President of Belarus will reveal 'many interesting things' when coronavirus is over

“When this coronavirus is over, I will tell you many interesting things. A lot of things. And you should think about two questions first. The first question: is coronavirus a man-made infection or did it come out of the air accidentally? Who would need it? The second question… We will not answer this question yet, but tell me: in the world, starting from my colleagues, politicians, and below, and others. Did they try to use this viral disease or psychosis for their own purposes and interests?”

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Sorry to hear about your president dying next week fren

belarus isn't even a real country. it's such a retarded shithole that people immigrate to russia from belarus. it's also just a russian puppet. no doubt rusniggers are going to have them say it came from the usa

Great opening.
The real question is, does our good president of Belarus, a GREAT country with GREAT people, stand with the truth and brighter future, or a future with sinophilic pieces of shits collaborating with (((globalists))) trying to bribe eastern europe and russia and turn it into their grooming facility?
Putin is against he globalist accomplice oligarchs and their sinophilic schemes, we know.
But even after all the wheels within wheels, does the president of Belarus feel the same way?
The future is the one we choose. I hope he is with the world, not the ones trying to prostitute it to a select few jews/globalists.

RIP your president
>Suicide by gunshot, two to the head

>already starting CCP propaganda
>readying their "US puppet" narrative
>direct threats from other posters against President of Belarus

Goddamn shills work fast.

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I think we're going to war with China.

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He said previously that he's in direct communication with China and taking advice from them.

The situation is very strange in Belarus because the official stance is that coronavirus isn't a big deal but everyone remembers chernobyl and went into protective mode straight away.

Replace China with israel

how much can i buy a belorussian girl for. i don't have much money.

AHAHAHA you're underestimating that guy, he was expecting an assassination attempt a decade ago. Ex soviet leaders aren't like our pampered pedos, they've been through their baptism of fire

We legitimately go to war with china starting with some very spectacular decapitation strikes if they don't start shutting the fuck up and minding their own business, not to mention drawing down their soros - collaborating (((marxist))) destabilization schemes in US and other parts of the world (argentina, europe, brazil, MEXICO etc).
Not to mention drugs like fentanyl designed specifically to kill white american men.
Did xi stop a single thing? No, even though he could have.

"Lukashenka also praised U.S. President Donald Trump, who said on March 24 that “an economic recession could be worse than the coronavirus,” and that his country should return “to normal life”."
The key here is that Russia/Putin and eastern europe is under more significant pressure from chink - (((globalist))) forces, more so then anyone want to admit. The economic, political support (aka leash) sneaks its way through virtually all levels of EE societies helped greatly by legacies of (((bolshevik rule))) that destroyed a great deal of sovereign thought in eastern europe.
EE will rise again, but I am curious how they will handle the current situation. I wish them the best.

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same thing.
jewish globalist oligarchy = israel = CHINA
Behind closed doors, no one likes china, israel, or even turkey (erdogan).
Many are also extremely angry with iran, pakistan etc for various reasons, including those in the middle east tired of getting jerked around and being labeled "pro american puppets" every time they stay out of the narrative.
A lot of shilling being done against bolsonaro for instance. Fucking leftist shits will deceive every six ways from sunday to retake control and dupe the people with sweet lies.
Not going to happen, people now know more then ever and it's growing.

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Why wait, tell us now.
By the way, Belarus is China's vassal state.

~40 potato bags

No one is threatening the president nigger

Funny I don't remember tagging you.

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That guys not going to make it I’m sure he will have some sort of accident

I cannot unsee the star of david in your pic related.
What have you done to me Yas Forums

china = israel
also in a typical tibetan cricket cockfight fashion,
china = iran
lastly but not least,
china = (((globalists)))
CCP are nothing but a bunch of naked, weak, deceitful power hungry scum with nothing but lies, as they are all demonstrating rapidly now throughout the entire world.

Attached: madeinccp.png (910x667, 250.88K)

Do not be mistaken, most leaders know it's a unnatural virus.

But now we have to be extremely careful starting any fights with other countries because i can totally see a third party releasing a virus trying to cause ww3

the only question left is if it was the CIA niggers or the chinks

>china = israel

Definitely true, the only ones really benefiting the most from all this are CCP (complete control of the domestic population, culling out certain 'problematic citizens' under lockdown, etc) and globalist depopulation agenda shits like gates, bezos, soros.
But what is true is that CCP has been extremely deceitful and are nakedly thumbing their noses at the world blaming US, italy and if push comes to shove they might start blaming russia or india too. Maybe even saudi arabia.
They just pretty much ordered the iranians to attack saudis using houthis (recent ballistic missile strikes amidst the virus outbreak), some proxy shelling against US forces in the region etc.
Fucking insane these bastards.

