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What an idiot.

The mortality rate is irrelevent.

It's the NOVELTY of the virus that is causing the panic. None of our bodies have had this virus before (because it's NOVEL), we have no herd immunity. So you can't stop it from spreading without isolating everyone. If we don't isolate everyone will get it at the same time. Then even a 1% HOSPITALIZATION rate would collapse Western society.

I have a cold. better run off the hospital so they can make it 1000x worse by exposing myself to hundreds of other sick people, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and general incompetence.

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What's the mortality for people above 60,70,80?
How old are the most influential people who hold most of the power and money in the world?

Answer these two questions and it makes sense.

Yeah, we have antibodies, blood plasma, hydroxychloroquine, they say 80 percent won't even know they are sick, yet somehow it's a world wide prison planet lock down event. It's a globalist takeover, you can't be told to stay home and not travel, that's a violation of human rights

YOU don't go the hospital when you have a cold (or any coronavirus).

Only the 1% go to the hospital.

1% of the entire population within 2 weeks will collapse the health system.


its a NOVEL-BIOWEAPON you retard
china should be nuke for creating this shit

memeflagginng idiots like you are first in the chambers

no it was a virus from a bat who was used to make bat broth and then it was sold in a market in wuhan
the entire world is shutting down due to something less than a flu you faggot

If anything, this whole shit is making globalization harder and pushing for more nationalistic views. Plus every country is going every man for himself mode more or less. Which is fine.

Actually wrong.

1-2% of the world dying is a big deal.

You're an idiot


The ruling elite are old as fuck, so they're scared to death. For the first time something actually affects them.

the only way 1% of the population is hospitalized by chink flu is if people with mild cold symptoms go to the hospital because of the chink flu panic. ignore it and people will go to the hospital at the same rate as always

>Another right-wingers are retarded thread

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Niggers and illegals go to the ER for colds or other insignificant reasons. This is why you already see the hospitals that serve those people crowding up. In fact they will be the only hospitals at risk of overcrowding during this crisis.

you realise that 1-2% of the world population dies every year right?

>uhhhh wtf? We don’t even have 10 gorillion deaths yet, what a nothingburger
Exponential. Growth.

You're a retard.

The population doesn't have herd immunity against Covid-19... It's novel.

The population HAS herd immunity against other flu's (non-novel coronavirus).

1% would be a big deal if it included young people but it doesnt. were talking about lives ended weeks or months prematurely, not years and decades.
also over 150k people die every single day anyway. we probably wont even see 1 extra days worth of death from chink flu this year. its nothing to panic about.

It’s actually logarithmic growth you retard.

Turn off your memeflags you glow-niggers

The flu constantly mutates though, so very few people have immunities to whatever are the most current strains of flu. If we had herd immunity to the flu, they wouldn’t be pushing flu vaccines and nobody could get the flu twice. You’re very wrong!

It’s that it’s far deadlier than we’ve been told.

10% of cases require hospitalization

>its novel
oh dear god its new!? why didnt anyone tell me this. here I am not giving a fuck because its harmless but now that I know its new we need full a full global quarantine and roving death squads.
thanks for enlightening me, flaggot

>I'm fitting in!

it's a cover story for a banking collapse/bailout.

Do you get disability checks for your retardation?

All leafs will die because of how stupid your posts are.

Wow he's just now catching on.

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Are you kidding? Its man made and was probably made for western countries but lealed because of typical chinese incompetence

noooooooo not the heckin boomerinos

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the relatively low mortality rates are for when there is enough medicine to go around: 3.4% or so. If you get into a scenario where the hospitals are inundated you will see rates like we see in Italy, over ten percent or higher

Fuck off memeflag chang, we have the quarantined cruise ship numbers where it was allowed to freely spread in an enclosed space. At most it produced a 1% death rate.

There are many different mutations and strains. Some more deadlier than others.

My original comment was dumbed down because of who I was replying to.

The Covid-19 mutation is highly infectious, compared to other yearly mutations. So herd immunity is paramount to prevent spread like wild fire.

Using that number shows 35 million people would need to get COVID-19 within the same two weeks, in order to cause a collapse in the hospital system. Doesn’t seem likely as no country has even gotten anywhere close to a million infected.

Is this coming from the "Right Wing means stuff I like, Left Wing means stuff I don't like" brainlet?

>3% mortality rate isn't a big deal
if 70% of the world were to be infected before reaching herd immunity, over 160 million people would die

I think it has to be something they aren't telling us.

