You see this flag

What's your first thought?

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Canada_(Pantone).svg.png (1280x640, 10.01K)


Incoming poutine shortage related riots.

Maple syrup


Cucks and pucks

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Pretty leaf

A thoughtful, kind, and polite poster.

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Attached: 450298_preview.png (656x313, 198.51K)

God save the fuckin' Leaf

Canadian bacon and an end to the chaos.

Built for BBC


The weak should fear the strong

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Hockey and abhorrent posts.

Immense disappointment for my ancestors who traveled all the way across an impossible journey of the Atlantic, yet settled in leafistan and not based bible belt America.

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envious imitators of a Soviet hockey school in past an asiatic-islamic colony now

3rd world 49% white country with Luxury soup where people rape their dogs

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Queefbeqer detected.

Attached: 62110FBA-9FB5-4E3E-BBC4-B807ABD34663.png (543x363, 58.69K)

What a shitty flag, why did they ever get rid of their old based one? That's what I think.

Attached: Canadian_Red_Ensign_1921_to_1957_Northern_Ontario.png (1280x960, 1.39M)

litter in the parking lot.
girls with 2cm bangs
vests in august
ah boat
literally the worst music ever made
dog fucking
8 asians in a mercedes all wearing vests in august listening to the tragically zit at full blast
ice niggers

It still had leaves.

no one knows they have trees with that flag though.

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It had poo-poo stains. Sorry about that. Nevermind, I am not. kek.

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because you guys stopped coming to Canada.

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Only based Canadians are the Trailer Park Boys.


France nous avons abandoner espece de cocu

Hi google translate.

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>literally the worst music ever made
Eh. The first album by I Mother Earth was pretty dope. I'll give them that.

They're about to say something really fucking stupid and off-base, completely derailing the discussion because people can't comprehend how moronic every single fucking leaf is without fail.

Attached: 937D67A1-B250-4723-BCDE-0AE334D11DC8.jpg (1933x1710, 238.86K)

>Not just as bad as the rest of Cucknada

Our WW2 vets fought under this flag, and they HATED the new leaf one when it was proposed. The government pushed it through without a vote, and the next generation accepted it as the new normal.
We did not consent.

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Not our fault you got a hard on for other foreign populations. The very fact that the British are considered 'foreign' in their own dominion shows how bad you have let things become.
Also, you failed to exterminate the Qubes.
We did not abandon you. You abandoned us.


>Pic related
lol k. Before the quarantine I could hop in my car, drive for 3-4 hours, cross the border and fuck any of your white woman in Vermont or New York (state) I wanted. They lust that BQC. I'm starting to think the Corona was a way to prevent us from dumping our seed into your worthless women. Kek.

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Based response, Commonwealth Bro. You redeem the other four Leaves who gave cucked answers.

>plz help


I lived in Canada for a very long time it's sad to see how things have changed for the worse.

Enemy state

La salope d’Quebec


Im probably the only leaf on here whos not a chink or a poo

It's time, lads. Exterminate the French scourge.

Attached: Flag_Map_of_Quebec_(Blue_Ensign).png (2008x2576, 303.29K)


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I stand corrected.
worst music and band names on the planet. god canada sucks in every conceivable way

nigga, I'm "old stock".

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GET FUCKED MAPLE NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Canada BTFO.gif (310x233, 2.81M)

Then don't say "nigga" like a fucking shitskin.

whiter than you pajeet.

Very rich and ridiculously large country with a disproportionately small population.

niqqa please

wipe my ass with it

Kill it with fire.

Where is my rake

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shawn is a fag sign. he does the "suck it" gesture. lol.

I hate this fucking flag. You coudn't invent something more aesthetically disgusting.
When i play hoi4 as Canada I break the ties with you just to get rid of this shit.

That retarded fucking permavirgin classmate of mine

Bub, I dont need fucking Jewish DNA tests to know where im from I have the paperwork of my ancestors back from when they left Europe in 1617

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The go back to China you dog eater manlet

Not many people, maple syrup and pancakes, lots of rifles and bullets, hunting, fresh water, people are kind sort of, MASSIVE FUCKING WILDERNESS

Dibs on Alberta once they leave you.

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Add terd.

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Denim suits.

leafs are green

Butthurt chinks

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No, bong, I'm here for good. Back to England you go.

lol why tf does Newfoundland get so much, that place is a hole

Chinese overseas colony.

a fucking leaf