Where did that $2.2 Trillion go?

According to the IRS statistics

> There were 110,112,961 individuals filing taxes in 2018 under $100k.
> If these people were given $10,000 cash
> you'd still have $1,000,000,000,000 left over of that $2.2T
> $1200 x 110M = 06% of that $2.2T

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built for BBC

your zoomie grandkids will be paying interest on the interest on this newfound National debt.

Hope that $1000 payday loan from Uncle Sam was worth it

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Trump used it to purchase the federal reserve before he dissolved it.

do you have more lewd pics like that?
asking for a friend


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Disgusting feet

Why worry just enjoy the money!

>a friend

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built for big BOOMER cock

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dude, why do you have these pictures?

into chubby guys as well. any more?

>110mm people paying taxes
>350mm people in the us
>lowest unemployment ever

how do we keep letting them get away with this?

It includes 2019, too.

That looks really unappealing, her fingers would be all greasy and smelly from the pizza. The pizza grease and mental image of her not washing her hands as she leaves a cheese induced grease stain on her undies makes me uneasy.

You forgot to calculate families

just use it as lube, problem solved.

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you have hamburguer/pizza lewds?
the fatter, the better

save me some oil, that bitch is gonna be quarantine food

kids dont work yo

Attached: neetbux.jpg (1233x808, 106.05K)

>papa johns
Nigger tier shit pizza.

To hospitals, businesses so they stay alive, and the Kennedy Arts Museum, retard.

wtf. how is her face so pretty and her jawline so clean with that body?
this just goes to show you how much face>>>>>>anything else

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>how do we keep letting them get away with this?
110 M filing UNDER $100k

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>lets spend 25 million on a building that can't hold events for months

thanks congress

>you have hamburguer/pizza lewds?

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>the Kennedy Arts Museum
don't forget the $385 M for "immigrant safety"

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are you a fucking retard?

we're only getting about half a trillion. the other 1.5 trillion is corporate bailout. they're hoping the corporate debt bubble doesn't burst because of coronachan.

>the real spic women in America

I used to hate Papa Johns until I tried it again recently and it was really good. The garlic sauce is poison though.

a one-time payment of $1200 to cover 4 months of zero income

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that was fast

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based and lingpilled

should have moved to canada. their bailout is much better

I can unironically smell this photo

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Papa is pretty based though.

Where did the coffee go? And was it good for you?

>Where did the coffee go?

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brown bitch needs to learn how to do thicc right

Literally built for BBC. Nobody else would fuck it.

>do thicc right

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No it absolutely isn’t.

nice tab count buddy. glad to see youre supporting the economy spending your bux on chink shit.

Attached: neetbux-01.jpg (780x75, 25.42K)

redpills everywhere in this thread:

Das some thicc. Ask the average black man, she gotta pack much back and belly fat. This the real built for BBC, not the Chang/Hapa troll poster memes.

Who is this bitch? She is a model, isn't she?

>Natalie Austin
>Pizza Pizza

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>an impostor is getting cranky and finally his rage cracks so he posts fat women

A thread was wasted for this kike.

I buy commodity shit from the chinks and do final assembly in the US. If it is any consolation their economy is fully fucked, most factories are not open yet. When the factory is open, it has no supporting services so is fucking useless. The chinks cannot blame the virus by law so they have been coming up with weird excuses.

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Spending creates currency.
Taxation destroys currency.
This is debt based currency, aka USURY.

Productive labor creates money
Corporate taxation increases value of money.

They’ve been opening up factories and wasting electricity.

Fuck off, coomer

>A thread was wasted
look in the gallery
at any moment
of any day


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this grandpa
F U C K S - H O R D - A S - F U C K

Thats not how it works. Its all just speculative value and debt credit. There is no real tax payer money involved.

Absolutely disgusting. Sit up and put some clothes on.

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Up jews ass.