What happened?

Why are blacks today so violent and backward? Weren't things better in the 1950s?

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Our women sold out our communities via the kike-gov-feminist Alliance in exchange for gender supremacy and gibs.

Pretty much this and why Black men move up more despite living life on Son of sparda mode while niggas raised by single mothers live life on Hell and Hell mode.

jews used their jewery to convince them to hate white people instead of trying to fit in to society like every other person/race had to.
Blacks had a higher marriage rate than whites as of 1959 and the jews in control could not have them integrating so nicely into society and getting established for themselves so they use the false premise of the civil rights act to take power back over them again.

No they weren't, blacks have never not been savages.

Are Negros capable of having WhiteCultureOS installed to their brains?

No they were the same in the 1950s. They lived in inner city slums in the north or rural shitholes in the south. They were just as bad back then as they are now the only difference is there were fewer of them

You are the Jews creation negro


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Jews ...

>blacks have never not been savages.

Yeah but they were restrained by both white societal expectations, the black middle and working class, the black church.

Then all the "respectable" blacks got the hell out of the ghetto, the Jews convinced us all that whitey had no right to expect civilized behavior of blacks, and welfare encouraged generations of the most useless nogs to reproduce like rabbits. And here we are.

>White people shooting up schools of children
Why are black peepo so gosh darn violent?

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Government stepped in to ""help""

>it´s all so tiresome

Why is your kind so fucking obsessed with our kind?

Yep, it was beautiful. A black person was genuinely as capable as a white person. Then the Commies started stirring shit up telling them they was kangs and that whitey kept them down

Why are primates living in zoos so peaceful when they are so violent in the wild?

Kikes didn't invented Rap yet and by that time Blacks were very happy to be able live in society and they respected white culture therefore embracing it and trying to become one since they knew that white culture was superior (similar to the Romanization of the Barbarians which became Kingdoms hundreds of years later )

Kikes didn't want that to happen, divide et impera, so they made Rap a thing and started separating them from Whites, they also used to speak like normal people.

This is actually a very good question. EVERYONE is obsessed with us, and it's annoying.


Niggers are like animals. If you don't keep them in a leash and raise them with Pedagogy of Consequence they will behave like a wild animal.

i'd say you're close but more like they were incentivized into oblivion.

>8 major school shootings since Columbine
>3 of which weren’t even white
>5,000 niggers murder other niggers every year
>Canadian flag

Because whites made them and now it is backfiring at them.

shills d&c. btw nigger hate threads are started by kikes.

No fathers.

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They were also put in their fucking place back then. Cops could beat the ever loving shit out of them or put them in prison for 50 years. Now cops get sued and prisons are full.

I think this all started with LBJs great society welfare plan. They empowered the women and told them to be single mothers. Black women took this to an extreme degree and with no father's to keep the next generation in line and enforce White's societal standards the chimp outs were inevitable

They didn't have to take it. The worst part is, they will never admit what is obvious, we're essentially not even allowed to have the convo while everybody acts coy like "I don't know what's wrong with the black community or how to fix it."

FREEDOM from their own genetic human nature
They were kept in line by a force that dominated them and attempted to instill some European aspect in them.
When they got their FREEDOM in the USA they reverted back to their real selves.
Other pressures such as International communism did its best to weaponize their anger and to harness it against whitey. Jewish record labels saw this
because they are international communists themselves and then began
to weaponize the negro.
>Thus starting an Oppression cult.
Now blacks feel themselves forever part of the Oppression cult. Mix that with their already primitive like disposition and you have the modern angry negro.

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>What happened?
Chosenites doing Chosenite stuff


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Government went overboard in the 60s and 70s with welfare policies.

Great economic downturn by the 1970s as well.

Probably a greater percentage of blacks were drafted into Vietnam, and that made them miserable.

Police incidents and incarceration is actually much higher today than in the 50's or 60's. We were much better off because we were patriarchal.

It was so bad that even to this day liberals associate black skin with poverty. Just ask them why they think black people are poor as a rule

Because your kind blames us for your low IQ. Your kind can’t learn to speak English or even read where I live. Those that can are light skinned mutts with a lot of white DNA from slavery.

Blacks should have only ever had their own communities. In recent years, the race mixing shit, it's cool to fuck niggers mindset white roastlets have is just fucking disgusting. It's created so many worthless horrid looking mutts, and no one is any better for it.

restrained but still sinking humanitys boat. Should have left them back in Africa, they have no place in a real civilization.


Blacks make money off racial grievances. You have artists and celebrities, and normies like social workers etc., who make a living off obsessing over whites and imagining racism everywhere you look.

Blacks were very, VERY badly served by the leaders who were thrown up by the Civil Rights movement. (Whites share the blame here, for allowing these leaders to appear to enjoy short-term successes.)

Martin Luther King combined the worst features of a preacher and a communist. He taught black people that the way to get what they wanted was to march and complain.

Malcolm X had some good aspects, but the part that he gets remembered for was his knee-jerk move to immediate violence whenever he believed that he was not being properly "respected".

