Brit/pol/ - New Thread No Links Edition

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Tunnocks tea cakes (desu)?

World ender.

First for are Mozza

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brit/pol/ was shit, has been for the past few years, the last couple of days has been the lowest its ever been.
Fuck this, I'm out. See you in outer/pol/ when you realise the same lads.

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>CLAP FOR THE NHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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All the lazy dyke's
Cross armed at the palms
Then legs astride their bikes
Indigo burns on their arms

Yeah, the sperg out over the clapaphon showed how shite it's become

that was a low point ngl

Been in a coma, fucking quiet out, whats the crack

Pube doesn't know any better

Go out. Destroy the NHS. Take Lives.

just went to the shop to get some of m'beers and the shelves were full of food, only bog roll stripped off the shelves completely by shirtless wet-ragless ghouls. i grabbed two small andrex twin-packs for £1.29 just to be sure. i did eye up a pair of gloves for £5 which i thought about a little - "if you wet them you can wipe your arse with these" - but didn't buy as i thought the price had been gouged a little. £5 for gloves. not even branded ones. jesus. yeah you can re-use them but still, £5. fuck that. yeah so anyway am i fucked??

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brit/pol/ is twitter for the edgy lad.

race war finished, whites won

>We need to regrow our forests

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28 days later but people report you to the cops for being outside instead of bite you

reminder that we are never getting a vaccine or cure for this virus.
>the virus has ADE, making any form of antibody-based resistance deadly for the host
>more than 2000 strains have been sequenced so far, it's mutating a far greater rate than any other virus in history
>you can't make an antiviral treatment for this coronavirus, due to the pathways it uses to hijack cells
>the virus is neuroinvasive, so you will never be able to fully reduce the viral load after infection.
all "successful" vaccines will lead to cytokine storms in the host as soon as they encounter the virus. we saw this with SARS and we'll see this with SARS-CoV-2. the HIV genome segments will help to make this impossible too.

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>id: OCow
An irish cow? How is this possible?

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clapping for nurses who are just idiots too dumb to be doctors is really cringe though

marshuns came. tried to nick are nhs an' greggs. we fooked em over. they fooked off. come on ingurland. simple as.

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good luck mr bee

Was it pakis on a day out that caused that BBQ field fire near Manchester on Friday?

Murican stuck here.
Tell me true, are we fucked, lads?

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bro i think u have china sickness after that encounter

clapping is retarded but hating nurses for being nurses is fucking pathetic

there's a news report about a confirmed COVID-19 patient escaping quarantine and biting a woman to death. probably due to the neuroinvasive qualities of the virus, viral encephalitis, probably.

what a trooper
you done good lad

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why would you need a glove if you have the capacity to wash the glove? Just wash your arse you fucking loon.

Why Anglos are so rapey?

An internationally-renowned musical director who conducted the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Chorus has been convicted in a UK court of historic child sex offences.
Jonathan Grieves-Smith, a 57-year-old, English-born choir master who also led the music program at the University of Melbourne’s Trinity College, was found guilty in a Brighton court this month of raping a young girl on two occasions in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

My prediction.
In 12 months, when the government's measures work superbly and reduce deaths significantly, the schizo fags and conspiracy retards will continue saying it was a nothing burger than killed less than the flu.
Why? Because schizo fags and conspiracy retards don't make decisions based on data and evidence.

yea, probably. spastic.

Actually we need to chop them down to make more room for homes

Recolour it so urban suburban and grass land are all greys.

fuck population growth


stay mad faggot, how brave they are to wipe arses and do what the doctors tell them


>branded gloves
WTF lad?

gloves are more convenient and re-usable and it gets all the shite off.
just re-wash the gloves and you're forever alright. also: if you own a goose you're in luck as people used to wipe their shitters after a poop with the goose's neck, plus you can get eggs from the goose, or kill it after for food. one bird kills two birds.

With a 'th'.

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comfy map thread?

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Based. Those areas clearly don’t fulfill any purpose. All land should be built on, clearly massive logistic chains have been shown to be perfect and shock resistant. All land must contribute to the line and can’t just be.

Kys kike

Why is there a knob-like affair on the east coast of scotlaned?
Did I just discover the preparations for a russian invasion or a muslim one?

you dont know any better.
cope faggot.

