I lost my virginity at 15 and have had sex frequently since then and it has never been an issue (no girl has ever said "ew ur cut?)
Do you guys actually care that much about it or is it just virtue signaling (like when some of you post bible verses lol)
Do people here really care about circumcision?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off, normie.
>child mutilation is fine. this is fine.
neck yourself.
Great thread Moshe, I like the effort
Regret it, wish I saved myself for marriage.
t. lost virginity at 17
Cut looks better. But uncircumsized just feels better. . Apparently..
Only discord trannies say this when confronted by a healthy neurotypical
stage 1 cope
Good for you for managing to cope with your situation.
But it's definitely not just virtue signaling. It's a straight up malicious practice based on superstition and cutfags will never EVER truly understand how much they are missing out.
checked and /thread
Girls prefer it cut and make fun of the way uncut looks with their friends
>Cut looks better.
A dry, scarred penis is not aesthetically more pleasing.
Shut up uncut faggot your dick looks like a maggot.
It's a misery loves company thing
Females are easily conditioned. Did you know that back when women's razors were first invented, there was absolutely no market for them? Women didn't think shaving pubes mattered, or looked better. So they had to force a market to be created through heavy advertising.
People only think it looks better currently because it was forced into the american norm.
It is not about circumcision for us, it is about not wanting to hurt the other person in relation by leaving him or her. We are men and woman of honour and believe that it is sometimes better to let go desires for the good. There is a reason why the white race has been able to build a society like no other race has done.
Sieg Heil.
American girls only make fun of it with their friends because they don’t know anything else. If a girl gets with someone uncut she’s not going to say shit. It’s going to feel better than a cut penis. Women don’t have opinions of their own for the most part, they just follow the strongest personality in the room.
My cut boyfriend loves my uncut dick, so yeah. I don't think circumcision should be forced on anyone.
Kys kikerat
I have a problem with it when it gets done to people who aren't able to consent. If you're 18 you can get circumcised as much as you want.
You dock to show your superiority, right?
Yeah, because a penis totally looks better after it's been unnaturally mutilated
you wont know whats wrong with it because you havent had sex with your foreskin on.
I'm 34 and had sex with roughly 65 different girls/women. Many of them couldn't tell a difference until I told them I wasn't circumcised. Then when I did, they said they preferred it.
Lmao you pathetic cutlets never fail to make me laugh with your "tube dick" comments. Face it, most people with foreskin will have infinitely more enjoyable sex than any of you eroded turtle heads could ever have. You are on the wrong side of cutlery, get over it losers.
Yeah, docking makes him go crazy. But what he enjoys the most is my ass.
yea ok
i wasnt born with enough foreskin to cut so i have the best of both worlds
Women prefer the clean cut aerodynamic lines of a trimmed phallus
A significant amount of your ability to feel sexual pleasure was stolen from you from birth because a bunch of paranoid kikes don't want their precious fucking cultural practice of genital mutilation taken away from them by the goyim and would rather meme the goys into cutting their kids dicks to make it "normal" and you don't have a problem with this? You will never know what it's like to have full sensation in your dick. It's like being born colorblind and never being able to appreciate art at the level of normal people.
who gives a fuck what women want
That must be specific to ZOG
>scar of David
If you only knew what woman could be worth..
It should be a choice, that's my only real issue with it. Leave baby dicks alone.
anyone ever seen a dildo modeled after an uncut dick?
didn't think so
>all this arguing about whether or not “girls find it attractive” about taking a knife to a baby/young child’s genitals
Interesting how there is no discussion about whether or not a circumcised vagina looks better or not. Gotta love those double standards.
Cool it with the anti-Semitism
There is evidence that it causes permanent changes to the brain. Do I think we should imprison every parent in the nation who was misled into this practice? No. Should we cease it immediately? Yes.
Because men are worthless unless if they're jewish.
Yeah, most of them considering the foreskin naturally rolls back.
Google is your fren
I have a son and didn't have him circumcised so yes.
uncut fags OBSESS over cut fags
>is it just virtue signaling
Yep - 100%.
Good on you.
Girls like cut dicks because the head is more bulbous and, as a result, is more "fun" to fuck and suck.
If your penis is mutilated you have never felt a vagina, or any other female orifice. You never had actual sex.
More importantly women do not have a say about these topics and their opinion doesn't matter.
The thing is that when fully erect the foreskin slips back and the glans is usually fully exposed.
Most of these have the foreskin for the sake of it, not the way it would anatomically look.
You know what I tell normies?
Take your poop, kikeotic.
Just had my first son in December and he is NOT circumcised. I was, because stupid ass boomer parents.
Thankfully the doctor didn't take much off so I work just fine but I can imagine what it must be like for men who lost a lot! Ugh.
Anyone who willingly circumcises their sons after being redpilled is a race traitor.
>1 post by this ID.
You lads know what you should be doing when you respond to this these slide threads.
Sage this shit if you're going to respond.
Why do you care what girls like? Are you really going to mutilate yourself just because some hypothetical girl likes it?
I don’t like roast beef hanging six inches off a girl like most whores have, am I allowed to make girls mutilate it off themselves for aesthetics?
Imagine willingly cutting off your son's dick.
This is only legal because the fucking Jews.
Yes i am not circumcised and its antichristian to circumcise. I dont want to live in a world where i have to worry about my son having his genitals mutilate for the sake of Zionism.
fuck off to Israel, Yosef
The most vocal side are uncutfags trying to cope. Usually there's something else going wrong in their lives and they're using this as an outlet.
In reality, talk to any geriatric nurse. Sure, it's easy to clean your uncut when you're young and healthy. But if you're ever in the position where you are incapable, it frequently gets infected and causes a lot of problems.
Circumcision is a gateway mutilation. The endgame is chopping it off and becoming a tranny.
Don't care what you do with your own dick. Leave off cutting and sucking kids' dicks for religious/$$$ purposes
Wait, so cutfags can't possibly know what sex feels like but YOU know what sex feels like as a cutfag despite being a trunkfag?
You sound like those anti-pot posters who obviously never tried pot but they read a bunch of info online so they feel like they know what they are talking about.
As someone who is cut, let me give you a hint: when you don't jack off, your dick stays sensitive.
Stop cooming you degenerate.
>the frenulum is supposed to be the most sensitive part of the penis
>mine was destroyed
I am restoring but the damage is real...............
What a meaningless lie. Might as well pull out all your teeth, the apendix and your left testicle, "just in case." You people are sick. This is sick. Circumcision is a sick crime.
Are Americans really this unhygienic?
My brother works with geriatrics (medication, cleaning, minor health assistance, food) and I've never heard him say anything regarding hygiene of the genitalia.
Then again, that's anecdotal.
>you know what sex feels like as a cutfag
Yes, it's like wearing a permanent condom without any benefits
I'm not talking about your average 70 year old who can still bathe themselves. I'm talking about the alzheimhers patient who wears diapers.
Even if this was true, is this a good reason to mutilate yourself as a baby?
I slept with dozens of women in my 20s. When I was 30 I met current wife at a church function in. We both had slept with people in the past, but when we got engaged we decided to wait until marriage for sex. We did and even now after being with her for 5 years we are very happy.
>Do people care about children being mutilated and castrated by their abusive parents and state?
Clearly the answer is no.