How do I get out of the coom rut?

Earlier this year I was on a 6 month nofap streak now I have a hard time getting past one day.
Any advice fags? I really wanna stop being a coomer.

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Get off the web, download audiobook of the Art of War, just start lifting and shadowboxing

punish your transgressions with cold showers immediately, don't let your post coom buzz go on unpunished for more than a few seconds.

And when you do form a streak and break it, never ever do the second follow up fap after the first. It comes on weaker than the first but you have been made weaker, that is the real test. Get extra sleep. Make sure you try different styles of underwear to sleep in to make sure that rubbing isn't a contributor.

I relapsed yesterday. Talking to a girl and it was going really well but after cooming I just feel too weak and intimidated to talk anymore. The drop in test is the worst part.
user is right. Just get off the internet if it's killing you. Imagine being in nature - how often would you masturbate? Definitely wouldn't be once a day, you'd be mental. Imagine yourself cooming everyday with no stimulus, how fucking weird it would be staring into space and wanking every day of your life in a jungle somewhere.

We'll get through it user.

I recommend the cold bath because your whole body is plunged into the water (and it spikes T).

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>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan

yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)

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I did nofap and then had a chance at sex with some cute but batshit crazy young single mum Id just met. Being all in control of myself and stuff I told her I liked her and we should meet again sometime. When I tried to contact her she was a mean bitch and said she was drunk, she had too much going on and didnt want to hang out again.

It was like a succubus testing me (she was a literal witch and actually attacked me in a lucid dream episode) perhaps if it had gone further I would have got the virus off her and her kid but I cant help thinking how fucked over she must be now, she probably regrets thinking she didnt need a resourceful delivery guy in her life.

The weird thing is she had a scar like this character, called Flare Corona. So I guess thats an omen if ever there was one.

tldr nofap can stop you getting laid and getting into relationships with crazy bitches

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Just start devoting more energy to your more productive hobbies and pretty soon you'll be too busy to jack off, or at the very least too busy too spend too much time ruminating about it after the fact.

Was your life any better as a nofapper?

Mark Quippet/Universal Man on YouTube is talking about antiporn in the times of Corona. Even if you aren't Catholic you should listen to him.

I've subscribed to his Patreon because men like him need to be supported.

Ignore the insipid video covers, he needs to play the stupid youtube popularity game


Don't just sit around with your dick in your hand all day. Create something for yourself to do. Now is not the time for idle masturbation but vigorous action if we are to bring ourselves back from these events.

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relapsing feels like shit. i was so pissed at myself i messed up wrist with a paper cutter


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What kind of benefits did you notice during your streak?

Just don't look at porn
literally that easy
get off the computer if you have to
leave your phone at home and go for a run until you are too tired to coom

Gross. She doesn't even have a penis.

get yourself a 2d wife user

get a GF

i love big tits, let me cooom

I've been going 1-2 weeks for the past 5 years trying to break free

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Masturbation is good for you!!!!!


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the saddest confession Ive ever seen.

The main health downsides come from porn, as long as you are free from porn, the nofap, if its near the 1 month period is not that bad really.

Sure you can see it as a record of sorts to compete with other men. But the noporn effects that I have felt are just fucking supreme.

If you wish to compete, its like a minor accomplishment. But still great enough. Tho the ancient lore tells you that you are supposed to try with each month to do more.

the 6 month thing that you have experienced may have something to do with low libido.

I too had that, if your libido is low, its much easier to do nofap.

But I recently started running again, eating better, meditation lead me to a higher platou. And I sleep better. And then it returned to the normal levels again.

but your willpower most likely, as it was with me, is the same. Or better. So even if you keep on failing with the 1 month thing. Keep trying to do better.

>reddit spacing
>anecdotal evidence

opinion discarded

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stop dumping thread with this degenerate gross-looking whore

Y u do this?

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>stop being a faggot
>get laid

>wall of text full of anecdotal evidence, bro science and delusion
no thanks

do what?

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I did noporn for more than 2 years and the perversions and whatnot mostly have dissipated. It works.

Listen to this adiobook. It will make you want to quit. Also it really works. Good luck.

I'm starting to become really desensitized by the female body/whoredom. I no longer get hard. I really have to force myself to get erect. Which is abnormal since I am only 21, apparently prime time to be horny. Maybe I just have low-T due to poor nutrition/not eating enough. But, I noticed I get REALLY hard at the idea of innocence, of a pure virgin woman who will love me and our family. Which is also worrying because pedophiles claim the same. Guys... H-Have modern women (a.k.a. WHORES) turned me into a loli loving pedo?

>Try no Fap out of curiosity to see how deep my addiction goes
>1 week in, my sex drive starts to go down
>GF notices, starts to get self conscious
>2 weeks in, can't even get hard
>Research it, turns out there is a thing called "Flat lining" where your peepee goes numb and doesn't work at all.
>Only way to fix it (as far as I know...) Is to watch porn again and jerk off.
>Jerked it like 10 times in a day
>Next day, can get hard for GF and penis is working like "normal" again.

I really want to break this addiction, and it would be easy to do, except my GF wants sex.
"Flat lining" could last from 2 weeks to 2 years. I don't think she could understand that / wait that long.