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maybe but don't worry about the flu unless you're one of those vulnerable to getting it normally.


All politics is a circus in the approach of whats coming

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>when nothing happens the people who said nothing will happen will be wrong because the government who were maliciously covering everything up were actually being like totes amazing
see what your doing

Why not do it in the white space in that big island the the west of us? That could be our forest.

That image is horrifying.
What kind of mong would one have to be to think this is an argument for not being overpopulated?

I gave him some kitchen towel.

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Apparently bumble bees like old mouse nests
So straw soaked in mouse piss is what they want, not sure if they like the smell of other rodent piss if you happen to have a rabbit or gerbil or what have you

he's cured

The posh nonces all went to boarding school and got buggered.
And the cycle repeats itself.

sorry i need to leave. i'm not allowed to talk to nutters.

I live there.

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buy a goose


nobody lives in the middle of the mersey? the more you know i guess

can't remember if a small drop of sugar water gives them a temporary boost. probably bs.



the mull of kintyre? glad it's not just me who noticed it looks like a cock and balls

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My neighbour thinks looting will start to break out soon, in every town and city. Any thoughts?

Don't see why it would tbqh.

From 127,737 tested with Flu like symptoms from 70million UK population
>108,215 tested negative
>19,522 tested positive
>1,228 deaths
>6.25% mortality rate of the infected.

BUT sneaky
>No underlying HEALTH DATA
>No Gender DATA

And the UK isn't even doing a proper quarantine yet
>people out exercising
>packed in the spurgomarkets
>packed on the underground
>going to work
>planes landing everyday

It's a MEDIA pandemic, NOT a medical pandemic.
If it was lethal, you'd be looking at 50,000 deaths already.
>Source Public Heath England

Good taste sir.

you want a medal of something? lol

yes sir

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How the inferior Anglos feel when they know they will all die in this coronavirus?
Backfired again but this time there is no second chance.
This is a RNA virus, no vaccine could be possibly developed although they will claim whatever they force inject into you is the vaccine.

Get a hair dryer on the little scamp.

>If it was lethal, you'd be looking at 50,000 deaths already.
china lost between 1.5 and 10% of its population in 4 months. this is VERY lethal.

asking this again.


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>glad it's not just me who noticed it looks like a cock and balls
yet more proof that we’re flooded with underaged newfag

user did you mix up East and West?
cos it looks like you did

once it starts anywhere it will start everywhere like what happened last time.
news outlets therefore have a prerogative not to report on rioting.
>no, you're crazy.
it's not though it's sensical

works for butterflies too. watered down honey is better.
it's all down to whether they actually decide to drink it or not

jannies pls do something about this we're having a nice chat about that lad saving his bee.

Lol is that piccadilly Gardens?

I've got some fluid the one on the right can collect.

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good man, an all time british classic

Do some sugar mixed with water, it will give the bee the energy to fly away.

No, I meant this bit that looks like a knobby nipple, like a whole area being turned into a ring-fort.

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>trusting China

I know this will sound crazy but giving them honey works very well.

That bee is BLACK

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i'd love more forests, but this island hasn't been above 15% woodland for over 1,000 years, and the current level of coverage is at it's highest since pre-Industrial revolution.
point being, iin a historical context, it's not that bad. but that doesn't mean we can't do better.

Sounds good. Where can I apply.

The yellow bits are Fucking mountains and the peninine chain.

oh fuck off you fucking chink
everyone hates you so much now that even our ZOG is admitting it

I have old animal bedding. There's an rabbit hutch outside.
He's getting better. He's still a bit wet.
I'll see if he wants some.
It's really warm in the conservatory. I've had the back door closed all day.

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The Picts used to live there.

What the fuck, we just got a load of masks in finally and instructions are it's for clients not us? Why are they trying to kill me?

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yeah i've been saying it for a while now. i think after a month or so of lockdown certain populations in certain cities will start looting on a large scale

these kind of people are utter morons and only care for themselves and extensions of themselves, fucking sub-human scum

china claims they only lost around 3000 people, but the truth is that the count is in the millions or tens of millions.

