Is he based and redpilled? I think he makes some rather good points and seems to be rather trustworthy. I really like this guy.
Is he based and redpilled? I think he makes some rather good points and seems to be rather trustworthy...
bill gates is a mass murdering psychopath
>Is he based and redpilled?
He's been talking about overpopulation in africa for years, and has recently been accused of putting anti-fertility agents inside malaria vaccines.
he's based. for some reason Yas Forums hates him.
Fuck you bill
Yas Forums in a nutshell, limp-dicked faggots who want to kill niggers but will never do it themselves, so they'd rather have the government do it for them kek.
Peak hypocrisy. Calling for the murder of others but not doing it yourself is how you spot a domesticated faggot.
no, jiked and kiked
>let's sterilize all the manchildren we stunted and take our time with their women souls
Make the kike take it's dump again.
we hate him because he has no allegiance to us, he was also fucking around with mosquitos the same time Zika was a thing, and mosquitos don't discriminate. The issue with the elite like him are that they want to depopulate EVERYONE, not just the jungle niggers who have a dozen kids each.
he will go down in history as the Chairman Mao of this century. his kindly old man persona doesn't hide crimes against humanity. hopefully he's executed for what he's done to the world along with his co-conspirators. I know most of pol doesn't give a shit about Africa but the nightmares Bill Gates has unleashed for either science/pure evil or both are incredible not to even speak of what's going on now.
Why does he smile and laugh when talking about it, does he have no self-awareness? Even if he just want to show off this can only make him a target, so much for being supposedly intelligent.
>for some reason
>and mosquitos don't discriminate.
except 99% of the cases were in black parts of brazil and africa.
We have one guy, one of the most powerful in the world, on our side, and you idiots seriously want to publicly out him.
>only listen to what health experts and official sources have to say!
>and now for an interview with billionaire Bill Gates on his predictions and recommendations regarding the deadly pandemic
What's wrong with sterilizing niggers? You like nigger dick or something?
He created this pandemics and prevented Liverpool from winning his title so he's cringe but redpiled.
he probably is based 2bh. i remember when his phone number got leaked and it had the digits 1488 so thats neat.
Your kind should be sterilized not niggers.
>want to publicly out him
No we want to publicly curb stomp the kike
He is trying to implant RFID chips into every slave that is alive, openly advocates for FORCED (((vaccinations))), and is delegated with the task of depopulating the earth
>Also he is also a kike
>Your kind should be sterilized not niggers.
He is hiding behind a flag, don't reply.
>says a bulgarian gypsy
>depopulating the earth
>gassing the niggers, spics and chinks
so uhh why am i supposed to hate this guy again? windows logo is a swastika, he probably based.
A vile, psychopathic creature hiding behind the face of a nice old man.
>What's wrong with getting corona, you don't like dying or something?
Fuck off, retard.
Can you prove all this?
yes, but is he /ourvilepsychopathiccreature/? its possible.
And that's a good thing. Why, do you think white people are so special they can overpopulate and destroy the planet?
He is protected against his virus while you can get:
Killed/Castrated and disabled/Very sick
I don't know mand you tell me brainlet.
He knew a outbreak as about to happen too.
>this post was paid by the bill and mellinda gates organization
hes been saying that shit for 20 years and hes still wrong.
Bill Gates rode on Epstein’s plane
he's a tryhard nigger retard who will die just like everyone else. his skull gets destroyed by bullets just like everyone else.
Yes, he is trustworhy.
I'm sure if I had the proof I'd be found dead somewhere. It's based on analysis of correlation. Wherever Bill Gates "does good" a lot of people die.
this would be one example of his crew doing evil. It's not just Bill himself. he has a large group of helpers.
Chicken neck bastard
His daughter is married to a Arab Muslim so no
>while you can get:
>Killed/Castrated and disabled/Very sick
>I don't know mand you tell me brainlet.
yeah but i wont, and millions of niggers, spics, chinks, jews etc will. so maybe he based.
a digital certificate is a file on a computer network you moron, why do people keep spamming this bullshit
>like him guys, cuz I like him
Kys faggot nigger
why is it always the weakling weiners who tend to be the ones with power and are megalomaniacs. Its like they couldnt be chad enough in highschool got butmadd and looked to technology as a way to collectively fuck over society because no one respected him or put out when he wanted it.
Now hes in a game of sick and demented elites who are all trying to one up each other one who can be the worst and get away with it while getting the normies to pay for their own doom.
>Seems trustworthy
Fuck you kike, leave Yas Forums now.
watch his net worth through this pandemic
we will be part of computer network so chill.
Thank you for getting chipped
Lol hes paying people to post positive shit about him. I'm telling everyone I know that this guy is responsible for Corona and that he brought it down on the world.
Here use this
Bill Gates is a neo-colonialist who wants to keep africans dependent on western aid and refusing to let them advanced. He’s extremely based by Yas Forums standards. Too bad this board has a sizable boomer population who’s more upset about nonexistent forced vaccinations than niggers raping and killing their descendants.
>I know most of pol doesn't give a shit about Africa but the nightmares Bill Gates has unleashed for either science/pure evil
Most people don’t give a shit about Apefrica. Because it’s a landmass filled with the most disgusting subhumans imaginable. After seeing what they’ve done to Boers. I’m all for Bill Gates pushing anti-fertility drugs on the continent. We need to prevent more blacks from coming into this world, otherwise the economy will become nonexistent in the future.
What makes you think he won't sterilize you trogolodyte?
You're looking at three people that buttfuck eachother using fetus blood as lube
Bill Gates met with both Epstein and later Podesta he probably is a pedophile
windows is for low IQ faggots
Fuck off Bill.
>Muh Epstein
I don’t care if Bill Gates has raped children or drank the blood of fetuses. As long as he keeps Europe and America to remain as the dominant world power. I’m supportive of his actions. Pedophilia should be something to look into after when we are done cleansing our homelands.
Mutt's law
He’s got a point, if you’re against Bill’s eugenics plan in Africa. Then you’re basically supportive of refugees coming into Europe. There’s a reason he’s depopulating the continent. Because he doesn’t want the European/American economy to combust by giving handouts to billions of niggers.
You mean the faggot that wants to microchip everyone to make sure we are taking our mandated vaccines?
uh huh