Diversity is our stren

Remember this when you start hearing calls that there is not enough diversity in aviation. The field of aviation is one in which low I.Q. will eventually manifest itself in a deadly manner. Fortunately this was cargo. Easily could have been filled with over 200 passengers. How does Yas Forums feel about diversity hiring in the aviation industry? Call are out for more diversity in the boardroom. Will we hear the call for more diversity in the cockpit? Any anons boarded and looked in the cockpit to see a black pilot? How did it make you feel?

>Conrad Jules Aska, the first officer, or copilot, had 5,000 hours total flight experience and about 520 hours of experience with the Boeing 767.

>Before working at Atlas, Aska was a first officer at Mesa. He tried but could not upgrade from FO to captain on the Embraer 175 regional jet at the Phoenix-based regional carrier.

>Check airmen, or pilot trainers, at Mesa raised several concerning flags to NTSB investigators.

>Captain Paul Allred, Mesa Air check airman, told the NTSB that Aska was "one of the worst he'd ever seen, probably a 2" out of 10 in terms of piloting skills.

>Meanwhile, Captain Leigh Lawless, another Mesa Air check airman, said Aska had a "lack of understanding of how unsafe he was."

Attached: Amazon:Atlas Air Diversity Hire.png (585x325, 357.65K)

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please dont be another 737

Oh yeah....Link....

Was just about to call you a faggot. Thanks.

Blacks are better pilots than whites though. They BTFO of German pilots in WW2.


hollywood said so

So that's why my fucking amazon package was "lost" in the mail.


I studied aviation/flight tech in school. Im a licensed commercial pilot etc. There was one black girl in my classes. The flight instructors talked about how retarded she was all the time. How she couldn't even add up her flight hour totals (calculated in 10ths of an hour not in minutes)

As much as I'm all in favor of hiring based on merit and not race or gender, you need to prevent yourself from cherry-picking articles and pointing them out as the one exception that proves the rule.

A 10th of an hour is just 6 minutes, how dumb do they have to be to not figure that out?


exactly. no matter how many times it was explained she could not grasp the concept.

>ID cuck

Obviously, blacks should not fly planes. As you say their low IQ will eventually lead to a crash

Are you familiar with this? Air France 447. Auto pilot goes off. Pilots seem to have no idea how to safely fly the plane. Plane was at the bottom of the ocean within minutes

Guys, obviously niggers should not be allowed into positions of competence. The real question is why we allow chinks to be pilots. We've seen what happens when they get behind the wheel

What about the white pilot that crashed his plane into the mountains with hundreds on because of his own personal problems?

Stop being a faggot.

>doesn't understand the difference between intentional and unintentional acts
fucking maple niggers

The two are not related. White guy was screwed up....sure....but he possessed the aptitude for flight and he was not hired based on his skin color.

Yeah because white pilot never do mistake

Kill yourself fucking mutt

> In response to the stall, first officer Bonin exclaimed "(Expletive) [26] I don't have control of the airplane any more now", and two seconds later, "I don't have control of the airplane at all!" First officer Robert responded to this by saying, "controls to the left", and took over control of the aircraft.[72][73] Robert pushed his control stick forward to lower the nose and recover from the stall; however, Bonin was still pulling his control stick back. The inputs cancelled each other out and triggered a "dual input" warning.

>At 02:11:40 UTC, captain Dubois re-entered the cockpit after being summoned by first officer Robert. Noticing the various alarms going off, he asked the two crew members, "er what the hell are you doing?"[73] The angle of attack had then reached 40 degrees, and the aircraft had descended to 35,000 feet (11,000 m) with the engines running at almost 100% N1 (the rotational speed of the front intake fan, which delivers most of a turbofan engine's thrust). The stall warnings stopped, as all airspeed indications were now considered invalid by the aircraft's computer due to the high angle of attack.[74] The aircraft had its nose above the horizon but was descending steeply.
Jesus Christ

Yes, I am familiar but this does not prove any point or argue against the OP. I will concede to you that the Air France accident was caused by sheer stupidity and yes they were white but even among race there is a spectrum of aptitude/IQ and that was a more challenging disorienting situation. The Air France example also doesn't address the hiring of an unsafe pilot due to diversity pressures. A more relevant example you could have provided is the Colgan Air crash in Buffalo where a low iq, poor aptitude white dude had the same training issues, however once again, there was no pressure to hire him from a diversity standpoint. In this instance the black dude lied and had a two year gap of flight experience. What hiring department would hire a white guy with that gap in flying employment......none.