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yet more proof that you're a boring cunt

Why would people loot though?

Police don't have to bother with pub fights etc or manning football games so are all available to stomp out any looting. Plus shops selling food etc are all open?

>when its obvious they've been shagging

Does anyone here own their own property & live alone? Is it feasible cost wise?

fyi it's a female bee

That comment section, Its over lads. Medical science has brought about an entire population that shouldn't have survived childhood/birth. Dead weight to be precise. With the majority of the population now dependant on daddy government and enforcing simon says onto the rest, Its fucked. Absolutely no way can concepts like "civil liberty" and "freedom" can survive this generation.

Don't worry lads, it'll all be over by Christmas.

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>this island hasn't been above 15% woodland for over 1,000 years
More's the pity.
Make England Forested Again
>and send back the foreigners
That would be based.

Also it doesn't have to be forests, it could be moutains or moors or something.

When did the British police become such useless cucked "bin that knoife" pansies

Where did it start

Also what is that monstrosity in OP image

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I'm not supporting (sub)urban sprawl. Just sharing maps that change your outlook on things

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are you assuming that bee's gender?

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Yes. But it depends what you do for a living. I'm an IT contractor so I earn more than most but I'm probably fucked after the economy goes to shit.

Thumbnail makes it look like they are wearing a white glove on their right hand and holding a gun to their head.

The Mull of Kintyre hosts one of 7 whirlpools responsible for mixing fresh and salt water globally and is crucial in maintaining the gulfstream.

Mid '90s I guess.

Medical advancements. Disaster for the human race.

Hope niggers start looting and rioting. I remember the 2011 riots and normal people knew exactly who was doing the rioting and thieving.

I have a govt office job, really good actually

War without fire is like sausages without mustard.

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I'd say more like about 100,000
They don't have a clue themselves mate. They're just chucking people in the furnace, scraping some ashes out at the end and telling the relatives "oh yeah, sure, that's old Wang... oh sorry, you're name is Liu. Sorry, I meant that's Old Liu"

>by azura By Azura BY AZURA

it's you! the grand inspector!

I suppose this might be a terrain-influenced pattern here, but it still looks odd.

Speaking as a beekeeper: please don't feed bees honey.
Most of the honey we get is from China, who unsurprisingly don't give a toss about disease control, so a lot of their honey contains spores for American Foulbrood (AFB)
AFB is really nasty, the spores can survive years and easily transmit between hives, and if a hive gets it it completely fucks them - only cure is to torch the hive.

don't explain this boomer meme to zoomers

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What makes someone take time out of their day to post something some completely pointless?

>tfw all the vaccine candidates fail and none of the treatments do anything
our only hope is the virus mutating into something less deadly, but that's highly unlikely due to the lack of selective pressure. if anything, it'll get more deadly soon once it jumps to the brazilan bat population and jumps back to humans.

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You should buy then. When things get back to normal that is. If you aren't paying your own mortgage you'll just be paying one for someones else.

In the 90s under Labour. They retired all the based coppers and set up diversity and equality quotas while lowering standards of entry.

sounds like an analogy for spunk being formed in the balls

>no tripfags shitting up the thread

Chicken sellers have sold-out nationwide due to increased demand. Wish I'd bought a couple of chickens before this kicked off properly.

feed them piss

not even jyggalag can bring order to that place

/cvg/ predicted this years ago

Give it some honey or sugar water lad

It started with Stephen Lawrence.

what do you think you'll get in your army lucky dip ration box?

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I guess everyone from the olden days is all gone now, right?

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all the massive tv shops are closed

>Wish I'd bought a couple of chickens before this kicked off properly

they're useful but an absolute pain in the arse to keep.

heh, yep

80% of the police are ugly/lesbian

Hope it's a government assigned girlfriend

You have to be 18 to post here.

Virus ent that bad m8

Who is gonna loot them though?

I mean, no cars on the road except police etc so it'll be easy to catch people stealing this stuff.

"Menu 5" sounds alright to me from the ration menus

You mean live chickens?

they will. most people will refuse to mention or acknowledge the ethnicities of the looters, people that do will all be branded racists. these staunch anti-racist and left wing types are well aware of the type of people who loot, riot and commit acts of terrorism.