110 DEAD IN 24H!


No, wait, sorry... That's our total number of COVID deaths.
These last 24h only 8 people have died from it.

Why is southern Europe quarantined again?

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Because southern Europe is trash and should be nuked. Northern European Union when?

Your time will be coming.

someone screenshot this retard's thread and show it to him again next week when 900+ deaths are happening in new somalia

Would be great. You could compete against each others on who's the biggest cuck

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God I hope so. If Sweden comes out of this unscathed I'm unironically going to kill myself.

Why wear a seatbelt? I haven't even been in a car crash.

Notice how the m*ds are superior threads have disappeared lmao

That's an odd way to say "your time will come".

Our death toll is about to rise faster than Italys if things continue like this you stupid nigger.

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Stop sending gibs without making sure they're going to maintain and improve the infrastructure otherwise it's going the leftists pockets and mafia. This is the same thing as we sending money and help to Africa, they'll never bother try to improve when help is always coming.


as far as I know only sweden is not quarantined.
also italians and spanish are horribly social people, they speak very loudly and fast and are alyways hugging eachother.
portugal is the shy introvert latin country and as such we have fewer cases
this is my armchair analysis pls reply

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Are you blind btw? We're seeing a decline in daily deaths.

Taggat is nyheter idag. Based on FHMs graphs I reach the same conclusion.
We had a slower start, but the current rate is higher here

>let's stop testing and reporting cases
yeah, sure mr.somaliman

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Swedes keep a maximum distance from eachother and barely socialize even when there's not a global pandemic.

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They are cashing out their boomers for Germany-backed bonds

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Calm before the storm retards.

Sweden's hubris will be its downfall.
You have Ikea and an accepting, liberal democracy, yes.
But this is a virus

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Epic memes!!!1
But sorry, all hospitalized patients with suspected corona are tested.


They Had illigal chink workers

Sweden has no interest in knowing who has it or who dies from it. There is no way to know those numbers in Sweden. Thus anyone reporting the numbers is a retard because the available numbers are meaningless.

It's interesting. If you compare the stats between Norway and Sweden the stats are not all that dissimilar except for deaths: You have four times as many deaths as we do. Why is that?

swedes are based, they have no problem with slaughtering their boomers to get more housing for refugees

It's going to get alot worse. There's a continual increase in the number of new cases per day, and Sweden still has done barely anything to contain Covid-19.

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cause no nordic Übermensch.

send money to Italy, goy

Sweden is too scared to declare any quarantine measures, because shitskins would laugh at them and have their ways, anyway.

Swedes and Germans always practice social distancing even long before the Chinese plague, it really can’t spread easily here.

>swedes dying
This is music to my ears

i think swedes have a natural hubris or simply just too fucking deluded to see the bad things happening around them
swedes are the closest you can get to domesticated humans and you are witnessing their complete extermination. after this virus is over you only find people speaking russian in what was known as the land of the swedes.

>Why is that?
40 years of defunding our hospitals.

kek, true facts. They complain about southern Europe when they literally import pure niggers.

That or the government is scared of ruining their economy, or that the non-Whites will riot. Or maybe they really believe this is a nothingburger.



Dunno. A lot of people here got infected by going to Italy. Several deaths are luckily among older shitskins.

We have declining death rates for the last 2 days.

Btw: what's the per capita rate?

Seems to me, Swedes are scared shitless. All frozen up. Literally holding their breath.

Sweden is above the US in terms of deaths per million.

NL too
swiss has a soft one

Swedistan, yes

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That might be it. It's a shame because in a time like this hospitals and healthcare in general is very useful.

I don't know the per-capita rate. I didn't see it at worldometer. What I did see was a similar amount of cases (Swe first:3,700 to 4,239) and a significant difference in death rate (110 to 25) and recoveries (16 or 13% to 7 or 22%). I thought maybe sweden tested less and had more undocumented cases. It's believed that Norway has a large amount of undocumented cases too.

>projecting while coping.

Only testing serious cases. Debate on prioritizing and denying different patient groups has already started. Going to become a bloodbath.

Also if they aren't already they will start fiddling with number of deaths when things get out of hand.

Hey Jaoa

Let the fags die. Discusting NPC, cuck people.

I'm sorry to hear that. I know the consensus on this board isn't particularly kind to Sweden or swedes but I've always appreciated my Swedish neighbors.

You've got niggers and sandniggers, they kill twice as more as corona would ever do. So shut up and pray for quick death in the upcoming destruction of your country

>they literally import pure niggers
and you don't?

Why are Swedes so fucking arrogant

They think they're such hot shit. Everyone is laughing at your country and your mindset.

This time sweden does the right thing, unironically

>just 8 people dead in last 24h in Sweden
It's nothingburger am I right?

,could say the same thing about your country bong. pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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This, oldest ally.

Swedistan is safe: Dear 3rd World I repeat: Swedistan is a safe heaven with million gibs - pls go there - ty

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>Sweden is too scared to declare any quarantine measures, because shitskins would laugh at them and have their ways, anyway.
Not only that. The government isn't ready to use the force required to enforce strict quarantine measures.

Nightclubs are still packed (albeit less than before) and people are still going to the gym, hanging out etc.

Among Swedes there is an attitude that we pay the highest taxes for the government to fix stuff, not to be >This time sweden does the right thing, unironically
Yes, but out of incompetence, not eugwnic reasons or similar

We have 6 death in the last day and total of 1k cases

better then being a country of pure niggers.

My lord. Northern Europe is lost.

>These last 24h only 8 people have died from it.
Your government don't work in the weekends, so the dead will come on monday and tuesday.

>nyheter idag
From the design of the bus stop, it looks like Oslo.

Show is from Netherland dude.

This proves you're worth less than niggers.

Shut up retard

>Btw: what's the per capita rate?
We can't compare that, since the Swedes that don't die in a hospital don't get counted. You have even open up sections in the old people's home, where old Corona-patients can be taken to "recover", but it's probably just a place to die for the ones too old for ICUs.

It's 2 dead in Sweden for the dead in Norway if we compare though.

>Not only that. The government isn't ready to use the force required to enforce strict quarantine measures.
But they banned groups over 50, in case some Swedes became mad enough to protest.

It's a good show has a hot girl too, right way to deal with drugs

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>Why is southern Europe quarantined again?
To stop 110 deaths from becoming 110.000. They are PREVENTATIVE measures, you inbred fucking mongoloid.
Ofcourse, what would a swedistani know about planning ahead. Your nation has no future to strive for after all, unless you consider a mudslime caliphate with daily grenade attacks and gangrapes a prospect. It's why your gubamint decided to do jack shit about it so your progressive image doesn't get tarnished.

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>>I don't understand exponential growth


You live in a wasteland you stupid nigger when was the last time Sweden contributed to anything

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>Yes, but out of incompetence, not eugwnic reasons or similar
I have tried to read up on what is really happening in Sweden, and the only thing I'm sure about is that most Swedes are scared of losing their jobs.

It's so fucking tragic, that I need to stop reading soon. since it makes me depressed. Sure enogh, Norway is kind of depressing too, but at least the Chinavirus is handled well now, from having been off from a rough start.

Sweden? Oh yeah, some of the most amazing arab countries out there.

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Abdul, for the last time, you're not Swedish.

sweden got bigger problems at this point than coronavirus

2nd from right looks sick, that pale skin color, how do you bongs manage that?

It is too soon to determine that there's a trend either way