When you grew up for generations on a continent where the minutes meanes nothing it is a hard concept for you to understand. Just like saving. Blacks cannot save money for a rainy day because their ancestors could pick fruits all day long. The winter theory is correct.

niggers not even once

There were white pilot fucking asian faggot. Go kill yourself with your fucked up eyes

There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives

> From there until the end of the flight, the angle of attack never dropped below 35 degrees. From the time the aircraft stalled until its impact with the ocean, the engines were primarily developing either 100 percent N1 or TOGA thrust, though they were briefly spooled down to about 50 percent N1 on two occasions. The engines always responded to commands and were developing in excess of 100 percent N1 when the flight ended. First officer Robert responded to Captain Dubois by saying: "We've lost all control of the aeroplane, we don’t understand anything, we’ve tried everything".[73] Soon after this, Robert said to himself, "climb" four times. Bonin heard this and replied, "But I've been at maximum nose-up for a while!" When Captain Dubois heard this, he realized Bonin was causing the stall, and shouted, "No no no, don't climb! No No No!"[75][73]

>When First Officer Robert heard this, he told Bonin to give the control of the airplane to him.[58] In response to this, Bonin would temporarily give the controls to Robert.[73][75][58] Robert pushed his side stick forward to try to regain lift for the airplane to climb out of the stall. However, the aircraft was now too low to recover from the stall. Shortly thereafter, the Ground proximity warning system sounded an alarm, warning the crew about the aircraft's now imminent crash with the ocean. In response, Bonin (without informing his colleagues) pulled his side stick all the way back again,[73][58] and realizing the situation was now hopeless, said, "[Expletive] We're going to crash! This can't be true. But what's happening?"[75][73][58][76][26] The last recording on the CVR was captain Dubois saying: "(ten) degrees pitch attitude."
you have a guy flying a jetliner who literally doesn’t understand how aerodynamic lift works

>id kyn
>kill yourself nigger

>Captain Leigh Lawless
How come he gets to have such a nice name?

Don't aska mesa about flying all the time

Attached: 1557453890506.png (920x855, 755.58K)

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

gonna need a source on that dummy if not then keep your mouth shut.

We wuz piletz n shei

1 person cant fly a plane somewhere so we should give up the economic power of the us that keeps all of our wages high by closing innovation and letting other countries keep their best and brightest then displacing us in 50 years? cant you see that we are the reason that plane crashed?

Lmao black people just stay losing. Weren't these the same people that supposedly built the Giza pyramids? Lmaooooooo a natural slave race.

What are you smoking? Over the last 50 years the US has gone from indisputable hyper superpower to barely even. Yeah sounds like you're really coming up a cropper on that front Chaim.

hey bud ireland played a nice tax game but its just about time for you to go back to growing potatos

statements about the Tuskegee Red Tails which when investigated were found to not be attributable to any specific source and just kind of appeared in the (((academic))) record about these noble negro navigators of the sky

This was a lie.
What he is talking about is near the end of the war when the Red Tails defended squadrons of bombers. There was next to no fighter cover by this time and the movie claimed “0 bombers lost while escorted by the Red Tails”. Bullshit.
Anyone who needs to know who was ‘the best’ just look up the stats.
0.0 niggers on this list.
The Germans were far and away the best pilots in the world. Their stats go to show.

fuck you fucking asian faggot
you"re not any better than "negro'

>people are dumb and something happens
>people are deranged and something happens
>dumb people are deranged

At least nips could fly better than niggers.

never claimed to be, I’m just stating facts.

So long as the diversity hiring is based on meritocracy I won't give a shit.

Those were the cream of the crop, as all military pilots should be.
And God Bless them.
oh, and fuck you faggot.

No need now that you've been gutted, butchered and shipped over is there now Uncle Sam? Your bloated corpse will keep our bellies full for decades.
Thanks for that btw.

What a fucking cluster fuck. And we are still supposed to believe that some terrorists with the most minimum amount of flight training was able to pull off 9/11

Attached: 1575961902932.gif (345x194, 3.82M)

Also, objectively the Japanese are better than blacks. Both genetically and culturally.
That’s not even an opinion.

That’s a movie bro

They weren’t better than whites. Not even close.

There is not enough diversity in flight outcomes. 99.99% successful landings is unacceptable. This is bigotry, pure and simple and must change.



White people kill themselves all the time in planes. Tuskegee airmen niggas were bad ass


I feel sad for the tragic loss of cargo. Hopefully some of it survived

Germans were excellent for sure but their stats were a bit inflated due to having the whole russian airforce to themselves.

george "nigger fucker" lucas said so.

Before people realize niggers are not like us, it will be too late.

A kill is a kill.
I would more so question ground ‘kills’ to be more suspect with inflated numbers, if anything.

what a fucking retard holy shit
