Japan Elects “Most Beautiful College Student”

A young woman from Tokyo has been elected as “Miss of Miss Campus Queen” for 2020, bound to accrue her a lot of unsavory followers on social media.

20-year-old Moe Ishiwaki has won the title of “the most beautiful university student in Japan”. The aspiring actress, model and variety show tarento is currently studying at Nihon University in Tokyo and told reporters that she had trouble believing that she won such a prestigious award.

Ishiwaki claims that her hobby is “playing with dogs” and her “special skill” is “having fun talking to people she has just met”. Her “charm points” include the moles on her neck and right cheek.


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>“special skill” is “having fun talking to people she has just met”
that is my special skill as well.

If I walk out the door right now I will see prettier women than that.

Built for the BJC

she cute

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(checked and hailed)

BUILT for big BOOMER cock

Her name is literally “Moe”. JAV debut incoming

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can't wait for her JAV debut


Reminds me of a time in Tokyo I was watching tv with some Japanese and western friends.
There was a show where the Japanese hosts were hunting down beautiful women with public jobs.
The difference in what we considered attractive features was pretty amazing... maybe we had a 50% overlap at best

How is playing with dogs a hobby? Does she just fuck dogs?

Kneecaps not smooth. 2/10 would not bang

i've never heard of this award and i lived in japan. also, not to be a dick but she's ultra average looking, who the hell gets to decide the winner of this? any one of these random girls is hotter. wtf.

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>she's ultra average looking

i agree

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The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vaginas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing. I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells

>she's not a black transnigger jewish demon
this is disgusting and racist

Looks Philippino.
Those knees have had a rough life .

Can you elaborate? I'm unironically curious on this.
OP's chick looks like what I'd consider the 45yo version of an attractive japanese college girl and NOT an actual college student so what the shit??!

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calling people you just met "niggers" and "faggot kikes" is not having fun for them user

western beauty standards are just a shade below obese "thicc" and obscene giant fat ass and dyed hair and wears tights that ride up her ass and huge tits
i don't know what nips think is attractive but western beauty standards are objectively nigger-tier

interesting. were you hanging out with aussie cunts? they seem to have a fucky version of what they think is hot. pic related is what i think of a hot japanese college girl in general.

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Get a load of this guy

Cute as fuck.

Being pretty isn't everything. She has something special about her face which sets her apart from regular doll-looking women.

>knowing what your mother's and sister's pussies look like
you are memeflagging too hard, calm down


nice pic, never saw her before. here check out this chick.

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>my mom has a pussy like a baby

This is a copypasta. People getting baited.

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That is some strange taste, Japan.

Made for BBC

Western beauty standards were, are and will NEVER, N E V E R be what a bunch of fags, kikes and pedophiles push in their satanic fashion industries you stupid fucking kielbasa fag.

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Not college

How can she be hot with that breeze?

Of course it has to be a leaf

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Japanese girls act the way White girls used to act before Jews.

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Again, made for BBC

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>My mom for example has a pussy like a baby

Sorry faggot, to the points at hand, the translation never specified if she or they were having fun.

She must have a really rich family.

I respect a man who does his research before commenting.


It is for the bystanders though.

Goypers are gay and cringe, but Kathy certainly has gained a lot of weight (also, she's also retarded for her social leftism, but I didn't faggot attention whore goypies to tell me that).

Are those hulk legs shopped? They look too big.
Also kneecaps look like they are recovering from a sledgehammer attack.
Nevermind... definitely would bang.

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>crappy bangs
>fish-stick eyebrows
>fat knees
Is this some sort of "you participated" prize?

I just want to know how you got this information.

for research

Gross knees, would not do

Those legs look like they could kick down a reinforced door in about 15 seconds.

I think she got picked because she's NOT pretty? Isn't this about social justice inverse land?

pmsl the state of jungleoids
go visit a normal coffee shop to meet women who are better looking than gookius maximus above

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>playing with dogs

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japanese beauty standards are difficult to explain. it's a cultural thing. for example, japanese prize youthfulness, and looking more innocent and "pure", where as western men tend to go for what is "hot". so in japan, becky reigns and stacy is the outcast, if that makes any sense.

i've also noticed that japanese people prefer girls that look predominantly traditional japanese, where the rest of the world likes japanese girls who look more white.

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Those are some chunky legs.

>Are those hulk legs


>She has something special about her face which sets her apart from regular doll-looking women.
She looks identical to half the female population of asia

Master baiter.

whoops wrong pic

there we go

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I lol'd harder at this than I did at the bait.

How do white wahmen even compete?

but what about your dog

My sides have blasted off

The girl in the back when she accepts her award looks like she is about to cry


>itt people discovering how real japanese women actually look

Yeah, real life isn't like in anime and heavily photoshopped of gravure models caked in makeup, who would have thought?

>those legs
She would do a great Chun Li cosplay.

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There are japs cuter than her

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japan isn't about sjw bullshit. they're strict as fuck, based as fuck, and redpilled as fuck. you're not good enough at whatever you do? you either get your shit together or you an hero.

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lol the midget on the end. ricelet

If i pick you up in my helicopter, will you spend a day to show me how to exercise?

guess you haven't seen this girl yet.

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that is Korean and her face look plastic

she is cute

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Who cares? Not me

I want to die between her thighs

No you stupid fuck, Minatozaki Sana is japanese

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