Masturbation helps me relive a lot of tension, stress or whatever. I might be murderously mad, then fap and feel much more at ease.
Personally I think it could be dangerous to withhold the strongest driving human force in the universe

well the solution is easy, just give her a baby, she will be too stressed out/moody to deal with the baby and leave you with enough room for flat-lining.

If she knows you are watching it, You should just tell her about it, that you want to stop watching porn. That it fucks with your head.

Chegged :D:D

Look up Karezza. You have a golden opportunity to awaken your Spirit if you engage in Sexual Magic with your girlfriend. You can both live happier, more fulfilling, love-filled lives if you guys have still sex and don't orgasm, and you won't ever want to leave each other's side. Holy Matrimony, Marriage, Yoga, all of these terms mean "union" of the male and female. Sex is sacred when the sex energy is brought upward to the crown, to ignite your "Christ" consciousness, your Kundalini.

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"Hey babe, we might stop having sex for potentially 2 years"

If a girl told me that, I'd break up. So maybe I'm just too much of a bitch or don't want to be single yet. I plan on telling her about it in 6 months or so though

put penor in lady, maed baby, problem solved

Karezza is basically motionless sex where you and the woman combine via intercourse and then lie still together, letting the energy flow between you too, staring into each other's eyes and caressing each other. There is no violent, animal-like thrusting or grunting or degenerate action, only calm, loving, stillness.

Even just cuddling/spooning and refraining from sex and orgasm for a while will make you and her feel much better emotionally. You will learn to love each other like you first did when you met.

stfu kike

Don't get me wrong, my buddy is a Gnostic, he says the same thing about his relationship (the no cumming spiritual energy stuff.) But I don't think regular people would like that in my situation.

>"Hey babe, we may not have sex for 2 years but we can hold each other and look into each other's eyes while I try to penetrate you"

I don't think she'll go for it

>babbi goes "waaaaaaaaaaaaaah"
>mommy goes: "what is of the matters little babby, what is the wrong things, are those things hard to figure out, cute, cuddly and deprive from making sexings with husbandu, oh noooo"

trust me on this man. just pump her.

I have atrophy from nofap. Normal?

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Keep a little notebook or paper by your bed. Every night before bed, add a tally to it. This helped me a lot. Stay off the internet as much as possible. And don’t touch your dick when you’re laying around and stuff. You can make it bro.

Flat lining is a spook dude. Less than a month in, my cock was harder than a diamond. I started getting morning wood again like a teenager.

twice a year is far worse for you than once a day

Haven't fapped in 2 months+, get on my level.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a prime pubescent (13 yo) wife. It's the final pill.

get a girlfriend ya coombrain

Married, retard. Don't need to. Doesn't change the fact that not ejaculating for half a fucking year is fucking psychotic, destructive, cult behavior.

That’s retarded and wrong

Yeah, it's so natural to not ejaculate for half a year, fucking moron.

Nofap made you a picky faggot? Kys

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Eh, dunno. I tried NoFap for two weeks, then got a bump in my balls. Doc said it was from not cumming. Since then I've wanked it once a day, once a week, twice a week, some days 5 times and then nothing. I didn't really pay attention. For the last few months I just wank it on Saturdays, and the other days I maybe edge. Right now, I'm at the point where even mild sexual thoughts can give me a boner. The best /adv/ice I can give is to stop thinking about it. If one day you're feeling too horny, rub one out on something that won't make you feel bad (something basic, like a busty chick or whatever). The next day you might wank it once or not at all. Try wanking once on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays. Eventually you'll stop obsessing over porn or NoFap or whatever.

The whole thing is a placebo in the sense that it's meant to make you take your mind off porn and do other things. But if you spend the whole time going "oh dear or darn I can't fap until XYZ" you'll just be preoccupied with it. It's not gonna make you magically confident. You become "confident" because you think you're accomplishing a goal. Cumming over some hot bitch's tits every three days isn't bad user. It's being obsessed over it that's hurting you and throwing you to worse porn.

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To be fair to the cult of retards who push this shit, no one should need porn. If you can't just fold a pillow in half and fuck it then you don't really need to ejaculate, all you're doing is killing time.

Sometimes you get horny and need to fap. It might be two times in a day or once every three days. If you can wank it, do it. It won't get so frequent that it'll ruin your life. Having a bit of a "schedule" is good. Overwanking it can be a problem. But if you're watching a film after dinner, you see some busty whore and want to rub one out in 2 minutes, it's not going to fuck with you mentally or whatever else. Obsessing over it to the point where you cum once per month is a problem.

>masturbate every other day
>still manage to get laid

You guys know nofap doesn't make you less ugly, right? I admire abstaining from the porn industry, but if any of you mongs think not busting a nut makes you more appealing to potential partners, you're delusional.

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One day... try 3 hours. My libido is ruthless at 32 still but I refuse to be a slut.

Its more about self control... masturbation is a primitive urge like picking your nose.

I cannot for the life of me control the random boners and its maddening.

Actually i have been fantasizing about making several pounds of pizzadough and shape it into a Ass/vaglike shape. It's surface kinda feels like skin, and its still somewhat soft, and you can let it rest a bit in the ofen to have it warm. I really wanna do this.