What’s the likelihood of a Civil War commencing in the U.S. due to Corona-Chan?

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Hmm, about 9/11

Who cares about burgers

Its already happening in the media.


It won't happen

Over 9000

So goes America, so goes the world.
The world will only be free once the Hegemon falls.

0%, what would the war even be about?

>Who cares about burgers.
I do.

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Good luck britbong. Amazes me that euro's still think its not that bad here.

1984 - 1776 = 1 / x

x = 0.0048

Lmao imagine believing this

landlords v tenants lol

soon we will be free.

Thanks bong bro. You're alright in my book.

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The likely hood of multiple states collapsing from this are extremely high, especially if they do nothing for COV19 but even if they attempt to hard measures; the response from those measures would be only slightly less worse than the result of doing nothing. The U.S is fucked in every single way logistically.

Canada is already going to shit. If america fall guaranteed you faggots won't be far behind.

Thanks anglo fren

When they roll out mandatory vaccinations it will likely go up to 100%. If they force those of us who work to take the bill gates kike shit.

You must be trolling since literally everyone on earth knows that the US is the center of ZOG and is responsible for keeping the rest of the West in line.
Trolling or retarded.
100% of everyone in this thread other than you understands this.

Mini race war between slanties and groidbeasts is more likely. Gooks I know were already saying Shitavious and crew were harassing them about the Chang Chills. City gooks also saying they're going to arm themselves.

Believe it or not most of our population are not bloodthirsty savages. The political divide doesn't mean much. 125million voters vs. 225million people that wish they would shut the fuck up with their bitching, crying, and acting tough.

Canaderp is already fallen bro. Its leaning against us. We are litterally propping it up.

Stupid leaf... Of course the Western world would struggle. The Chinese would fill in the power vacuum if the United States collapsed tomorrow.

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Why do you retarded mutts always believe that the entire world is just a backdrop to what goes on in your 3rd world shithole?
Death to America, death to Israel, death to Judaism.
If 100 million mutts die as a result of the fallout this virus will create, it'll be a net gain for mankind.


Also how do you plan on dealing with this crisis without a universal health care program and unemployments benefits (like in the so-called "socialists" countries, even though they are actually often mid to right-ish, like France). It means your workers will avoid hospitals and keep working even if they are sick. If you add obesity and diabete in the mix as some of the main factors of mortality (as decisive as age). then boom. and then also yes federal vs state lol.

Toilet paper.

>The Chinese would fill in the power vacuum if the United States collapsed tomorrow.
Exactly. I do prefer a superpower away than closer.

>Exactly. I do prefer a superpower away than closer.

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Low as of right now, but if this crisis isn't managed properly and states like California, Washington, and New York start to go to shit there will be lots of desperate people looking for a way out and there will be conflict that spreads as a result.

>Also how do you plan on dealing with this crisis without a universal health care program and unemployments benefits (like in the so-called "socialists" countries, even though they are actually often mid to right-ish, like France).
None of that really matters if the healthcare system is overwhelmed like it is starting too be, dumbass. Neither does the fun money if the economy implodes more due to the insane ammount of inflation that has piled itself onto the dollar since 1913.
>but mu deflation is worse
For Fiat currency, yes. Fiat is built on the premise of inflation and debt. But for every other currency system that isn't pants on head retarded it is necessary.

Americans are too jewish to fight

>If 100 million mutts die as a result of the fallout this virus will create, it'll be a net gain for mankind.
I unironically agree with you if it's the correct 100 million.

states applying quarantine (citizens staying home and applying strong social distancing) vs states who do not.
you won't allow citizens from a state applying quarantine into a state that does not. so yes border.

America is literally a shit hole idk if you've noticed this

Your country is a moss on burgerland body

This is the reason you guys lost, retard. We could have been allies. I hate you

70% no 30% yes. The chances will rise and fall with certain scenarios.

Americans vs activated chink ccp sleeper cells. get fucking smart you retards. round up the chinks. this is a war.

the keyword in my post is -prefer-

At least you're not speaking German, right?
You fought the wrong enemy, pal.

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>United States of America
>United States

good one swede cuck

Every single wedge the yids have driven between the American people, from race to politics to class to education. Each state would have multiple warlord factions vying to control of resources and a former central government trying to regain control.

Found the Turk.

Post physique, mutt.

We need a revolt, not a civil war.

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Liberal Faggots wont do SHIT.
They will stop their degeneracy at Military Gunpoint.
THATS how this will all shake out.

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based kraut

If the power goes out anything could happen.

D&c shill detected. Whites should support each other’s nationalist cause wherever they are in the world. White unity worldwide is required to defeat ZOG

>Everyone but me is a shill!
>Everyone but me is anti-white!
The moment a Nationalist movement picks up arms in the US (or anywhere else for that matter) that's not run by glowniggers, I'm making my way to your godforsaken country to help them.

Ok fair enough. Maybe you’re alright kraut

Not at all. If anything it will be a unifier


See, the problem with all these movements, regardless of where they're based, is the fact that they like to talk big game (especially on the Internet) but when push comes to shove, they get beaten up by literal Antifa twinks.
What we lack is institutional power that stems from a certain degree of organization.

What we lack is an intellectual fervor. That’s the foremost problem. These groups get together under thinly veiled racism and become caricatures (because they are controlled opposition). They have no intellect or education. We need real thinkers like Kevin Macdonald among others. That’s the problem. Retards fall into the trap of looking like white trash racists, and it repels the more intellectual types that we so surely need

Extremely low almost non existent like your brain.

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Nope its a nothing burger. Go take your meds and go back to work schizo


You are the size of one Ameeican state. Please pipe down Hans.

Well, I don't think optics matter all that much. War rules apply here, meaning that you'll have to sacrifice some people in order to attain victory. If these individuals just so happen to be white trash, so be it.
That way, we can spare the more valuable ones to father children and do other productive things.

Since we'll be free to go back to life, with some suggested behavior modifications after tonight, I'd venture that the jew attempted takeover of Virginia is probably about the only place that anything might happen. They got literal faggot activists in their statehouse trying to push disarming people they've never met, just because to jews everyone is a threat, and because homos can't feel comfortable.