Yeah they aren't telling you it's an election year

yet you can't disprove anything in the post.

I feel sorry for you

no sir.

10% of those who turn up to the hospital and test positive, require hospitalization.

imagine this, 100,000 people get infected, 10,000 people go to get tested, only 1000 of them test positive (the other are just paranoid or have a cold) 100 of those 1000 are hospitalized, 10 of those 100 die. those 10 people on average are over 80, and have 2 or more pre-existing conditions and would have died within 12 months anyway.

>Then even a 1% HOSPITALIZATION rate would collapse Western society
Yup, any time now. AAAAAAANY TIME NOW

Ten percent of the people who were sick enough that they needed to go to the hospital to get tested required hospitalization.

So the solution is to collapse Western society ourselves, so we can thumb our noses at the virus and sing "nananaanaaaah"?
Are you even comprehending what the sort of six-month total lockdown that many European governments are talking about and Dems are pushing for in the US will DO to people's lives?

Besides, it's all crap. You'll have been hearing a lot this week about the situation in Italy, particularly about the "51 Italian doctors who have died of Corona virus this month". The image that this piece of fake news conjures up is of brave young medics working night and day at the beds of the dying and then dropping dead themselves. Such heroes. It's terrible. It's going to kill us all. This is certainly how a million Twitter users see it.

Here is the list from the Federation of Italian Doctors - a Communist-controlled organization, much like the WHO - that CNN and co are basing these reports on

It lists ages and medical specializations of the dead medics. Anyone who reads Italian can see that few, if any of these medics can have played any role in actually treating Corona patients. 80 per cent of them are either long retired (half of them are over 70 and a third over 80) or have areas of specialization that would make them useless (halfway down the list is an 87-year-old Dean of a faculty of Psychiatry!)

In other words, although this lying Communist-compiled list is entitled "Doctors FALLEN IN THE STRUGGLE", it is actually just a list of 80- and 90-year olds who happen once to have acquired a medical degree and happen also to have died - not necessarily of COVID 19 - in the last few weeks

It is a common cold faggot.

We are just finding out a diet of CrispeyCreams and Mountain Dew don't build a healthy immune system.

>Only the 1% go to the hospital.
If you've ever actually visited a hospital or spoken to the lower classes you'd know they book doctors appointments and go to the hospital over basically fucking nothing all the time.

Using herd immunity or vaccines for this virus is a longshot. We already know there are at least two distinct strains of the virus, and as it is spread worldwide, there are plenty of chances for mutation. Unless the virus is shown to have a very low mutation rate, herd immunity won’t help much.

>this shill thinks its fake
Now I 100% know its real

fucking Chink defense force from leaf land how quaint. you realize once it gets bad in Canada the leafs are going to lynch you chinks for taking all their medical supplies right?

>10.5% case fatality rate in Italy using the most optimistic approach possible
>just the flu bro

Daily reminder that between 1 and 10% of hospital visits result in death or serious injury due to medical errors.

>>I don't like what he says, but I can't attack his logic. So I'll call him a right-winger. That will show him.
Deaths flatlined in China.
>Bu-bu-but... China lies.
Okay. Deaths lowered to the point the chinks are back to work and donating medical supplies to other countries for PR purposes.
Imaginary burger.

Dinesh you must know that bankers want a bailout, big companies want a bailout, and the medical industry want a bailout from all their unpaid debt; they are spreading propaganda to the public to make normal people demand for government intervention so they get those bailouts. CEOs were jumping ship months ago because they knew there was going to be a recession. Do you remember what happened in 2008? Those CEOs were there when it happened and they knew it was about to occur a second time. It's the same thing all over again except now they are saying everything will collapse and you will die if you don't give wealthy men more money and the government more influence over everyone's life.

Do not fall for their lies my friend, they do not care about us and just want more money.

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Finally someone with a brain.

We are still UNDER the normal death rate for people, and seniors. All we are doing now is counting everyone that died and making a fuss about it.

its been in the US since December. nobody did anything susbstancial to stop it until March. there have already been 10 of millions infected in the US. its nothing but cover for another (((bailout)))

>hen even a 1% HOSPITALIZATION rate would collapse Western society.
I don't think that's true. Just the healthcare system would collapse.
So we've decided to sacrifice the ENTIRE ECONOMY for a single sector. I think we'd be better off with two months with no hospitals but otherwise business as usual.

also, at the moment, only 10% of people who go and get tested are testing positive

Ok cunt. Your mom will be the first to swallow my cum today

There are 2 ways to get mortality rate.
Infected vs dead, or recovered vs dead.
After the sickness is over the numbers will be the same.
MSM is publishing infected vs death number, which during the first half of the virus that number is going to be way lower than it should be.
Tl;dr MSM is purposely giving misleading information to make it seem not as bad as it is.

