutral, which is a positive step considering these were a large portion of protestors.
The stores being empty will by definition redpill people on the fragility of our modern globalist system, and underline the importance of a strong homogeneous community.
Hitler’s gun laws
Whatever floats your boat. Make sure to not get derailed by them!
The truth about the Gestapo
Based and Accurate.
Guess it depends most on who is in power then.
>I'd say it will help some people wake up, but the most not much. Still, something better than nothing. The economic downturn will make a lot of people despise the ZOG so that will be a major help to our cause.
Yeah, makes sense.
Btw Italian Bro, How is Salvini and the FD taking advantage of the current situation if it all?
I think we've talked about FD a couple times in some other threads. I am just really hopeful for them since they are one of the only major open ethno-nationalist parties in europe with any real chance of getting into government as of now.
Is Cosa Pound doing anything regarding it either??
Based and White pilled bro
True and Pic related.
>But muh ebil natzsee
Politics is kinda stalled. Salvini is being more reasonable than the others but again, not much. Same with Casa Pound. FD? You mean Forza Nuova? Same as those other 2.
The myth of “Slavic sub humanity”
Brothers of Italy.
From “Myth of the 20th Century” by Alfred Rosenberg, a book considered “central” to NS ideology
All the Anti-Slav shit about wanting to genocide every people west of berlin is pure fucking hollywood jew propaganda.
Yes German interests came into conflict with Polish interests due to a long and storied history of geopolitical conflict between the two peoples.
Yes Hitler was aware that out in the fucking sticks of russia there were people with so much fucking mongoloian admixture that they were litterally basically ethnic huns.
But this by no means means that Hitler intended to "kill all slavs" or that white Slavs were not seen as Aryan.
One of the first nations to join the Axis was Slovakia
A Nation purely made up of ethnic slavs which Hitler safegaurded in the independence of, even against his own allies and german territorial ambitions.
Oh, it's better to say then FI, as Fratelli d'Italia. Yeah, nothing.
The part about Russians is pretty important. Remember that Soviet era Russians were not just Slavic, but a mixture of Slav, Turkic, Hunnish, mongol, Finn-ugric, and several other asiatic and European tribes brought together by race mixing as a result of Bolshevik Jews forcing all these people to live in the same industrial concrete conglomerates called “Soviet cities”.
Not to mention, the Kulaks (based on their knowledge of farming, mostly common in Europe, and their intelligence) were probably European, so it's no wonder modern day Russians and Ukrainians are more mongolic and turkic compared to then, since you remove at least 7 million Europeans (stretching it assuming 30% were actually Asian) from the gene pool (which, being rich farmers, they would have probably lots of children)
Full Reading of White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell chapter by chapter
"Democracy is an eastern idea"
Fucking what? The east has been more despotic than Europe for its entire existence. Democracy comes from the greeks and romans, who you can't say were "unheroic". Im no fan of democracy but this is bullshit.
Yup. Bolsheviks pretty much exterminated all the pure races and cultures in the domain of Soviet Russia, and replaced it with a single “Soviet culture” , and a “Soviet race” if you will.
I don’t know either. I know Hitler occasionally spoke of “Germanic democracy”, which he said was the REAL rule of the people, as opposed to “Jewish parliamentary democracy”.
Maybe by "eastern" he means "jewish" then?
I find it hard to believe that liberal democracy itself is a jewish conspiracy, I think its just used by the jews (and other elites) as a facade. Its degenerate effects are useful to the jews, but thats about it.
I think that’s exactly what he’s referring to. Liberalism. Essentially differentiating between “liberal fake democracy” and “Germanic true democracy”. As for “eastern”, Rosenberg does praise several “eastern” civilizations, like the japs, Chinese, Indians, Persians, etc. when he’s using it negatively he’s referring mostly to Semitic peoples, like Jews.
Who would've guess, the (((communists))) want whites gone.
Cool. The only NS thing I have read is mein kamph, so I'll just take your word on this. Mystery solved.
Yup, just like in the west. The only difference is that for the west, they use invaders from outside the country, while in the USSR, they used alien races from within the country
(Not the user you were talking to)
>>I find it hard to believe that liberal democracy itself is a jewish conspiracy, I think its just used by the jews (and other elites) as a facade.
I'm not so sure about that one dude.
At least from how i understand History.
I mean dont get me wrong I definately agree that Jewish power has fundimentally and completely hijacked and remade Liberal Democracy with in its own image.
But i think its a bit of a stretch to say a system conceived of under Greek Idealism is fundamentally a "jewish system."
Democracy seems more product of the hubris of European man then anything else. (IE the belief that even the lowest of our society would be able to be make intelligent decisions for the whole of the state)
And i would say it was probably a significant step in the philosphical journey of western man.
We now realize (or at least those of us who care to find the truth have realized) that the system is complete and utter bullshit
And can only ever be implemented on a micro level with insanely high ideal of impartiality and intelligence in the group that it is applied to that just isnt found in the common man.
Under a democracy living up to said ideals almost every vote would be unanimous as men of intelligence interested in the preservation of their people rarely disagree on anything significant but as this is not the case we know the public by and large cannot live up to the ideal.
Understanding this we have searched for more autocratic forms of government
But i think the idea that the ideals of "individualism" and "self rule" ARENT european is kinda disingenuous.
It is a flaw our people have within their physiology for better or worse.
(though it also has its benefits, especially in times like these, when authority DESERVES to be questioned and needs the populace to overthrow)
>The only NS thing I have read is mein kamph
I would suggest White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell Next especially since you are American.
The shit he rights about is extremely more relevant to Americans today and if you already like Mine Kampf you will fucking love WP by GLR.
Shit misread you're post herelooks like we're on the same page lol.
I’d agree with that. Democracy is a flaw on our part. A flaw of our former innocence, and naivety. Truth be told, the Jew hates democracy, and will seek to abolish it when he gets his world government, but for the time being, he will exploit it to the uttermost
this. OP is a kike and kikes love Hitler for obvious reasons.
no that was me with a vpn
nice try
you mean you forgot your VPN when you posted that, kike
Bumperino the threadino.
Don't be a kike, you're a chink!
no i wanted to self bump my thread so used a vpn to make my post and just post normally in the comments
pic related