Should we be organizing an egalitarian group "just in case" of societal collapse?

Should we be organizing an egalitarian group "just in case" of societal collapse?

We're brainstorming some ideas for a new group. A platinum guard. We should not be mistaken for just a well dressed biker gang. We want to be a group that normies can trust BEFORE the collapse... again, just in case.

Basic rules: We're egalitarian, You're here to help.

We're extremely critical of people with DUAL CITIZENSHIP in this time.

We don't associate with any older organizations. This is a clean slate. We will uphold social order and provide safety and security in the event complete chaos ensues.

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How was he able to hold the camera ?

how does he steer the plane with one hand

You should organize your toilet paper amerishart

Good shop.

Is fake photo duh

>a leaf
>having a valid opinion

Uniforms should be comfortable and breathable yet clean and classy.

I'm thinking white, with silver, and nickel accents. Pants can be black or the above colors.

Facemasks plus mirror sunglasses, for the utility.

The aesthetics needs work but it's important that people trust us and that we don't come off slovenly like thugs.

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The famous average black IQ in action.

That looks like every pilot I know

cursed image

Feel free to brainstorm. Be careful about using buzzwords that'll put us in hot water before we even get off the ground.

The key words here are: safety, security, egalitarianism and preparedness "just in case" There's no need for anyone to go into detail about specific ideologies. If you want to do right by people, you have to read between the lines.

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Do you have a job? American people are the reason sjw and libtards exits. You are no better than a redditor or tumblr.

Id go with more drab colors for the uniform. Its going to be difficult to maintain a white suit in a chaotic environment.

egalitarianism is no good thing

He stopped the airplane then took a photo

Also what does help mean in this case? Law enforcement? Waste disposal? Food distribution? Plumbing? Defenses?

there are 3 types of posters here

Bots (legit a.i programs)

There are no groups my fed - none. Stop trying to lure posters from this board to join
your entrapment scheme

If some journalists ask you what your political affiliation is, it's best to just smile and say "We don't get political, we're just here to help"

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OP is a fagot glownigger

>We're extremely critical of people with DUAL CITIZENSHIP in this time.

Why's that? US & Canadian here.

We're just organizing well meaning men in the event society can no longer provide for its people.

Don't jump to conclusions we haven't even formed yet. It's a new thing, don't try to put it in a box.

We believe in truth, protecting the innocent. Basic stuff that's hard to demonize.

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Niggers are retarded as fuck

Figure it out. It weeds out bad actors with dual allegiances who just want to sabotage.

People are less likely to sabotage a country if it means they'll go down with it, too.

Governments in exile are foriegn sponsored.

The state propaganda aparatus never allows legitimate people to gain prominance.

That means you would need to be an actor of a foriegn state seeking political office which is illegal.

You know. The reason Trump was being investigated.


Sacrificed his slave for otherworldly powers

Hi fbi

You'd do more harm than a gang of rapebikers.

Why do you even bother hitting 'enter'?
You're a God damned embarrassment, leaf.

Nope. Again why are you assuming we seek to "rule" anyone or anything?

There's CERTAIN GROUPS that prevent others from organizing by using threats, labels, and negative connotations to describe everyone they have no control over. We will be loosely defined, have no official affiliations, our deeds will be public and good. In time the people will come to trust us of their own free will. This will be a benefit to all and safeguard against anarchy.

Just in case

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You're another glowing idiot who embarrasses himself every time you hit 'enter'.
We get it, street shitter. You resent and hate Aryans, especially Americans, because no blonde woman will touch your crooked little pee pee.
Go find a hobby, nigger. This ain't it.

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Quick question for you. If a government chooses to drop the reigns of power and liquidate itself is it morally wrong for the citizens to pick up those reigns to prevent chaos, collapse and anarchy?

What's wrong with wanting to ensure society continues peacefully? What's wrong with a little insurance? This country is full of well meaning men who are more than capable of upholding truth and order in their communities.

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fpbp,Selfie stick.


Yes. But not here. And not with these people, and not 'egalitarian'.

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Can you be any more obvious, you dumb niggers? Please. This is simply insulting at this point.
You are far too fucking stupid to keep playing this retarded game, and expecting a different result by which you've already been thoroughly exposed and destroyed.
Just stahp already, niggers. Go lay down. Make this easier on yourselves.

