does a girl's sexual past upset you?
does a girl's sexual past upset you?
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Built for BWC (after she fucked a BBC)
does a child molestar sexual past upset you?
Why ?
Yeah if they had bigger dicks than me
If not then no problem, in fact it's better that way because the more she is used to smaller dicks the more shocked she is when she sees mine
It reflects on her character
Past results ARE an indication of the future.
No, because I'm not into women.
Only if she acts like she's something special. If she is a dumb ho and acts like one it's fine.
Fake and gay.
Your actions reveal who you are as a person.
No. It doesn’t upset me. I just wouldn’t date/marry a non-virgin because they’re damaged goods.
I've found it to be a good indicator of impulse control. Or lack thereof. Nothing good comes of it.
Fucks with me from time to time. But I've realized that it is very selfish and petty of me to use someones past agaist them. Especially if you claim you really love that person.
proper bait
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don't forget to sage
>does a girl's sexual past upset you?
If it's public, yes, and there's nothing more public than the existence of an ugly mongrel niglet.
>does a girl's sexual past upset you?
Only if I'm thinking of marrying her.
I don’t like coalburners, and I’d rather never interact again than end up with one.
It's like getting a tattoo. If you were stupid enough to be with a nigger it reflects poorly on your ability for judgement and decision making.
A history of promiscuity reveals a lot about a girl's character, namely that she probably makes rash, impulsive, and ultimately poor decisions based on how much her pussy tingles and it would be unwise to trust her with anything of value
No because I was in 7 years in relationship and popped that girls cherry, now I date girl 27yo who is also virgin ( I checked it when giving her a licking ) so I don't worry to much
Every single time it's a black guy as the first love and a white guy who picks up the pieces. White guys are so desperate to be in a relationship they'll take anything
lol shame cuck got his ethot whore
She'd have to get rid of the baby for it to be the past bro. I ain't raising no other dudes kids.
No hymen, no diamond. How is having past sexual partners any different than cheating either way, she fucks other guys, it just happened in a different order. If sh ever want to be a bride, she should respect her future husband enough not to fuck around on him before meeting.
>Low status single mother shacks up with a low status white guy
Some men are so pathetic that a single mother is all that they can bag.
as long as she hasn't fucked over a dozen different guys, fucked her dog, or fucked black dudes, it's fine.
Which basically means that leaves less than 5% of women...
Whores are disgusting and cannot be trusted. Plus they have bad character, no honor or decency.
Lol. Wrong
>No. Because... People change. You know, maybe they have acknowledged they have done a bad thing and now they have changed for good.
>Also... Also...Don't be a pedophobe. Maybe they didn't molest the kid, but felt a deep emotional bond and identified as a 10 year old which make him have a sexual relationship with a toddler just like when harry potter defeated thanos and had sex with baby yoda and luke skywalker.
Fucking niggers
Hahaha what a cuck. Your just the next step on the cock carousel for her then.
Nobody likes blacks but blacks. Everyone likes whites.
Most cultures shame people who have premarital sex and expect women to marry young, while still virgins. This is what humans evolved for it's what most western men still want deep down, but our backwards degenerate culture doesn't allow it. Instead we encourage young girls to have dozens or hook ups whole they're still in school. It's honestly fucked up.
Check this out! It's called an """Integral""", it says that the value of a function at a point, get this, is equal to the sum of all past values!
Wow, math is pretty backwards, huh! No wonder some people want to cancel it from being so racys and shiet
Haha! Good riddence to the coalburner whore. But the real enemy are the jews who have been pushing this degeneracy and multiculture.
Take two monkies and give them tokens.
Have the first monkey trade their tokens for grapes infront of the other.
Then when the second monkey trades theirs, give them a handful of nuts and try to avoid getting your face ripped off.
aaah shoulda adopted a pitbull to solve his problem
they have a knack for niggs
Some people try to make retarded arguments like if she hasn’t been able to experience dating a bunch of different guys and “experiment” a bit that she can’t find what she wants.
I always counter that with:
>bitches will never know what they want
>if she saves herself for marriage at least her purity is salvaged
>if she questions or wonders what men other than her husband are like well that’s tough shit life’s not a cock carousel
jesus christ will you incel retards stop taking the bait and leave the fucking slide thread already
I'm not insecure about my above average sized penis and my gf worked as escort.
Don't worry white cuck left her as well.
Why does the lack of guys, concern you?
Why are men treated as second class citizens, if they look like they get no pussy?
Shit good luck man. Most chicks are fuck as young as like 12 years old. I met one who was fucked at 12 by a 27 yr old. And she would talk shit to me because I like 18 and 19 year old. ???
I wouldn't date a girl that dated a nigger, but I would still hook up with them.
The past is the best, and only, indicator we have for a person's future actions. It's not flawless, but there's nothing more accurate we can use. Her word doesn't mean jack shit.
lol i love the soiboi meme even though im vegan
>emotional baggage
>possible children
many such problems that can have a real life consequences if I ignore them
I want to believe
lol probably cause we woke that nigga up.
Chimera DNA adoption
If man spunk in woman
Woman absorb DNA
Not Pure Child
Even months or years later
Sluts have mongrel kids.
No, but that's because I'm trash too. It does statistically mean you can't trust her though.
What sort of woman goes with a black? Is that REALLY the sort of woman you want your daughters to turn out like?
By the way, no one would care if blacks were decent sorts. But when a race has a reputation for crime, you don't want them anywhere near their family. Same is also said of sexpats, what sort of woman would get with a guy who did that?
Nigger fuckers are to be shunned at every turn
Yep, for paying full price for used good should upset any man.
women always lie but it's easy to trick them to tell the truth.
what an absolute meme-flag kind of response. Nothing at all about her being selfish and petty? Nothing at all about being more careful who you 'really love'?
Does mans bankruptsy upset you? WHy?
its a clear indicator of their future behavior, it shows poor moral character and lack of judgement.
> have dated alot of girls over my life
>2 or 3 had fucked niggers in the past
I don't really care about her past when it comes to having a gf/fwb, but I would never marry a non-virgin
Selfies like this prove whorishness
Oh Jesus Christ, the poor mutt girl will have to deal with BOTH of her parents not knowing how to brush her hair. Outside of that, she might struggle with some racial identity in middle school/highschool but realize its not so bad if her new white dad acts like a good role model and teaches her what affirmative action is and how to use it in her favor.
t. mutt grill