Yeah idiot and now add this in top of that but it's a disease that will and is overloading hospitals.

The single most dangerous thing I've noticed in all of this, at least from my own country, is that it's not the government that want a police state, it's the public. The UK government said "herd immunity", the public replied with "we want a lockdown".

this stupid fucking picture is what is called a red herring. it isnt an argument. it isnt a theory. It is meant to induce fear and panic. so little is known about this so called virus, yet, you know exactly how it will spread, how fast it will spread, and that everyone should live in fear because of it. bullshit. you dont know shit about it. if the fucking thing is novel, then its spread potential is unknown as well. either that, or there IS something that we arent being told. And then, d'souza is right in his observation.

Thanks for proving my point!

I picked 1% as best case scenario

As you correctly pointed out, it would be significantly higher. Thus proving my original point further.

>single word post with zero added to the conversation
Sometimes this board needs the robot9

word expose you glowie

>1% would be a big deal if it included young people but it doesnt.
yes it does you moron. more and more all over the world we are finding out that China lied and it does kill young people but only at about 25% of the rate it kills older people.

>200,000 deaths isn't a catastrophic event


Mmmm Idk. When this all blows over the vast majority of Normies won't change their minds. I'm calling it now. They will call for more govt stripping of our liberties at home while saying global trade and outsourcing and immigration shouldn't be changed.

The US version of this began with EVALI. The vaping cartridge mystery lung illness that just happened to take place at the end of summer last year.
CIA used it's drug manufacturing of THC cartridges to inject the new virus to the populace, knowing it'd spread from there, like it did. Of course the CDC stated it was too much vitamin E, even though the symptoms of EVALI match corona, because CDC is in on it.
It's why the CDC ignored the initial millions of infected of americans with Corona during the winter months before China was able to begin officially taking the blame, because it would throw the timeline off and cause the US to be responsible for some of the blame.
you're being lied to on a global scale.

You mean they're not telling us the glycoprotein responsible for bonding has included within it RNA snips from 4 different strains of GRIDS (AIDS for you r3dd!t fags) and there is no cure? Yeah, they failed to mention it.

Fuck off chang, no one believes you.

>you realise that 1-2% of the world population dies every year right?
You realize that would still happen plus another 1-2% . So that doubles the norm.

The nothing burger! Its evolving!

so how many more people died in Italy this year more than would usually die?

yeah sure bud because no one is certainly in the hospital for anything else ever, especially this time of year

>The population doesn't have herd immunity against Covid-19... It's novel.
So was Swine Flu in 2009.

I don't think you understood my point. Right now EVERYONE with a sore throat, sore chest, and/or fever is going to hospital. Hospitals are being flooded by people who would've normally just stayed at home and gotten over it.

The US, UK Israel "deep state boomer zionist OILgarchy" lost the petrodollar!!!! This is all bullshit...all these 'covidiot' cases and barely any photos selfies of the ' sick victims' on social media...the entire social media networks should have been flooded with first hand images of bodies, people in lines and suffering relatives. Biggest boomer hoax for the biggest bailout package in history! The current COVID media induced panic is the cover to scam idiot boomers who have replaced their brains with talmud vision 24/7 msm news networks to do their everyday thinking...its all bullshit...all these 'covidiot' cases and barely any photos selfies of the ' sick victims' on social media or recently dead...the entire social media networks should have been flooded with first hand images of bodies, people in lines and suffering relatives. Drive to your local biggest hospital nothing...empty parking lots... Biggest boomer hoax for the biggest bailout package in history!

CORONAVIRUS is a boomer hoax and has nothing to do with the wuhan plague or the kosher mullah malaria that is hitting Tehran boomers hard and fast but everything to do with the PETRODOLLAR!

The reality is that the NY, London and Telaviv stockmarket boomers are stealing the retirement of goyim boomers worldwide while telling them to hide in the basement. USA LOST the petrodollar...the power to price and control the price of oil and the coronavirus hoax is the coverup for the stocmarket crash! All the governors participating in this hoax should be recalled and a class action lawsuit should be filed against the media, CDC and Anthony Fraudci in hyping causing mass panic and loss of business!!!