So unfortunately blacks came out of the Civil Rights movement thinking that the way to solve the problems of their community was either to march and complain until Whitey threw them something (usually gibs, after the first few obvious battles for political rights had been won) OR to chimp out like a fucking gangbanging nigger the minute you felt "dissed". This is a really bad combination.

What annoys me about black people is their irrational sense of brotherhood. I mean, ok I get it, you stick up for your own, but how far do you go? Unfortunately for black and white people alike the face of the black community has been replaced with niggers and when those fuck something up, which they do often, everyone defends them, no matter how stupid it looks. This isn't productive to anyone.

Most do not, only a small propped up subset do. The types you see on MSNBC. NBC is the most legit racist organization on the planet.


The government tries to get everyone on the dole. Easier to control. You have to ask yourself what is inherently wrong with your people that made them so much more susceptible to that kind of manipulation.

In the 1950s they were expected to adhere to the white man's culture. Now they just do whatever they want and behold the result.

I don't think there is a race that is as easily manipulated as the nigger. Honestly they will do and follow any trend if they saw it on tv.

>Why are blacks today so violent and backward? Weren't things better in the 1950s?

LBJ's "Great Society" destroyed the Black family structure, when it began offering welfare and especially housing subsidies to single mothers.

Prior to this, women (and particularly Black women) had to wait until they got married before moving out of their parent's house but with the welfare handouts, even teen girls could gain independence and their own apartment by simply getting knocked up and what's worse, if they did get married they'd lose all those benefits.

The result has been generation after generation of Black kids being born to unwed mothers (70% of Black kids today!) and being raised by a merry-go-round of aunties and grandmamas with no father in sight.

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No one is obsessed with you. In fact if you all just fucked off back to Africa that'd be great. Unfortunately you won't and we have to fucking deal with your never ending violence and stupidity.
The tiresome is over 9000 at this point

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We kill each other like crazy. So is life for males under a matriarchy, it's brutal.

based Brit hitting the nail on the head thanks lad

they only did well because they modeled themselves after whites. Now they have reverted back to their true selves.

Yeah theres only a subset profiting or in the know about what they're doing, but that mentality trickles down through the rest of the culture.

Based kang. Kikes replaced the black father with the state, replaced the black nuclear family with single mother matriarchy, introduced generational poverty by incentivizing black women have as many kids as possible with no present father. All the while telling them to blame their problems on whitey, all to disguise the fact that nearly every facet of the slave trade was managed and facilitated by Jews

It's self-hatred in our women coupled with the fact that they are taught to not respect black men from a very early age via the slavery narrative taught in desegregated schooling.

The average black where I live is on welfare or disability. That’s the issue. Blacks have two career paths rapper or sports ball. If they don’t become instant millionaires they go for the gibs. There’s none that want a wage job. They use kids as heir means of money and live in the projects. Then blame my people while having fucking 3-8 kids for their poverty. Most black men are so fucked from generations of single mothers they never grow up. But it’s whitey’s fault. Why won’t blacks just do what whitey does? That’s what pisses whitey off, but we cannot air our issues in public, blacks can and this one sided blame fest is absolutely frustrating.


Damn that was well said.
There's some other factors too, I think but the kikes going after the family unit was their primary goal. The Civil Rights Movement and being sold out by MLK Jr. didn't help either.

You could always go home to Europe especially considering most of you are relatively recent immigrants with ties to europe and in some cases even citizenship.

That mindset is so disgusting to me, but spics and niggers both share it; absolutely zero pride or self-respect when it comes to gibs. They just aren't normal, they aren't actual humans. They just remind me of animals taught to wear clothes.

>trickles down
Sadly we do have a ton of NPC's under firm kike mind control via celebrity worship, reality TV, and social media "culture". It's awful to witness.

Black communities were infiltrated and destroyed. Black gangs were used to patrol their neighborhoods from corrupt police. (They) couldn't allow blacks to actually work as a unit so they killed or incarcerated a lot of their community leaders. Introduced crack cocaine into a generation that didn't have their fathers and started to tempt the youth with the idea that they could get out of their situation with easy money through drug dealing, robbery, and prostitution. Blacks sold their own out but it wasn't until those parameters were created by (them) that it all went to shit.

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They were also backward and violent. It just wasnt documented/glorified by media.

How is the 28% doing?

The government replaced black fathers with welfare checks.

Partially true. The CIA injection of drugs/crack into their communities also took away a lot of fathers that felt like they had to deal to get by when they would get arrested in areas that police knew were heavy crime by design. The kid is raised by a shitty single mother, they have no real sense of manhood nor community so they LARP as men in a community by joining gangs and the cycle repeats.


Google crime statistics and incarceration rates. There is a sharp increase arpund 1972, which coincides with roe v wade, no fault divorce, welfare implementation, the war on drugs, modern CS policies and enforcement, and the beginning of the glorification of crime culture.

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because yours ruins everything