Good post, OP.

why is it named so in english?

it's called whiterussia

Corona virus is fake, symptoms caused by 60Ghz 5g

Israeli shills will now give me (you)s

>t. butthurt jew

why is it that every single time shills try to pretend to be anti-kike and wind up just defending chinks instead?

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belarus is the real name. bel=white rus=russia in russian.

What a fucking idiot, everyone knows it came from either a bat or pangolin.

Seems like you can be bald and bankrupt and they’ll still come across the world with you.

(meme flag)
We see you, "Belgian" poster.
chinks fucking suck as this shit worse then jews lol

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Nixon is rolling in his grave right now. Could have teamed up with Russia to end the Chinese menace, but nooooooooooooo

Jesus wept, he's going to name the yanks. Either Americans put the virus there, hoping to pin this on the Chinks, or the Chinks released it hoping to pin this on the mutts.

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If it is conspiracy they won't threaten him in public just kill him like all the rest

More then bantz happen on chanz believe it or not. Fuck they used motherfucking star wars kiddy games and puzzles to drop messages.

I'm predicting after the pandemic is over every county that hates America (aka all of them) are going to go full conspiratard, blame the usa, and band together.

go back to GLP, shill

America just sent belarus $1.2 mil. Nobody has a clue currently as Lukashenko seems to be playing the USA, Russia and China, and he's taking money from everyone.

We are already in a soft war.

China is buying up majority stake in all social media, video game and property companies as well as American production

Within 5 years the USA will be a Chinese proxy state controlled by the Chinese intelligence agencies.

Trump was a wild card they didn’t predict, and they can’t allow that to happen again. All future elections will be rigged in favor or the CCP.

All future trade deals will benefit the CCP

coronachan let me lick your feet uwu

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locked himself in a suitcase then shot himself in the back of the head from a meter away, many such cases, sad

>$1.2 mil
that is like a penny

Good luck Belarus. I look forward to the Fact Check section of Google being filled with pilpul and the meters being on the (((Mostly false))) side of the "truth" gauge.

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its funny.

multiple countries have made statements like this.
and those commie flag FAGGOTS keep posting that dumbshit pasta, when in reality, the entire world is going to turn against china shortly after this is done.

>best lider
>does bussiness with everyone
>literally cures corona with vodka and sauna
>no pandemic
>no shitskins
>expossing global satanic pedo cabal and gives 0 fucks
>the most beautiful woman(set tinder location to misk, and deam boy)

based and redpilled

>broken record activated
this bitch should be spamming /cvg/ or somethin lol

The fact that every single one of those infiltration is being literally made to disappear is why chinks are going bat shit insane (pardon the pun lol).
Yea, they went bat shit insane alright. Already there are plenty of talk circulating about he possibility CCP elites with xi unleashed this shit on purpose ('accident') as a last ditch attempt to directly influence US situation (election year, economic situation critical, democrat and kike msm directly going into overdrive trying to blame everything on POTUS and ridiculing/belittling him no matter what he does) to remove Trump.
I don't think there will be such talks if enough evidence was not present to show the world how the chinese made this with help from traitors around the world then released it, purposefully or not.
Xi, and CCP elites siding with those globalists, pretty much have targets painted on their backs right now for this act of world wide bioterrorism.

extremely based

My condolences for your president.
May he rest in peace.


>relatively small country with shakey econmy at best not able function currently at full potential
>likely controlled economically by (((russian oligarchs))) in bed with chinks
>has to save his own people and look after his family and everyone's future
>knows the glow nigger game and is veteran soviet armed forces officer, a place with most anti-glownigger sentiment in whole of soviet russia
Yes, President of Belarus knows the game being played. He has imminent prioty to help people survive and probably knows that keeping people fed and happy is as important because lockdowns are effective only up to a certain point if border traffic is secured.
Best of luck to him getting through this shit mess.


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Yea, CCP is definitely playing that game to the tee in china. At least that is what they are hoping for in regards to their domestic chinese population, and crushing any dissent and independent self-soveirgnty throughout the country and people asking questions about CCP.
Every single piece of propaganda out of china is designed for one thing and one thing only: keep the CCP elites who are accomplices to those depopulation agenda globalist shits like soros, gates in power and shift every single blame to US, italy, anywhere they can in order to keep their own population from holding them accountable in ways that matter.

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They should open that fuckers casket so I can knock his teeth out

do they say things in shill discord like "R U DOWN WITH CCP? YEA YOU KNOW ME" because u improperly socialized retards who couldn't find a better job in life can only muster up that level of humor as a group?

Only ones who finally mustered up the sense of humor to joke are the common chinese public left to die from this shit by CCP.
communists have no sense of humor, because they are not human, just power hungry monsters bent on control.

>But now we have to be extremely careful starting any fights with other countries because i can totally see a third party releasing a virus trying to cause ww3
Indeed so.
Especially when you realize that the (((third party))) isn't a signatory on the treaties prohibiting biological warfare.