Why does a 71 year old woman have more balls than most of Yas Forums?

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OP why are you such a fag? Link to the article or video.

here you go faggot


Fuck niggers and fuck the media

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She probably won't lose her job over this because she doesn't have one.

Nigger. There i said it.

When you're that age you start getting really sick of political correctness. If you see a nigger chimping out in a way you've seen and not been allowed by the kike to speak out against your whole life, you get fed up. A rational, pro-White United States would have deported African Americans to the Congo with farming machinery and martial plan level funding long before colour television

ahh take that white supremacist Nancy Goodman!! you're cancelled at 71 for saying the bad word!!


The threat of the twitter gestapo spamming your current and any future employer is the difference maker

keep excusing the fact that you're a pussy

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>muh job
>muh job mothafucka

Tell me how much time she passed behind bars?

we have freedom of speech here unlike your Muslim shithole French faggot

>we have freedom of speech here
HAHA Yeah right, that's why Rick Wiles got his youtube channel permanentmy banned because he said God send the virus into synagogues. I guess freedom of speech has limits in your kikeistan.

Youtube is a private business
that's not the same as sending people to prison like they do in your cuckhole

you can kick someone out of your house for insulting you. is that censorship?

Links to a white woman doing it.
Doesnt link a video of himself doing it.
Calls others weak for not doing it.

This OP is a fed, a nog or a shill.
Unless he timestamps a gif of himself saying it hes got no right to talk

private business saying "leave" vs police knocking at your door

Old people lack inhibitions.

I worked as a male nurse for a while. And I don't know how many grannies tried to sexually harass me.

Retards, he's right.
There's functionally no difference between YT censoring your speech and the gov't doing so.

>feds want me to call a black guy a nigger so they can arrest
okay pussyboi
you honestly think the feds are going to bother inciting a harassment at best?

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Whites rise up

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This story was from a year ago.

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Yes there is. YouTube can't put you in jail (yet).

the fact that you are blown aback that a white man called a black guy a nigger to his face is shows how weak you are. i know I have done it. you know you haven't it's as simple as that you fucking pussy
explain what the feds would get out of trying to get white guys to say nigger? that's not a crime and even in the worst context it's an extremely minor one

This is why white people are fucked. Only old ass boomers are unapologetic racists

Nobody has a job to lose any more.

How is this news?

>martial plan

nah most boomers are cuck pussies
that lady just has some guts and common sense

Well she has nothing left to gain in life and can do whatever she is old. We all have shit to lose.

No career to lose that took decades to build up.

Most boomers I know are racists and don't give a shit. Millenials and gen-x are the pussies

abraham lincoln wanted to send them back

Not bad looking for a 71yo. Would definitely coom in.

in Brazil maybe
in the US boomers are cuckservatives at best

I'm sure you'll get an honest story there!

Optics bro.

there's a video
the only retarded part is their reactions

yeah man it's great optics to appear as a fearful cowardly pussy

They say it to each other all the time, probably misunderstanding

Don't know the context, and not clicking nbcshit, but I'm assuming based. Niggers are niggers. Predominately black, but not always. Calling a nigger out is not racist, glad to see this woman making the distinction.

Racism is not okay. Such an evil woman

>"Racism is not okay. Such an evil woman"

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what's really insane is that africa and black folk would've been MUCH better off in this scenario. africa is such a shithole rn in no small part due to (((their))) influences and the slave trade, which really was awful. jews introduced the idea of slaves to white men anyways, no white person would've had such a depraved idea.

Based mommy

you're a cuck faggot
Long Live the Confederacy
notice only a southern woman has the balls to call a nigger a nigger

Shaming wrongthink is more important than news

Why is this news?

>You realise saying that is offensive
>Yes that's why I said it

>71 years
>during wuflu times
well, she has nothing to lose...

My fucking sides

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When I’m retired and have nothing to lose, I’ll do it too

OP is a faggot for not posting a link the first time. Old story. Probably a jannie as well as a fag.

Was she white before she said nigger?

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>that lady just has some guts and common sense
She knows she can get away with it. There's nothing brave here, it's boomer entitlement. Bravery is when you know there will be consequences.

Niggers are so weak they get hurt by a word

ive seen an old white lady get beat up for saying it
she has balls

YouTube doesn’t send armed thugs to your house. Now ask me how I know that you’re a Nigger?

I watched. Negresses were at the restaurant being loud and obnoxious as they always are. Simple creatures are excited and happy to be in public together with regular people and they want everybody to know it. So one of them deservedly got called a stupid nigger. Good for this lady.

Jews are the most racists

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considering her home is protected by a white man with a gun..

let us know what happened to Bridget Bardot

check and FUCK JANNIES too

No such thing as a racist slur.
Racism is the active oppression or favoritism of a person or group because of their race.
Speech is not oppression or favoritism, it's a vocalized sound, it has no power to bind anyone, so saying nigger isn't racist. It may be distasteful, but it's far from racist. These niggers today are lucky to not know what real racism was. When you limit my speech, that is oppression, that is racism

When the mosh pit prepares you for the nigger horde.

Not a racist, just don't like em. Simple as.


I love boomers, they don't know what the internet is so they got no filter.



They did it again boys.....

I live in a city that is 60% black, 25% white, I have called them niggers many times, they always just malfunction and start yelling words like "white boi and cracker", but they never actually do anything. I've said it right to their face, it's their Trump card, it shuts them down because deep down they know it's correct.


not sorry

She got very old. I won't post pictures out of courtesy but you can look up for yourself.

My exact thoughts. What a based boomer. You'd never see a zoomer girl acting like this.