You obviously have no fucking clue what's bubbling up on the other side of these screens.
Do you have any idea how very fucked you are already?

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The way I see it. There will be a NEED for able bodied men to protect families/children in a lawless dark-age.

We can fill that niche. Naturally we'll stick by each other as well.

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it's an automatic

Don't use their flag and ask stupid questions like this. The blacks have a hard enough time with everything.

wtf is this supposed to mean?
equality is a false god propped up by the kikes, dumbass.

I see the logic but it's important that our image is "here come the nice men to help us" and not "oh god it's a gang of Mad Max bandits"

We can work with drab colors but it's still important to keep up a clean, heroic appearance.

Phase One is we help those in need for free. Say that we are "a Platinum Guard" and our positive notoriety will be our form of payment.

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It'll be up to the individual who they want to help. We're not going to tell our group to only help X demographic. That's a bad look no matter how you slice it.

Again, we don't get political. We're just here to help families and help provide a future for children. It's best to be up to the individuals so we don't get categorized as a gang.

We're do gooders. Everything else can speak for itself.

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This is a face at 470 mph.
Can only imagine one at 600.

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Whatever, opticuck.
Good luck in diverse neighbourhoods.

Well we certainly would never endanger our fellow guardsmen. If they want to take the risk going into a diverse neighborhood that's up to them.

Honestly, I don't see where all the skepticism is coming from. So what if most of us are white dudes? People need help and might need our help. There's a necessity for groups like us to come together and help our communities when the government is unable to provide that service.

Again all hypothetical. All just in case.

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>our image
You have a false sense of importance. Yas Forums regulars are neither heroes nor the mad-max types. The only thing you have to offer is social criticism and memes.

Nah. It has to be fascist, with me at the top. Fight me if you want to become the new Leader.

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I'm laughing at the idea of this


>We're the Platinum Guard, we'll help you.


>OK good luck then.

Not to mention the whole idea is very juvenile.

Its like saying were gonna dress up in super hero costumes and fight bad guys and protect damsels in distress.

It all feels like some bad teenage power fantasy.

Op if you want to be the change in the world, find a cause and start a charity. Thats how adults do things. They dont start psuedo parimilitary groups under false pretenses

You mean like being a cop or fed?

More like a boyscout without the pedophiles

Look at these faggots believing they are intelligent, and relevant. Adorable.
Is this how you use passive aggressive shit talk to steer good Men away from good ideas?

You fucking morons suck at this.
jews will die. ...a lot.
Sleep well.

The next question would be if platinum guard starts helping people, gets good reputation what about imposters with bad intentions? And how would coordination, training, and that stuff work? For example im a good helpful person but I have no social influence & its difficult dealing with people in normal situations.

Example: brother asks me to take him shooping for a used car. Bro this one is a total pile of shit, I dont know if it will make it home, it definitely isnt going to be a reliable commuter. Brother bought it anyways. How am I going to help strangers

No one is gonna join your cult dude.

Look at that fag in ops pic. I can tell it's fake cause the smug little cunt has a white face...not such a common sight up the pointy end anymore.

>litterally thinks this place is a White supremacist hangout
>doesnt realize everyone is just making fun of him

Its satire dude. Go outside

I will.
There's one cock you can suck, commie faggot.

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How about this-

We have no public record of members.

BUT we'll keep a public record of ousted bad-actors and people who pose as Platinum Guard but are not.

You see what I'm saying? We assume everyone is a member UNLESS they fuck up or try to sabotage then they're certified non-members.

That might protect us from the usual types of false flagging bullshit.

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Yes! Keep telling yourself that, you commie slug.
You're fucking surrounded, faggot, and you know it. This shit you're attempting now, is only pissing us off.
Good luck with such weak tactics, you dumb nigger.

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Egalitarianism is what caused the collapse, you fucking morons.

Just stick your head out retard

Glad to have you aboard if you wish. There's no commitments. I'll try to keep these threads going as much as I can.

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We'll operate primarily on reason. Not blind sacrifice for shitters who don't care about us.

Empathy should always be a 2 way street.