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You know, Democrats are the real racists

considering that 5 million people die every year of acute lower respiratory infections...

One currency to rule them all, One currency to price petroleum, One currency to bring the nation states in and in petrodollar debt bind them....

The US UK Israel petrodollar system collapsed overnight with the US military having no credible response to having its base bombed. A credible response is for the US to have dealt death from the skies, destroying and severely deteriorating Iran's ballistic launch capabilities or at the least a strike on its major oil refineries. That did not happen.The petrodollar age has ended and the AGE OF THE PETROYUAN has begun. China copies everything the US does, they wanted their Saudi Arabia and they got all of IRAN and IRAQ and now they will project power paying for the oil with yuan they print just for that purpose alone. You can never buy Chinese t bills or bonds because Emperor Xi won't let you and will only lend on his terms.

Now Trump has to sign trade deal after trade deal because the world holds a massive amount of US securities and we have to supply real goods and services...opening up oil fields for export, everything. Burgers have to become a land of farmers and oil workers to satisfy all the US dollar holdings out there because THE ANGLO ISRAELI ZIONIST OILGARCHY LOST THE PETRODOLLAR by DESTROYING US CREDIBLE MILITARY DETERRENCE for the whole world to see...Everybody now knows the US is just another power only burgers have their head up their asses. A big crash is coming our way and this time we DO NOT HAVE THE PETRODOLLAR FOR RECOVERY LIKE WE HAD IN 2008!

The EVANGELICAL BIBLICAL APOCALYPSE has come and gone! The 'biblical revelation' of our times is the revelation that the GREAT SATAN as the mullahs would call them have no power to price oil in the middle east anymore! The military humiliation and withdrawal comes next...its a Greek tragedy in modern times...

Paraphrasing Thucydides

"A society that divides its warriors and scholars will have its wars planned by cowards and fought by fools"

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the hospitalization rate is 20% you fucking mongoloid and of that 20% 10% end up critical

do I really need to explain to you why we don't add the corona death rate to the normal death rate?

Human to human transmission only began to be confirmed in March. You’re basing your theory of the virus spreading before March on your own delusions. If the virus was truly spreading before then, and millions are sick, then where are the additional CORONAVIRUS related deaths? Where are the hospitals who are past their capacity? None of that has been reported because the spread only started to happen in the last days of February.

Fails the cui bono test for logical consistency, along with not matching the medical reports of the vaping issue. You are not smart enough to post here.

do I really need to explain to you why we don't add the corona death rate to the normal death rate?

not in the U.S. except for niggers, illegals spics and old people. i.e. the people whose medical is free basically

Now that the petrodollar is lost, there will be no more middle class international travel, luxury vacations in Italy or boomer retirement cruise boat holidays like before. Not surprisingly all the boomer cruise boats were recalled back to harbor and all international tourist travel suspended because the international demand for the dollar has dropped like a rock along with the price of oil. Talmud vision watching goyim boomers hiding in their basements from the seasonal flu while NY, London and Telaviv bankster boomers steal their retirement in the form of a $2 trillion bailout is fun to watch. Boomers gonna boom so no empathy here....they all get what they fucking deserve falling for this hoax and shutting the country down for nothing! Unironically China is the chosen tribe's new safe haven to invest the petrodollar retirement they are stealing from goyim boomers...

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>Yas Forums: facts don't care about your feelings

How can a VIRUS be NOVEL if you can't even READ it???

Hospitals are not overflowing.

>It's the NOVELTY of the virus that is causing the panic.
Oh, wow! It's not like multiple novel strains of various illnesses aren't discovered every year or something. Better panic and shut down everything!

YOU don't, but lazy statisticians may very well be doing. Would you trust an Italian bureaucrat with these things?

The weak must perish

>inb4 he commits suicide and/or gets his checkmark removed

novelty was in all caps and you still missed it
1. it's not (just) the mortality, it's the virulence. 70% of global pop infected = millions dead bare minimum, even with our lowest possible fatality projections (~.1%)
2. healthcare systems being overrun by the aforementioned 70% infection rate = much higher death rate from Corona-chan herself, as well as anything else that requires ICU if you happen to get injured in the course of your daily life and require ICU while it's packed to the gills with coofers

I’ve made better viruses in plague incorporated. If this is a bio weapon it fucking sucks ass

doesn't stand out nearly as bad as you Chang

The worsts posts are always from memeflaggots.

>when a complete moron suddenly think he's really intelligent
you don't even understand half the words you use who the fuck are you kidding jew